Title: Origenisme. Origines du college Louis-le-Grand: Melanges de la Bibliotheque de la Sorbonne. Serie. N4, Author: Andre Tuilier
Title: The End of Liberation? Liberation in the end! - Befreiung am Ende? Am Ende Befreiung! - La liberation, est-elle a sa fin? Enfin la liberation! Feminist Theory, Feminist Theology and their political implications - Feministische Theorie, feministische Theol, Author: A Berlis
Title: Sources and Resources of Feminist Theologies, Author: E Hartlieb
Title: Creation et evenement. Autour de Jean Ladriere. Centre International de Cerisy-la-Salle. Actes de la Decade du 21 au 31 aout 1995., Author: G Florival