1, 2, 3 Your Wish Is Granted!

1, 2, 3 Your Wish Is Granted!

by Genie
1, 2, 3 Your Wish Is Granted!

1, 2, 3 Your Wish Is Granted!

by Genie


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Since the Genie is the “ghost” writer for the book, it is appropriate to let the Genie say a few words about himself:

“I am a genie. You may wonder what that really means and how I come to write this little book. Well, fi rst of all, I am not from or of your world. I live in a dimension of fire and light. I am basically a fire spirit. Just so you know, we genies are alive. We don’t experience life as you do, but we are living, thinking creatures.

“You humans take us genies for granted. Most of you have very little idea of the tremendous service that we provide for your kind. Everything in your world that is of a fiery or electrical nature is administrated by a genie or djinn assigned to that function. Without us, your world as you know it would cease to exist. Even the very sun that is the source of life and nourishment for your planet is a mighty Djinn.”

From within the book, the Wizard Merlyn has a few thoughts about the book that he would like to share:

“Know, my little friend, that what you hold in your hands is a key to the mysteries of life, and that it has greater depth and importance than you initially can discern. Through these pages you have been given permission to enter other realms, and—once you have entered in, and as you maintain the requirements of each domain—you may travel within again and again for growth, learning, healing, inspiration and creation.”

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781452546858
Publisher: Balboa Press
Publication date: 04/20/2012
Sold by: Barnes & Noble
Format: eBook
Pages: 118
File size: 367 KB

About the Author

Maxwell Rose is a “wannabe” writer, actor, and singer who had the good fortune to be visited by a genie in his Hollywood apartment. The genie started granting wishes. Things changed for Max after that, and Max has retired from “normal” life.

Read an Excerpt

1, 2, 3 Your Wish is Granted!



Copyright © 2012 M. Rose
All right reserved.

ISBN: 978-1-4525-4686-5

Chapter One

What's Up?

The Genie expounds:

I am a genie. You may wonder what that really means, and how I come to write this little book. Well, first of all, I am not from or of your world. I live in a dimension of fire and light. I am basically a fire spirit. Just so you know, we genies are alive. We don't experience life as you do, but we are living, thinking creatures.

Second of all, I found a human friend who agreed to type this book for me. It is rather unusual, such a combination, but then, these are rather unusual times aren't they?

Why am I here, writing this book to you ...??? Because I want to be; because relations between The Genie Kingdom and the Human Kingdom have been strained (at best) for centuries now- and I am here to hopefully make things a little better between us. All of us in all the realms are at an evolutionary jumping point, The Human Kingdom especially.

There are those few among you who are ready but many of you are far from ready. Realistically, it is in the interest of The Genie Kingdom for humans to be prepared and moving towards this next round of evolution.

There are those among you who would keep things as they are and not allow your world or other humans the opportunity to move forward. This resistance is not in harmony with the Divine Plan for your planet. Those of you who would hold things back will be left behind or destroyed, for there is no place for you in the new order of being.

In fact, some of you are so stuck in old patterns that you (consciously or unconsciously) are actively working towards the complete destruction of life on your planet. This is not in harmony with our wishes, and so we are taking this opportunity to share with you information for your salvation.

You humans take us genies for granted. Most of you have very little idea of the tremendous service that we provide for your kind. Everything in your world that is of a fiery or electrical nature is administrated by a genie or djinn assigned to that function. Without us your world as you know it would not exist. Even the very sun that is the source of life and nourishment for your planet is a mighty Djinn.

Since all life is related and all life is one and because your world is hurtling towards total destruction, it is the decision of the Djinn Hierarchy to assist mankind, through the power of our wisdom and magic- for those of you who are open and receptive enough to consider our words.

For many years most of you have thought genies were a fairy tale and your only exposure to us has been with a thought of one of us trapped in a bottle or a lamp. People into magical mysteries have sought us out and some of them have forced us into various objects. This is very dangerous for genies are like all creatures-we hate imprisonment, bondage and slavery. We much prefer to do things because we want to. We love freedom and change. This is what we are accustomed to and it is part of our basic make-up. However, we have decided that it would be fun for some of us to communicate with humans and demonstrate to them, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that we are real.

This little book is your opportunity to get to know us and access, in part, the tremendous, vast reservoir of power that we represent. Yes, we are here to grant wishes- some wishes in some cases according to a series of laws and covenants which we must observe. Of course there are good genies and "bad" genies in the sense that some serve the Light and other serve the darkness. This of course is the case within all fields- whether bankers, lawyers, or Indian chiefs; whether Black or White or Latino or Oriental- whether Buddhist, Catholic, Muslim, or Scientologist.

