Title: Stranger Things: Worlds Turned Upside Down: The Official Behind-the-Scenes Companion, Author: Gina McIntyre
Title: Doctor Who: The Monster Vault, Author: Jonathan Morris
Title: Halle Berry: A Biography, Author: Melissa Ewey Johnson
Title: Doctor Who: Dalek Combat Manual, Author: Mike Tucker
Title: Televisuality: Style, Crisis, and Authority in American Television, Author: John T Caldwell
Title: Martin Scorsese: A Biography, Author: Vincent LoBrutto
Title: The Movie Book of Answers, Author: Carol  Bolt
Title: Acting: An International Encyclopedia of Traditional Culture, Author: Mary Beth Osnes
Title: George Clooney: A Biography, Author: Joni Hirsch Blackman
Title: Television, Author: Emma Carlson Berne
Title: Those Were the Days: Why All in the Family Still Matters, Author: Jim Cullen
Title: The Art of Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter, Author: NA