Title: 25 Favorite Novels (Anne of Green Gables/Avonlea, Pride and Prejudice, Persuasion, Emma, Wuthering Heights, Jane Eyre, Tess of the D'Urbervilles, Little Women, My Antonia, O Pioneers!, Scarlet Letter/Pimpernel, Wives & Daughters, +), Author: Jane Austen
Title: Favorite Places (A TroubleMaker Novel), Author: Kelly Gendron
Title: 30 Favorite Novels ( Pride and Prejudice, Twenty Thousands Leagues Under The Sea, David Copperfield, Treasure Island, Miss Mackenzie, Notre-Dame De Paris, Dracula +++), Author: Victor Hugo
Title: Favorite Novels V3- Adventure of the Cardboard Box Haunted Fountain Admiral Nancy Dale Mystery Hunters at the Haunted Lodge Brought Forward Bob An Old Man's Prayer Tender Attachment Romance of Leonardo da Vinci Runnymede and Lincoln Fair Pomander Walk, Author: Louis Napoleon Parker