Encyclopedia of the Spanish-American and Philippine-American Wars

Encyclopedia of the Spanish-American and Philippine-American Wars

by Jerry Keenan
Pub. Date:
Bloomsbury Academic
Pub. Date:
Bloomsbury Academic
Encyclopedia of the Spanish-American and Philippine-American Wars

Encyclopedia of the Spanish-American and Philippine-American Wars

by Jerry Keenan


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An A–Z encyclopedia covering the principal battles and campaigns, key military and political figures, and the political maneuvering during the Spanish-American and Philippine-American Wars.

America's adventure into colonialism began with the destruction of the U.S. battleship Maine in 1898, presumably by a Spanish mine. The four month war against Spain that followed—the shortest declared war in U.S. history—resulted in the U.S. acquisition of the Philippines, Puerto Rico, and Guam. The young giant of the Western Hemisphere was transformed into a colonial power, and the balance of power in the world was changed forever.

In this chronicle of an era that has escaped the attention it deserves, military historian Jerry Keenan explores America's war with Spain and the violence that followed. He shows how the United States muddled the administration of the sprawling Philippine archipelago, guided by a policy that President McKinley called "benevolent assimilation." Within a year, the United States was fighting a war against Philippine nationalists—a three year conflict that would give American soldiers their first bitter taste of counterinsurgency warfare in an Asian jungle.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781576070932
Publisher: Bloomsbury Academic
Publication date: 12/05/2001
Pages: 467
Product dimensions: 7.00(w) x 10.00(h) x 1.06(d)
Age Range: 12 - 18 Years

About the Author

Jerry Keenan is a professional writer pursuing projects in U.S. and military history specializing in the American West and the Civil War.

