Title: The Path to Power: The Years of Lyndon Johnson, Volume 1, Author: Robert A. Caro
Title: Means of Ascent: The Years of Lyndon Johnson, Volume 2, Author: Robert A. Caro
Title: Barack Obama, the New Face of American Politics, Author: Martin Dupuis
Title: Shapers of the Great Debate on Jacksonian Democracy: A Biographical Dictionary, Author: Paul E. Doutrich
Title: Encyclopedia of the Clinton Presidency, Author: Peter B. Levy
Title: George Washington: A Biographical Companion, Author: Frank E. Grizzard Jr.
Title: The Presidents, First Ladies, and Vice Presidents: White House Biographies, 1789-2009 / Edition 1, Author: Deborah Kalb
Title: Andrew Johnson: A Biographical Companion, Author: Glenna R. Schroeder-Lein