Title: The Teen Girl's Survival Guide: Ten Tips for Making Friends, Avoiding Drama, and Coping with Social Stress, Author: Lucie Hemmen PhD
Title: Resisting Peer Pressure for Teens: Advice on Drugs, School, Sex, and Fitting In, Author: Youth Communication
Title: How to Say No and Keep Your Friends: Peer Pressure Reversal for Teens and Preteens, Author: Sharon Scott
Title: Gangs, Author: Noah Berlatsky
Title: Peer Pressure in Robert Cormier's The Chocolate War, Author: Dedria Bryfonski
Title: Teenage Sexuality, Author: Aarti D. Stephens
Title: My Demon's Name is Ed, Author: Danah Khalil
Title: What's the Catch?: How to Avoid Getting Hooked and Manipulated, Author: David Sobel MD MPH