Title: The Fall of Che Guevara: A Story of Soldiers, Spies, and Diplomats, Author: Henry Butterfield Ryan
Title: Power and Violence in the Colonial City: Oruro from the Mining Renaissance to the Rebellion of Tupac Amaru (1740-1782), Author: Oscar Cornblit
Title: Teetering on the Rim: Global Restructuring, Daily Life, and the Armed Retreat of the Bolivian State, Author: Lesley Gill
Title: Poverty and Inequality in the Era of Structural Reforms: The Case of Bolivia / Edition 1, Author: Julius Spatz
Title: Debt, Crisis Reform Bolivia: Biting the Bullet, Author: L. Jemio
Title: Revolution and the Rebirth of Inequality: A Theory Applied to the National Revolution in Bolivia, Author: Johathan Kelley
Title: The Defeat of Che Guevara: Military Response to Guerrilla Challenge in Bolivia, Author: Gary Prado Salmon
Title: Latin American Inflation: Theoretical Interpretations and Empirical Results, Author: Julio Cole
Title: Haciendas and Ayllus: Rural Society in the Bolivian Andes in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries, Author: Herbert  S. Klein
Title: Electoral Rules and the Transformation of Bolivian Politics: The Rise of Evo Morales, Author: B. Muñoz-Pogossian
Title: Regional Markets and Agrarian Transformation in Bolivia: Cochabamba, 1539-1960, Author: Robert H. Jackson