Title: Hierba / Grass, Author: Keum Suk Gendry-Kim
Title: La filósofa, el perro y la boda / The Philosopher, the Dog and the Wedding: The Story of the Infamous Female Philosopher Hipparchia, Author: Barbara Stok
Title: Una trilogía rural (Bodas de sangre, Yerma y La casa de Bernarda Alba) / Lorca's Rural Trilogy: A Graphic Novel, Author: Federico García Lorca
Title: Mujer, Vida, Libertad / Woman, Life, Freedom, Author: Marjane Satrapi
Title: Marvel Studios. El diccionario visual (Marvel Studios Visual Dictionary), Author: Adam Bray
Title: Dispararon al pianista / They Shot the Piano Player, Author: FERNANDO TRUEBA
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Title: 1984 (edición ilustrada) / 1984 (Ilustrated Edition), Author: George Orwell
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Title: Relampago el Ser Increible Volume 1 Standard Color Hardcover, Author: Brian Muehl