Title: Iron Fist (Star Wars Legends: X-Wing #6), Author: Aaron Allston
Title: Isard's Revenge (Star Wars Legends: X-Wing #8), Author: Michael A. Stackpole
Title: Keeper of the Isis Light, Author: Monica Hughes
Title: Rogue Squadron (Star Wars Legends: Rogue Squadron #1), Author: Michael A. Stackpole
Title: Solo Command (Star Wars Legends: X-Wing #7), Author: Aaron Allston
Title: Star Challengers: Moonbase Crisis: Star Challengers Book 1, Author: Rebecca Moesta
Title: Starfighters of Adumar (Star Wars Legends: X-Wing #9), Author: Aaron Allston
Title: Tara Nikkel and the Dream Mage, Author: R a Sapp
Title: The Bacta War (Star Wars Legends: X-Wing #4), Author: Michael A. Stackpole
Title: The Krytos Trap (Star Wars Legends: X-Wing #3), Author: Michael A. Stackpole
Title: Wedge's Gamble (Star Wars Legends: X-Wing #2), Author: Michael A. Stackpole
Title: Wraith Squadron (Star Wars Legends: X-Wing #5), Author: Aaron Allston