Title: Malevolent Republic: A Short History of the New India, Author: K.S. Komireddi
Title: Middle-Class Values in India and Western Europe, Author: Imtiaz Ahmad
Title: The Politics of the Pharmaceutical Industry and Access to Medicines: World Pharmacy and India, Author: Hans Löfgren
Title: Literature and Nationalist Ideology: Writing Histories of Modern Indian Languages, Author: Hans Harder
Title: China, Japan, and Senkaku Islands: Conflict in the East China Sea Amid an American Shadow, Author: Monika Chansoria
Title: Markets, Capitalism and Urban Space in India: Right to Sell, Author: Anirban Acharya
Title: The Gendered and Colonial Lives of Gurkhas in Private Security: From Military to Market, Author: Amanda Chisholm
Title: Commonwealth and Independence in Post-Soviet Eurasia, Author: Bruno Coppieters
Title: Mobilising China's One-Child Generation: Education, Nationalism and Youth Militarisation in the PRC, Author: Orna Naftali