Title: The Secret Origins of Black Americans: Preserving History, Ethnicity, and Culture in the Face of an Ethnocide by Eurocentrists and Afrocentrists Genealogy Guid, Author: WKS Ph.D
Title: Narrative of the Life Of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave, Author: Frederick Douglass
Title: Back To The Roots , Learning My African-American Heritage, Author: Elizabeth Ann Reed
Title: The Negro in All Ages, Author: Henry McNeal Turner
Title: The Descent of the Negro, Author: Benjamin Tucker Tanner
Title: The Negro of the Earlier World: An Excursion Into Negro Ancient History, Author: Jesse Max Barber
Title: Principia of Ethnology: The Origin of Races and Color, Author: Martin Robison Delany
Title: Historical Sketches of the Ancient Negro, Author: Edward E. Carlisle
Title: The Amonian or Hamitic Origin of the Ancient Greeks, Cretans, and all the Celtic Races, Author: Joseph Elias Hayne
Title: The Negro's Origin, Author: Benjamin Tucker Tanner
Title: History of the Black Man, Author: Rev. Joseph Julius Jackson
Title: The Negro in Ancient History, Author: Rev. Edward Wilmot Blyden
Title: Creole Families of New Orleans, Author: Grace Elizabeth King
Title: Booker T. Washington The Best Works: Collection Includes The Future of the American Negro, The Negro in the South, and More, Author: Booker T. Washington
Title: Darkwater: Voices from Within the Veil, Author: W. E. B. Du Bois
Title: Zuni Folk Tales, Author: Frank Hamilton Cushing
Title: The Souls of Black Folk, Author: W. E. B. Du Bois
Title: The Negro in Sacred History, or, Ham and His Immediate Descendants, Author: Joseph Elias Hayne
Title: The Negro in Holy Writ, Author: Benjamin Tucker Tanner
Title: The Black Man: Or, The Natural History of the Hametic Race (1894), Author: Joseph Elias Hayne

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