Title: The IT Support Handbook: A How-To Guide to Providing Effective Help and Support to IT Users, Author: Mike Halsey
Title: Smart and Intelligent Systems: The Human Elements in Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, and Cybersecurity, Author: Abbas Moallem
Title: R for the Rest of Us: A Statistics-Free Introduction, Author: David  Keyes
Title: Pandas Workout: 200 exercises to make you a stronger data analyst, Author: Reuven Lerner
Title: Measurements-Based Radar Signature Modeling: An Analysis Framework, Author: Joseph T. Mayhan
Title: Math and Architectures of Deep Learning, Author: Krishnendu Chaudhury
Title: Machine Learning and Deep Learning in Efficacy Improvement of Healthcare Systems, Author: Om Prakash Jena
Title: Deep Neural Network Applications, Author: Hasmik Osipyan
Title: D3.js in Action, Third Edition, Author: Elijah Meeks
Title: Application of Big Data in Petroleum Streams, Author: Jay Gohil