Title: The Values Divide: American Politics and Culture in Transition / Edition 1, Author: John Kenneth White
Title: The Millennium Election: Communication in the 2000 Campaign / Edition 1, Author: Lynda Lee Kaid
Title: Piety, Politics, and Pluralism: Religion, the Courts, and the 2000 Election / Edition 1, Author: Mary C. Segers
Title: The Election of the Century: The 2000 Election and What it Tells Us About American Politics in the New Millennium: The 2000 Election and What it Tells Us About American Politics in the New Millennium / Edition 1, Author: Stephen J. Wayne
Title: The Perfect Tie: The True Story of the 2000 Presidential Election / Edition 1, Author: James W. Ceaser
Title: Models of Voting in Presidential Elections: The 2000 U.S. Election / Edition 1, Author: Herbert F. Weisberg
Title: The Race to 270: The Electoral College and the Campaign Strategies of 2000 and 2004, Author: Daron R. Shaw
Title: The Longest Night: Polemics and Perspectives on Election 2000 / Edition 1, Author: Arthur Jacobson
Title: American Voices of Dissent: The Book from XXI Century, a Film by Gabrielle Zamparini and Lorenzo Meccoli / Edition 1, Author: Garbriele Zamparini