Title: Star Wars Journey to the Force Awakens: The Crimson Corsair and the Lost Treasure of Count Dooku: Tales From a Galaxy Far, Far Away, Author: Landry Quinn Walker
Title: Everything I Need to Know I Learned From a Star Wars Little Golden Book (Star Wars), Author: Geof Smith
Title: Star Wars Journey to the Force Awakens: High Noon on Jakku: Tales From a Galaxy Far, Far Away, Author: Landry Quinn Walker
Title: Star Wars: Journey to The Force Awakens: A Recipe for Death: Tales From a Galaxy Far, Far Away, Author: Landry Quinn Walker
Title: Star Wars Journey to the Force Awakens: The Face of Evil: Tales From a Galaxy Far, Far Away, Author: Landry Quinn Walker
Title: Star Wars Journey to the Force Awakens: All Creatures Great and Small: Tales From a Galaxy Far, Far Away, Author: Landry Quinn Walker