Bash. Receptury

Bash. Receptury

Bash. Receptury

Bash. Receptury


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Poznaj mo?liwo?ci pow?oki bash i dostosuj system do w?asnych potrzeb

  • Jak pisa? skrypty konwertuj?ce pliki w formacie DOS i Unix?
  • Jak konfigurowa? interpreter bash, aby odpowiada? potrzebom i stylowi pracy u?ytkownika?
  • Jak opracowa? bezpieczne skrypty pow?oki?

Bash to jedna z najpopularniejszych pow?ok systemów uniksowych, umo?liwiaj?ca prac? interaktywn? i wsadow?. J?zyk basha pozwala na definiowanie aliasów i funkcji, a tak?e zawiera konstrukcje steruj?ce przep?ywem. Bash (tak jak wiele innych narz?dzi opisanych w tej ksi??ce) stworzono w ramach projektu GNU - wolno dost?pnego systemu operacyjnego. Sposób u?ywania pow?oki jest bardzo prosty, polega na wprowadzeniu polecenia zgodnie z regu?ami sk?adni. Nast?pnie zostaje ono zinterpretowane i wykonane przez system.

Ksi??ka "bash. Receptury" zawiera opis pow?oki bash oraz prezentuje praktyczne przyk?ady rozwi?za? problemów spotykanych powszechnie podczas projektowania skryptów. W ka?dej chwili mo?esz si? do nich odwo?a?, dostosowuj?c system do w?asnych potrzeb. Podr?cznik obejmuje równie? opis zasad funkcjonowania interpretera - ich zastosowanie umo?liwia zwi?kszenie wydajno?ci pracy. Korzystaj?c z tej ksi??ki, dowiesz si?, jak pobiera? interpreter bash dla ró?nych systemów lub korzysta? z pow?oki bash bez jej pobierania; poznasz techniki automatyzacji zada? oraz rozwi?zania skryptowe odnosz?ce si? do operacji wej?cia-wyj?cia czy przetwarzania plików, a tak?e sposoby tworzenia programów i wykonywania zada? administracyjnych.

  • Praca z pow?ok? bash
  • Standardowy strumie? wej?ciowy
  • Standardowy strumie? wyj?ciowy
  • Wykonywanie polece?
  • Podstawy tworzenia skryptów - zmienne pow?oki
  • Logika i arytmetyka pow?oki
  • Dodatkowe mechanizmy skryptowe
  • Przetwarzanie informacji o dacie i czasie
  • Skrypty usprawniaj?ce prac? u?ytkownika
  • Interpretacja danych
  • Bezpieczne skrypty pow?oki
  • Zadania administracyjne
"bash. Receptury" - wszystko, czego potrzebujesz, aby zapewni? optymalne warunki pracy systemu!

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781457171789
Publisher: Helion
Publication date: 08/15/2012
Sold by: Barnes & Noble
Format: eBook
Pages: 624
File size: 4 MB
Language: Polish

About the Author

Carl Albing writes software for some of the biggest and fastest computers in the world. A software engineer for Cray, Inc. and an independent consultant, he is comfortable programming with C, Java, bash and much more. Carl is the coauthor of two books, one on Java development on Linux and his latest, the O'Reilly "bash Cookbook". A software consultant, manager, analyst and programmer with an amazing breadth of software experience, Carl has worked with companies in the US, Canada and Europe. He has worked for large companies and small startups, in technical as well as in managerial and marketing roles. Carl's software projects, past and present, involve the design and development of distributed computing software, medical image processing applications, compilers, medical devices, web-based factory floor automation, and more. Carl's education includes graduate work in Computer Science as well as a degree in Mathematics and an International MBA. He has spoken at conferences and training seminars in the US, Canada and Europe as well as local high schools and colleges. Carl enjoys speaking at user groups and seminars on Linux, C, and Java topics. You can visit for his contact information.

JP Vossen has been working with computers since the early 80s and has been in the IT industry since the early 90s, specializing in Information Security since the late 90s. He's been fascinated with scripting and automation since he first understood what an autoexec.bat was, and was delighted to discover the power and flexibility of bash and GNU on Linux in the mid-90s. He has previously written for Information Security Magazine and, among others. On those few occasion when he's not in front of a computer, he is usually taking something apart, putting something together, or both.

Cameron Newham lives in Perth, Western Australia. After completing a Bachelor of Science majoring in information technology and geography at the University of Western Australia, Cameron joined Universal Defence Systems (later to become Australian Defence Industries) as a software engineer. He has been with ADI for six years, working on various aspects of command and control systems. In his spare time Cameron can be found surfing the Internet, ballroom dancing, or driving his sports car. He also has more than a passing interest in space science, 3D graphics, synthesiser music, and Depeche Mode.

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