Title: A Human Being Died That Night: A South African Woman Confronts the Legacy of Apartheid, Author: Pumla Gobodo-Madikizela
Title: Twilight People: One Man's Journey To Find His Roots, Author: David Houze
Title: The Bang-Bang Club, movie tie-in: Snapshots From a Hidden War, Author: Greg Marinovich
Title: My Revision Notes: Edexcel AS/A-level History South Africa, 1948-94: from apartheid state to 'rainbow nation', Author: Peter Clements
Title: A Search for Origins: Science, history and South Africa's 'Cradle of Humankind', Author: Trefor Jenkins
Title: Miriam's Song: A Memoir, Author: Mark Mathabane
Title: Nelson Mandela: A Biography, Author: Peter Limb
Title: Ian Berry; Living Apart: South Africa under apartheid, Author: Ian Berry
Title: OCR GCSE History Explaining the Modern World: South Africa 1960-1994, Author: Jennifer McCullough
Title: Desmond Tutu: A Biography, Author: Steven D. Gish
Title: Mandela: An Illustrated Autobiography, Author: Nelson Mandela
Title: The Bang-Bang Club, movie tie-in: Snapshots From a Hidden War, Author: Greg Marinovich
Title: South Africa's Diverse Peoples: A Reference Sourcebook, Author: Sally Frankental