Title: A Brighter Morn: The Shelley Circle's Utopian Project, Author: Darby Lewes
Title: A Do-It-Yourself Dystopia: The Americanization of Big Brother, Author: Steven Carter Henderson State University
Title: A Truly Golden Handbook
Title: Alternative America: Henry George, Edward Bellamy, Henry Demarest Lloyd and the Adversary Tradition, Author: John L. Thomas
Title: America's Spiritual Utopias: The Quest for Heaven on Earth, Author: David Yount
Title: An Empire Nowhere: England, America, and Literature from Utopia to The Tempest, Author: Jeffrey Knapp
Title: An Ordered Love: Sex Roles and Sexuality in Victorian Utopias--The Shakers, the Mormons, and the Oneida Community, Author: Louis J. Kern
Title: Artificial Life After Frankenstein, Author: Eileen M. Hunt
Title: Becoming Utopian: The Culture and Politics of Radical Transformation, Author: Tom Moylan
Title: Black Utopia: The History of an Idea from Black Nationalism to Afrofuturism, Author: Alex Zamalin
Title: Cities of the Gods: Communist Utopias in Greek Thought, Author: Doyne Dawson
Title: Communal Utopias and the American Experience Religious Communities, 1732-2000, Author: Robert P. Sutton
Title: Communes in America, 1975-2000, Author: Timothy Miller
Title: Constructing the Stalinist Body: Fictional Representations of Corporeality in the Stalinist 1930s, Author: Keith A. Livers
Title: D.H. Lawrence: The Utopian Vision, Author: Eugene Goodheart
Title: Dark Horizons: Science Fiction and the Dystopian Imagination / Edition 1, Author: Tom Moylan
Title: Dictionary of American Communal and Utopian History, Author: Robert S. Fogarty
Title: Dreams and Visions: A Study of American Utopias, 1865-1917, Author: Charles Rooney
Title: Dystopian Literature: A Theory and Research Guide, Author: M. Keith Booker
Title: Ecstatic Transformation: On the Uses of Alterity in the Middle Ages, Author: M. Uebel

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