Table of Contents

Adams, Charles Francis, Jr. (1835-1915)1
Agoncillo, Don Felipe (1859-1941)1
Aguadores River (Cuba), Demonstration at2
Aguinaldo y Famy, Emilio (1869-1964)3
Alejandrino (Alexandrino), Jose (1871-1951)6
Alfonso XII (1857-1885)7
Alfonso XIII (1885-1941)8
Alger, Russell Alexander (1836-1907)8
Allen, Charles H. (1848-1934)10
Allen, Henry Tureman (1859-1930)11
Allianca Incident11
Almodovar del Rio, Duque de (Juan Manuel Sanchez y Gutierrez de Castro) (1859-1906)12
Anderson, Thomas McArthur (1836-1917)13
Anti-Imperialist League14
Army, Filipino Nationalist15
Army, Spanish (Ejercito de Espana)16
Army, U.S.18
Artists and Illustrators21
Asiatic Squadron, U.S. Navy21
Astor, John Jacob (1864-1912)22
Augustin Davila, Don Basilio (1840-1910)24
Aunon y Villalon, Ramon (1844-1925)25
Auxiliary Squadron, U.S. Navy25
Balangiga Massacre (Philippines) (28 September 1901)27
Baldwin, Frank Dwight (1842-1923)28
Baler, Siege of (Philippines) (1 July 1898-2 June 1899)29
Balloons (U.S. Signal Corps)30
Bandholtz, Harry Hill (1864-1925)31
Barton, Clara (Clarissa) Harlowe (1821-1912)31
Bates, John Coalter (1842-1919)32
Bates Treaty (Philippines) (1899)33
Bayang (Moro Province, Philippines), Battle of (2 May 1902)34
Beef Scandal35
Bell, James Franklin (1856-1919)37
Benevolent Assimilation38
Benjamin, Anna Northend (1874-1902)39
Bennett, James Gordon, Jr. (1841-1918)39
Bigelow, Poultney (1855-1954)40
Biyak-na-Bato (Philippines), Pact of (14-15 December 1897)41
Black American Soldiers42
Black, Wilsone (1837-1909)44
Blanco y Erenas, Ramon (1833-1906)44
Bliss, Tasker Howard (1853-1930)45
Bonifacio, Andres (1863-1897)46
Boxer Rebellion (Uprising) (1899-1901)47
Bradford, Royal Bird (1844-1914)48
Breckinridge, Joseph Cabell (1842-1920)49
Brooke, John Rutter (1838-1926)50
Bryan, William Jennings (1860-1925)51
Bud Bagsak (Philippines), Battle of (13-15 January 1913)52
Bud Daju (Philippines), Battle of (5-7 March 1904)53
Bullard, Robert E. Lee (1861-1947)54
Bundy, Omar (1861-1940)55
Cadarso, Luis (1844-1898)57
Cailles, Juan (ca. 1868-?)57
Camara y Libermoore (Livermore), Manuel de la (1836-1920)58
Cambon, Jules Martin (1845-1935)59
Camps, Staging Areas, and Embarkation Points, U.S. Army59
Canary Islands64
Cannon, Joseph Gurney (1836-1926)64
Canovas del Castillo, Antonio (1828-1897)65
Cape Tunas (Cuba)65
Cape Verde Islands65
Capitulation Agreement, Santiago de Cuba (16 July 1898)66
Cardenas (Cuba)67
Carnegie, Andrew (1835-1919)68
Cavite (Philippine Islands)70
Cervera y Topete, Pascual (1839-1909)71
Cespedes, Carlos Manuel de (1819-1874)74
Chadwick, French Ensor (1844-1919)74
Chaffee, Adna Romanza (1842-1914)75
Chandler, William Eaton (1835-1917)76
Chichester, Edward (1849-1906)77
Christy, Howard Chandler (1873-1952)77
Cienfuegos (Cuba), Cutting the Cable at (May 1898)78
Cisneros, Evangelina (ca. 1880-?)80
"Civilize 'em with a Krag"82
Clark, Charles Edgar (1843-1922)82
Clayton-Bulwer Treaty (19 April 1850)83
Cleveland, (Stephen) Grover (1837-1908)83
Coaling Stations84
Coastal Defenses, U.S.85
Colonial Policies, U.S.86
Colwel, John Charles (1856-?)87
Committee on the Philippines88
Competitor Incident90
Converse, George Albert (1844-1909)91
Cook, Francis Augustus (1843-1916)92
Corbin, Henry Clark (1842-1909)92
Correa, Miguel (1830-1900)93
Corregidor Island (Philippines)93
Cortelyou, George Bruce (1862-1940)94
Crane, Stephen (1871-1900)95
Creelman, James (1859-1915)97
"Cuba Libre"98
Cuba, U.S. Military Occupation of99
Cuban Campaign (June-July 1898)100
Cuban Expeditionary Force, U.S.104
Cuban Junta105
Cuban League of the U.S.106
Cuban Revolution (Insurrection) (1895-1898)106
Cuban Revolutionary Army107
Cuban Revolutionary Government109
Cuban Revolutionary Party (El Partido Revolucionario Cubano)110
Dana, Charles Anderson (1819-1897)111
Davis, Charles Henry (1845-1921)112
Davis, Richard Harding (1864-1916)112
Dawes, Charles Gates (1865-1951)114
Day, William Rufus (1849-1923)114
Derby, George McClellan (1856-1948)115
Dewey, George (1837-1917)116
Dodge, Grenville Mellen (1831-1916)119
Dorst, Joseph Haddox (1852-1915)120
Duffield, Henry Martyn (1842-1912)120
Dunne, Finley Peter (1867-1936)121
Dupuy de Lome, Enrique (1851-1904)121
Eagan, Charles Patrick (1841-1919)125
Eastern Squadron, U.S. Navy126
