Title: A Wonder-Book for Girls and Boys, Author: Nathaniel Hawthorne
Title: Representations of Technology in Science Fiction for Young People, Author: Noga Applebaum
Title: Entranced by Story: Brain, Tale and Teller, from Infancy to Old Age, Author: Hugh Crago
Title: Internationalism in Children's Series, Author: K. Sands-O'Connor
Title: Enchanted Hunters: The Power of Stories in Childhood, Author: Maria Tatar
Title: A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, Author: James Joyce
Title: Ideologies of Identity in Adolescent Fiction: The Dialogic Construction of Subjectivity, Author: Robyn McCallum
Title: Secrets, Lies and Children's Fiction, Author: K. Mallan
Title: Crossover Fiction: Global and Historical Perspectives, Author: Sandra L. Beckett
Title: Children's Literature and its Effects, Author: Cedric Cullingford
Title: The Case of Peter Pan, or the Impossibility of Children's Fiction / Edition 1, Author: Jacqueline Rose
Title: Waking Sleeping Beauty: Feminist Voices in Children's Novels, Author: Roberta S. Trites
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Title: The Promise of Happiness: Value and Meaning in Children's Fiction, Author: Fred Inglis