Title: The Imitation of Christ, Author: Thomas à Kempis
Title: Walden, or Life in the Woods, Author: Henry David Thoreau
Title: Walden and Civil Disobedience, Author: Henry David Thoreau
Title: As a Man Thinketh, Author: James Allen
Title: Five Lessons, Author: Neville Goddard
Title: Think and Grow Rich, Author: Napoleon Hill
Title: Townhouse, Author: Vladimir Gurvich
Title: Law of success. Sixteen lessons, Author: Napoleon Hill
Title: Dad trap, Author: Marina Semenova
Title: Friendship: A Book of Quotations, Author: Herb Galewitz
Title: Three lives of one woman, Author: Vladimir Gurvich
Title: Law of success. Lesson eight: Self control, Author: Napoleon Hill
Title: Law of success. Lesson twelve: Concentration, Author: Napoleon Hill
Title: Law of success. Lesson eleven: Sharp mind, Author: Napoleon Hill
Title: I can't part with you, Author: Irina Ostrovetskaya
Title: concubine, Author: Vladimir Gurvich
Title: Woman in the Nineteenth Century, Author: Margaret Fuller
Title: Choice, Author: Alexandra Plen
Title: Law of success. Lesson five: Initiative and leadership, Author: Napoleon Hill
Title: Law of success. Lesson three: Confidence in yourself, Author: Napoleon Hill

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