Title: Alabama Stitch Book: Projects and Stories Celebrating Hand-Sewing, Quilting, and Embroidery for Contemporary Sustainable Style, Author: Natalie Chanin
Title: Custom Knits: Unleash Your Inner Designer with Top-Down and Improvisational Techniques, Author: Wendy Bernard
Title: Knit 2 Together: Patterns and Stories for Serious Knitting Fun, Author: Tracey Ullman
Title: Knitting Nature: 39 Designs Inspired by Patterns in Nature, Author: Norah Gaughan
Title: The Knitting Goddess: Finding the Heart and Soul of Knitting Through Instruction, Author: Deborah Bergman
Title: Vintage Baby Knits: More Than 40 Heirloom Patterns from the 1920s to the 1950s, Author: Kristen Rengren