Title: Pigeons: The Fascinating Saga of the World's Most Revered and Reviled Bird, Author: Andrew D. Blechman
Title: Flight of the Diamond Smugglers: A Tale of Pigeons, Obsession, and Greed Along Coastal South Africa, Author: Matthew Gavin Frank
Title: The Real Poop on Pigeons!: TOON Level 1, Author: Kevin McCloskey
Title: The Pigeon Book, Author: A. H. Osman
Title: A Very British Coop: Pigeon Racing From Blackpool to Sun City, Author: Mark Collings
Title: Functional Morphology of the Tail Apparatus of the Pigeon (Columba livia), Author: Julian J. Baumel
Title: Avian Navigation: Pigeon Homing as a Paradigm / Edition 1, Author: Hans G. Wallraff