Title: The Universe Explained with a Cookie: What Baking Cookies Can Teach Us About Quantum Mechanics, Cosmology, Evolution, Chaos, Complexity, and More, Author: Geoff Engelstein
Title: The Nuts and Bolts: An Introduction to Chemistry: A, Author: Zachary Kubin
Title: Group Theory Applied to Chemistry, Author: Arnout Jozef Ceulemans
Title: Plants of Commercial Values, Author: Bikarma Singh
Title: Concepts in Physical Chemistry, Author: Peter Atkins
Title: Computational Chemistry: Introduction to the Theory and Applications of Molecular and Quantum Mechanics, Author: Errol G. Lewars
Title: The Era of Nanotechnology: Emergence and Essentials, Author: Cherry Bhargava
Title: Physikalische Chemie Kapieren: Thermodynamik . Kinetik . Elektrochemie, Author: Sebastian Seiffert
Title: Advances in Heat Transfer, Author: John Patrick Abraham