El Caney (Cuba), Battle of (1 July 1898)127
Estrada Palma, Tomas (1835-1908)130
Eulate y Ferry, Antonio (1845-1952)131
Evans, Robley Dunglison (1846-1912)132
Fifty Million Dollar Bill133
Filipino Revolutionary Movement135
Flying Squadron, U.S. Navy135
Foraker-Turpie Amendment136
Fort San Antonio de Abad (Philippines)137
Frye, William Pierce (1831-1911)137
Funston, Frederick (1865-1917)138
Garcia Iniguez, Calixto (1839-1898)141
Garcia, Pantaleon T. (1856-1936)142
Gearetson, George Armstrong (1844-1916)142
Ghost Squadron144
Glass, Henry (1844-1908)145
Gomez Baez, Maximo (1826-1905)145
Gorgas, William Crawford (1854-1920)146
Gorman, Arthur Pue (1839-1906)147
Gray, George (1840-1925)147
Great Britain148
Greene, Francis Vinton (1850-1921)149
Greenleaf, Charles Ravenscroft150
Gridley, Charles Vernon (1844-1898)151
Grito de Baire151
Guantanamo (Cuba), Battle of (3-15 June 1898)152
Gullon y Iglesia, Don Pio (1835-1916)154
Gunboat Operations, Philippines155
Hanna, Marcus (Mark) Alonzo (1837-1904)159
Havana (Cuba)159
Hawaiian Islands160
Hawkins, Hamilton Smith (1834-1910)161
Hay, John Milton (1838-1905)161
Hearst, William Randolph (1863-1951)162
Hellings, Martin Luther (1841-1908)164
Henry, Guy Vernor (1839-1899)165
Hoar, George Frisbie (1826-1904)166
Hobson, Richmond Pearson (1870-1937)166
Howell, John Adams (1840-1918)169
Hull Bill170
Insular Affairs, Bureau of173
Interservice Relations174
Jaudenes y Alvarez, Fermin177
Kennan, George (1845-1924)181
Kent, Jacob Ford (1835-1918)182
Key West, Florida183
Kimball, William Warren (1848-1930)183
Lake Lanao (Mindanao, Philippines) Campaigns (1901-1903)185
Las Guasimas (La Quasima) (Cuba), Battle of (24 June 1898)187
Lawton, Henry Ware (1843-1899)191
Lee, Fitzhugh (1835-1905)192
Leon y Castillo, Fernando de (1842-1918)194
Liga Filipina195
Linares y Pomba, Arsenio (1848-1914)196
Lodge, Henry Cabot (1850-1924)196
Long, John Davis (1838-1915)198
Ludington, Marshall Independence (1839-1919)200
Ludlow, William (1843-1901)201
Lukban, Vicente (1860-1916)202
Luna de St. Pedro, Antonio Narcisco (1866-1899)203
Luzon (Philippine Islands)204
Luzon Campaigns (Philippine Islands)205
Macabebe (Maccabebe) (Filipino) Scouts211
MacArthur, Arthur (1845-1912)212
Maceo Grajales, Antonio (1845-1896)213
Macias y Casado, Manuel (1845-?)215
Mahan, Alfred Thayer (1840-1914)216
Maine (Battleship)217
Maine, Inquiries into the Sinking of221
Malolos (Philippines), Capture of (31 March 1899)223
Manifest Destiny225
Manila Bay, Battle of (1 May 1898)225
Manila (Philippine Islands), First Battle of (13 August 1898)230
Manila (Philippine Islands), Second Battle of (4-23 February 1899)234
Manzanillo (Cuba), Actions at (30 June-1 July, 18 July, and 12 August 1898)237
Maria Cristina, Queen Regent of Spain (1858-1929)239
Mariel (Cuba)239
Marinduque (Philippine Islands)241
Marine Corps, U.S.243
Marti y Perez, Jose (1853-1895)244
Martinez de Campos, Arsenio (1831-1900)245
Matanzas (Cuba)246
Mayaguez (Puerto Rico), Battle of (10 August 1898)247
McClernand, Edward John (1848-1926)247
McCoy, Frank Ross (1874-1954)248
McKinley, William, Jr. (1843-1901)249
Medical Department, U.S. Army253
Merritt, Wesley (1834-1910)256
Miles, Nelson Appleton (1839-1925)258
Miley, John David (1862-1899)260
Military Intelligence, U.S.261
Militia Act of 1903262
Militia, Naval263
Mindanao (Philippine Islands)263
Monroe Doctrine264
Montero Rios, Don Eugenio (1832-1914)265
Montojo y Psaron, Patricio (1839-1917)266
Moret y Prendergast, Segismundo (1838-1913)266
Morgan-Cameron Resolution (April 1896)267
Morro Heights (Cuba)269
Naval Blockade (U.S.) of Cuba271
Naval Strategy, Spanish273
Naval Strategy, U.S.275
Naval Vessels, U.S., Auxiliary277
Naval War Board, U.S.277
Navy, Spanish278
Navy, U.S.279
Nipe Bay (Cuba)281
North Atlantic Squadron, U.S. Navy282
Northern Patrol Squadron, U.S. Navy283
Nuevitas (Cuba)283
O'Brien, "Dynamite" Johnny (1837-1917)285
O'Donnell y Abreu, Carlos (1834-1903)286
Olney, Richard (1835-1917)287
O'Neill, William Owen "Buckey" (1860-1898)287
Open Door Policy288
Oregon (Battleship)289
Otis, Elwell Stephen (1838-1909)292
Pacification Program (Philippine Islands)295
Papal Mediation297
Paterno, Pedro Alejandro (1858-1911)297
Peace Commission298
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