Title: Russian Roulette: The Story of an Assassin (Alex Rider Series #10), Author: Anthony Horowitz
Title: The Passion of Dolssa, Author: Julie Berry
Title: Mister Death's Blue-Eyed Girls, Author: Mary Downing Hahn
Title: Orphan Monster Spy, Author: Matt Killeen
Title: Day of Ice (Crusoe Adventure Series #2), Author: Andrew Lane
Title: All the Truth That's in Me, Author: Julie Berry
Title: Revolver, Author: Marcus Sedgwick
Title: Dawn of Spies (Crusoe Adventure Series #1), Author: Andrew Lane
Title: Heroes, Author: Robert Cormier
Title: The Darkest Hour, Author: Caroline Tung Richmond
Title: Trell, Author: Dick Lehr
Title: The New Guy (and Other Senior Year Distractions), Author: Amy Spalding