Title: Parmenides, Author: Plato
by Plato
Title: Phaedrus, Author: Plato
by Plato
Title: Symposium, Author: Plato
Title: Parmenides, Author: Plato
by Plato
Title: The Clouds, Author: Aristophanes
Title: Timaeus, Author:
by "Plato
Title: Apology, Crito, and Phaedo of Socrates, Author: Plato
Title: The Symposium, Author: Plato
Title: The Memorable Thoughts of Socrates, Author: Xenophon
Title: A Socratic Introduction to Plato's Republic, Author: Peter Kreeft
Title: The American System versus Common-Law Heritage: American Robbers On the King's Highway, Author: Peter O'lalor
Title: The Trial and Death of Socrates: Euthyphro, Apology, Crito, death scene from Phaedo, Author: Plato