Title: Latin American Business: Equity Distortion in Regional Resource Allocation in Brazil, Author: Werner Baer
Title: Capital Control, Financial Regulation, and Industrial Policy in South Korea and Brazil, Author: Jessica Nembhard
Title: Industrial Policy, Technology, and International Bargaining: Designing Nuclear Industries in Argentina and Brazil, Author: Etel Solingen
Title: The Microcomputer Industry in Brazil: The Case of a Protected High-Technology Industry, Author: Eduardo Luzio
Title: Latin American Debt and the Politics of International Finance, Author: Ernest Oliveri
Title: Industrialization, Trade and Market Failures: The Role of Government Intervention in Brazil and South Korea, Author: Mauricio Mesquita Moreira
Title: Third World Multinationals: Engine of Competitiveness or New Form of Dependency?, Author: F. Beausang
Title: Debt And Adjustment Policies In Brazil, Author: Jorge Chami Batista
Title: Technology, Competitiveness and Radical Policy Change: The Case of Brazil, Author: J?rg Meyer-Stamer