Title: LBJ and Mexican Americans: The Paradox of Power, Author: Julie Leininger Pycior
Title: Chicanas/Chicanos at the Crossroads: Social, Economic, and Political Change / Edition 1, Author: David R. Maciel
Title: Chicano Politics: Reality and Promise 1940-1990 / Edition 1, Author: Juan G?mez-Quiñones
Title: Mexicano Political Experience in Occupied Aztlan: Struggles and Change / Edition 1, Author: Armando Navarro
Title: Latinos and Political Coalitions: Political Empowerment for the 1990s / Edition 1, Author: Norma G. Hernandez
Title: Brown-Eyed Children of the Sun: Lessons from the Chicano Movement, 1965-1975 / Edition 1, Author: George Mariscal
Title: Walls and Mirrors: Mexican Americans, Mexican Immigrants, and the Politics of Ethnicity / Edition 1, Author: David G. Gutiérrez
Title: Mestizo: The History, Culture and Politics of the Mexican and the Chicano --The Emerging Mestizo-Americans, Author: Arnoldo Carlos Vento
Title: Beyond Aztlan: Ethnic Autonomy in Comparative Perspective, Author: Mario Barrera
Title: Raza Si, Guerra No: Chicano Protest and Patriotism during the Viet Nam War Era / Edition 1, Author: Lorena Oropeza