Title: Lake of blood, Author: Abdullah Boumoza
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Title: Modern Iraq from 1900 to 1950, historical, political, social, and economic, Author: Stephen Hemsley Longcreek
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Title: Clarify the hidden in the tail to reveal the suspicions, Author: Ismail Al -Babani
Title: The total fatwas, Author: Ibn Taymiyyah
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Title: In the shadows of the Prophet's biography, Author: Muhammad Al-Soyani
Title: Political and cultural communication between Oman and Persia, Author: Saif Al-Muqbali
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Title: The end of the readers' layers, Author: Ibn Al -Jazari
Title: Question arguments in the book The Death of Atheism by Sheikh Ahmed Al-Khalili, Author: Saleh Abdullah bin Al-Salti
Title: Islam and Arab civilization, Author: Muhammad Kurd Ali
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by Watch
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Title: The roots of envy... psychological and social manifestations, Author: Eugene Rega
Title: The ember of governance - the Shiites of Iraq and the travails of building the state and nation after 2003, Author: Ali Taher Al-Hamoud

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