Title: Alien Kid, Author: Kristen Otte
Title: The Adventures of Zelda: A Pug Tale, Author: Kristen Otte
Title: The Evolution of Lillie Gable, Author: Kristen Otte
Title: The Photograph, Author: Kristen Otte
Title: The Adventures of Zelda: The Second Saga, Author: Kristen Otte
Title: Alien Kid 2: Goshen's Secret, Author: Kristen Otte
Title: The Adventures of Zelda: The Four Seasons, Author: Kristen Otte
Title: The Adventures of Zelda: Pug and Peach, Author: Kristen Otte
Title: Alien Kid 3: The Principal Problem, Author: Kristen Otte
Title: The Adventures of Zelda: The One and Only Pug, Author: Kristen Otte