Title: Dinosaur Hunter (Ultimate Expeditions Series), Author: Nancy Honovich
Title: Art2-D2's Guide to Folding and Doodling (An Origami Yoda Activity Book), Author: Tom Angleberger
Title: Scratch and Sparkle Princess Stencil Art, Author: Tim Bugbird
Title: Easy Origami, Author: Mary Meinking
Title: Easy Origami Greeting Cards: An Augmented Reality Crafting Experience, Author: Christopher Harbo
Title: Rainforest Explorer (Ultimate Expeditions Series), Author: Nancy Honovich
Title: Not-Quite-So-Easy Origami, Author: Mary Meinking
Title: Having Fun with Paper, Author: Sarah Medina
Title: Sort-of-Difficult Origami, Author: Chris Alexander
Title: Building Sunshades, Author: Marne Ventura
Title: The Paper Doll Wedding, Author: Hilda Miloche
Title: Out of the Box: 25 Cardboard Engineering Projects for Makers, Author: Jemma Westing
Title: Wonder Woman Origami: Amazing Folding Projects Featuring the Warrior Princess, Author: John Montroll
Title: Papier M�ch�, Author: Judy Balchin
Title: Asian Kites (Asian Arts and Crafts For Creative Kids Series), Author: Wayne Hosking
Title: Action Origami, Author: Joe Fullman
Title: Easy Origami Ornaments: An Augmented Reality Crafting Experience, Author: Christopher Harbo
Title: Superman Origami: Amazing Folding Projects Featuring the Man of Steel, Author: John Montroll
Title: DreamWorks How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World: Ready to Fly, Author: Marilyn Easton
Title: Origami Farm Animals, Author: Lisa Miles