Title: The Study In Red Trilogy: The Complete Series, Author: Brian L Porter
Title: Arsène Lupin e o triângulo de ouro, Author: Maurice LeBlanc
Title: The Thinking Machine, Author: Jacques Futrelle
Title: Arsène Lupin e os dentes do tigre, Author: Maurice LeBlanc
Title: The 50-Plus Condo Collection: The Complete Series, Author: Janie Owens
Title: Arsène Lupin e as oito badaladas do relógio, Author: Maurice LeBlanc
Title: Arsène Lupin e a condessa de Cagliostro, Author: Maurice LeBlanc
Title: Detective Maier Mysteries Collection: The Complete Series, Author: Tom Vater
Title: The Game of Deception: A Collection Of Suspense Novels, Author: Didi Oviatt
Title: Secrets and Shadows: A Collection Of Crime Mystery Novels, Author: Giles Ekins
Title: Arsène Lupin e os enigmas, Author: Maurice LeBlanc
Title: Arsène Lupin e a mansão misteriosa, Author: Maurice LeBlanc
Title: Ghost Hunters Primer, Author: S H Marpel
Title: Canary Islands Mysteries - Books 1-3, Author: Isobel Blackthorn
Title: Arsène Lupin e o mistério de Barre-y-va, Author: Maurice LeBlanc
Title: Ars�ne Lupin e a Agulha Oca, Author: Maurice LeBlanc