Title: Emilii weslii utipaachimuwin uchepukumuu uhchiiu / L'histoire d'Emily Wesley d'Oujé-Bougoumou: The Story of Emily Wesley of Oujé-Bougoumou, Author: Ruth Dyckfehderau
Title: Chaanithin lintin utipaachimuwin mistisiniihch uhchiiu / L'histoire de Jonathan Linton de Mistissini: The Story of Jonathan Linton of Mistissini, Author: Ruth Dyckfehderau
Title: Chaak utir utipaachimuwin waaswaanipiihch uhchiiu / L'histoire de Jack Otter de Waswanipi: The Story of Jack Otter of Waswanipi, Author: Ruth Dyckfehderau
Title: Rus siwaalu utipaachimuwin chisaasiipiihch uhchiiu / L'histoire de Rose Swallow de Chisasibi: The Story of Rose Swallow of Chisasibi, Author: Ruth Dyckfehderau