Title: LEGO® Super Mario Nintendo Entertainment System 71374 (Retiring Soon)
Title: LEGO Super Mario Bowser's Muscle Car Expansion Set 71431
Title: LEGO Super Mario Adventures with Interactive LEGO® Mario 71439
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Title: LEGO Super Mario Reznor Knockdown Expansion Set 71390 (Retiring Soon)
Other Format $48.99 $69.99 Current price is $48.99, Original price is $69.99.
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Title: LEGO Super Mario Yoshi's Gift House Expansion Set 71406
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Title: LEGO Super Mario Fuzzy Flippers Expansion Set 71405 (Retiring Soon)
Title: LEGO Super Mario Piranha Plant 71426
Title: LEGO® Super Mario Yoshis' Egg-cellent Forest Expansion Set 71428 (Retiring Soon)
Title: LEGO Super Mario Bowser Jr.'s Clown Car Expansion Set 71396 (Retiring Soon)
Title: LEGO Super Mario Goomba's Shoe Expansion Set 71404
Title: LEGO® Super Mario Dry Bowser Castle Battle Expansion Set 71423 (Retiring Soon)
Title: LEGO Super Mario Adventures with Mario Starter Course Building Kit 71360 (Retiring Soon)
Title: LEGO Super Mario Dorrie's Beachfront Expansion Set 71398 (Retiring Soon)
Title: LEGO Super Mario Lava Wave Ride Expansion Set 71416
Title: LEGO Super Mario Creativity Toolbox Maker Set 71418
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Title: LEGO Super Mario The Bowser Express Train 71437
Title: LEGO Super Mario Adventures with Peach Starter Course 71403 (2022 Toy of the Year Award Winner) (Retiring Soon)

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