Title: My Journey in Knowing God, Author: Rebecca L. Porreco
Title: Almost Everything: Notes on Hope, Author: Anne Lamott
Title: The Naked Truth: Who Am I?, Author: Bobbie Jackson
Title: Ninzi's Secret: A Journey of Love, Discovery, and Heritage, Author: Margaret Williams Walker
Title: Your Soul: Fixer-Upper or Tear Down? The Bible Blueprint for Renovation and Rebuild!:, Author: Barbara Camp
Title: The Door of My Heart: Illustrated Encounters, Author: Ariel Fortson
Title: Beauty for Ashes: Your Pain Has A Greater Purpose, Author: Shenine Wiggs
Title: Hope in a Democratic Age: Philosophy, Religion, and Political Theory, Author: Alan  Mittleman
Title: Redemptive Hope: From the Age of Enlightenment to the Age of Obama, Author: Akiba J. Lerner
Title: The Task of Hope in Kierkegaard, Author: Mark Bernier