Title: In the Claws of the German Eagle, Author: Albert Rhys Williams
Title: In the Claws of the German Eagle, Author: Albert Rhys Williams
Title: Gestapo, Author: Paul Lucas
Title: The Nazis, Author: Paul Roland
Title: Infantry Attacks, Author: Erwin Rommel
Title: Captured Tanks in German Service: Small Tanks and Armored Tractors 1939-45, Author: Werner Regenberg
Title: Weapons and Equipment of the German Fallschirmtruppe 1941-1945, Author: Alex Buchner
Title: A Crack in the Wall: Growing up under Hitler, Author: Horst Kruger
Title: Guns on the Atlantic Wall 1942-1945, Author: Karl Hienzand
Title: Luftwaffe Airfield Equipment, Author: Joachim Dressel
Title: German Defensive Batteries and Gun Emplacements on the Normandy Beaches, Author: Karl-Heinz Schmeelke
Title: Panzer I, Author: Horst Scheibert
Title: Weapons and Equipment of the German Cavalry in World War II, Author: Klaus Richter
Title: German 20mm Flak in World War II, Author: Werner Müller
Title: Captured Weapons and Equipment of the German Wehrmacht 1938-1945, Author: Wolfgang Fleischer
Title: The 37mm Pak, Author: Werner Haupt
Title: Military Vehicles of the Reichswehr, Author: Wolfgang Fleischer
Title: German Heavy Field Artillery in World War II, Author: Schiffer Publishing
Title: Ground Radar Systems of the Luftwaffe 1939-1945, Author: Werner Müller
Title: German Light and Heavy Infantry Artillery 1914-1945, Author: Schiffer Publishing

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