Title: The Path to Power: The Years of Lyndon Johnson, Volume 1, Author: Robert A. Caro
Title: Means of Ascent: The Years of Lyndon Johnson, Volume 2, Author: Robert A. Caro
Title: The Eleanor Roosevelt Encyclopedia, Author: Maurine H. Beasley
Title: Japanese American Internment during World War II: A History and Reference Guide / Edition 1, Author: Wendy Ng
Title: The Assassination of William McKinley, Author: Annmarie Wilson
Title: Theodore Roosevelt (American Presidents Series), Author: Louis Auchincloss
Title: Woodrow Wilson (American Presidents Series), Author: H. W. Brands
Title: Theodore Roosevelt, Author: Mario R. Di Nunzio
Title: Woodrow Wilson, Author: Kendrick A. Clements
Title: William McKinley (American Presidents Series), Author: Kevin Phillips
Title: Franklin Delano Roosevelt (American Presidents Series), Author: Roy Jenkins
Title: Warren G. Harding (American Presidents Series), Author: John W. Dean
Title: Franklin D. Roosevelt: A Biography, Author: Jeffrey W. Coker
Title: Calvin Coolidge (American Presidents Series), Author: David Greenberg
Title: Herbert Hoover (American Presidents Series), Author: William E. Leuchtenburg
Title: Franklin D. Roosevelt, Author: Lorena Huddle