Title: Fictions of Form in American Poetry, Author: Stephen Cushman
Title: Imaginary Biographies: Misreading the Lives of the Poets, Author: Geoff Klock
Title: Philosophical Conceptualization and Literary Art:: Inference, Ereignis, and Conceptual Attunement to the Work of Poetic Genius, Author: Phillip Stambovsky
Title: Poetics of Dislocation, Author: Meena Alexander
Title: Romantic Confusions of the Good: Beauty as Truth, Truth Beauty, Author: Marion Montgomery
Title: The Grounding of American Poetry: Charles Olson and the Emersonian Tradition, Author: Stephen Fredman
Title: The Modern Poet: Poetry, Academia, and Knowledge since the 1750s, Author: Robert Crawford
Title: The Regenerate Lyric: Theology and Innovation in American Poetry, Author: Elisa New