Title: The Prince, Author: Niccolò Machiavelli
Title: Beyond Good and Evil: Prelude to a Philosophy of the Future, Author: Friedrich Nietzsche
Title: The Subjection of Women, Author: John Stuart Mill
Title: El Camino a la Felicidad: Una Guia Basada en el Sentido Comun para Vivir Mejor, Author: L. Ron Hubbard
Title: Philosophy for AS and A Level: Epistemology and Moral Philosophy / Edition 1, Author: Michael Lacewing
Title: Absolute Honesty: Building a Corporate Culture That Values Straight Talk and Rewards Integrity, Author: Larry Johnson
Title: Sister Species: Women, Animals and Social Justice, Author: Lisa A. Kemmerer
Title: The Genealogy of Morals, Author: Friedrich Nietzsche
Title: Nicomachean Ethics, Author: Aristotle
Title: Truth, Beauty, and Goodness Reframed: Educating for the Virtues in the Age of Truthiness and Twitter, Author: Howard E Gardner
Title: Nordic Moral Climates: Value Continuities and Discontinuities in Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden, Author: Ulla Bondeson