Title: Sammy Spider's First Purim, Author: Sylvia A. Rouss
Title: The Queen Who Saved Her People, Author: Tilda Balsley
Title: The Purim Superhero, Author: Elisabeth Kushner
Title: Talia and the Haman-tushies, Author: Linda Elovitz Marshall
Title: Not for All the Hamantaschen in Town, Author: Laura Aron Milhander
Title: Panda Purim, Author: Jennifer Tzivia MacLeod
Title: Esther: Queen of Purim, Author: Rhea Beth Compton
Title: The Purim Story: Picture Books for ages 3-8, Jewish Holidays Series, Author: Sarah Mazor
Title: Purim Play, Author: Roni Schotter
Title: A Telling Time, Author: Irene N. Watts
Title: The Story Of Purim. The Book Esther: A Biblical Story Retold for Children, Author: Raquel Erdtmann