Title: A Volcano Beneath the Snow: John Brown's War Against Slavery, Author: Albert Marrin
Title: True Life: Alexander Hamilton, Author: Monika Davies
Title: Hillary Rodham Clinton: A Woman Living History, Author: Karen Blumenthal
Title: True Life: Frederick Douglass, Author: Torrey Maloof
Title: Unbroken (The Young Adult Adaptation): An Olympian's Journey from Airman to Castaway to Captive, Author: Laura Hillenbrand
Title: The Many Faces of Josephine Baker: Dancer, Singer, Activist, Spy, Author: Peggy Caravantes
Title: Benjamin Franklin: Inventor and Founding Father, Author: Kaitlyn Duling
Title: Alexander Hamilton, Revolutionary, Author: Martha Brockenbrough
Title: Dissenter on the Bench: Ruth Bader Ginsburg's Life and Work, Author: Victoria Ortiz