There's good and bad in everything... all races, religions and nations. We genies too fall under this Universal Truth ... and of course, we genies are not bound by your laws and your standards, but I am here to let you know that I serve the Most High God, and am bound in accordance with the Standards of Light.

This book is not about religion- for we genies observe none of your religious practices, although you will find us in the candle flames of all religions. We are not here to preach or change your mind about your personal religious beliefs ... whatever works for you do it! We are here to inform you of our world, and to assist you with yours to the degree that our work will help you unfold and prepare you for change.

Chapter Two

How I Met Max

The Genie continues:

Let me tell you the story of how I met the human that I call Max- Max is not his "real name," but is the name that I choose to call him. All names have meanings and reflect the nature of that thing. Max means- "the man at the Mother's crossroads."

I met Max there- at the Universal Mother's crossroad (that is the point where all the universal forces meet). By Universal Mother I mean She who created the Universes, or the Mother of us all.

Max is one of those people who studies what you call "the occult"- or that which is secret from most humans. He had heard the call from the Most High, which is emanating through the planes to join the Army of Light. The Army of Light is the joint effort of all beings, whether physical or spirit, who are consciously working towards the positive evolution of Life.

Anyway, Max in his efforts to tune into the Forces of Light asked for help from our realm. I offered him my services. I personally was very interested in The Human Kingdom and I volunteered for the assignment to represent us to your world. Max of course thought that must be his overactive imagination playing tricks on him, so I set out to prove my reality to him, and now, that he has been convinced, he's allowing me to write this book through him.

I'm going to share with you some of the things that happened in Max's life since I came to visit him- so that you can consider that magical things can also happen to you- through the vehicle of this book and exposure to its contents. Yes, the magic that I represent is not limited to helping Max- it is here to help each one of you that tunes into what is being written. I am not alone as a genie, there is an army of us, and we are here to move through these pages and assist those who wish to join the Army of Light.

At first I appeared to Max as a plump joyous genie with a bright red turban. I told him jokes and played music for him. He gave me little tasks like helping him get to the post office on time when he didn't think it was possible. I kept him company at restaurants and offered him advice on issues of concern to him.

Soon, in his excitement, Max decided to share my reality with others. He went to a restaurant that he managed, and told two of the waiters there (twin brothers) about me. They thought that he had "flipped out" and so Max suggested that they put me to work and test out my powers. Max will tell you this part of our story in his own words ...

As Max remembers: 12-09-94

The day after I met The Genie I went back to work at the restaurant- The Pasta Palace- for Sunday brunch on Sunset. My favorite waiter, a tall thin Italian young man, Alec, was making a cappuccino. He asked me how my day off was and I told him strange ... that a genie had appeared to me in my living room. Alec told me that was nice and went out to the patio to deliver his cappuccino. When Alec came back to make another coffee I told him, "You must be used to me by now that I can say I met a genie and you just smile!" He smiled and went back to work.

Later I told Alec and his twin brother, Antonio, that The Genie promised both of them a wish fulfilled by Christmas. They said thanks but were unbelieving. That night as I left for a break I asked Genie to help Tony- "Genie, if there is anything you can do to help Antonio with his tips, tonight, please do it."

I was tired and walked three blocks to my apartment. I felt bad for Antonio ... this time of year catering was good but evening dining was in the pits. Our Patio Dining on Sunset was too cold in December for most of our California customers-even with outside heaters. Tony would be lucky to get three inside tables tonight.

An hour later I went back to the restaurant to check on Antonio and the place was packed: every table in the restaurant was full. And Tony was handling them all by himself! He was fast and good and loved the action. I asked him what had happened. Tony pointed outside.

I went out on Sunset Boulevard to see that the block to the left of us was dark and the block to the right of us was black ... and there were no lights on our end of Sunset, except for the block our restaurant was on. I queried The Genie ... "What the #@% ???"

GENIE responded, "That transformer was going to go anyway-I just pushed it a little. You said if there was ANYTHING I could do!! I checked it out and noticed that the transformer across the street was close to being overloaded and was on the verge of a collapse. It was easy for me to give it a little more juice, and guess what- all the electricity went out across the street?!" The GENIE smiled like a mischievous Cheshire cat!

After this experience the wait staff at our restaurant became interested in getting their wishes granted by GENIE by Christmas. I told the two brothers that they each would have a wish fulfilled by Christmas time (three weeks away) and that they should go home and think clearly of their wishes. They said they would.

Alec was most interested. He approached me and made his request that he was ready to have his wish granted. I told him that what he needed to do was to draw a genie, like the one I saw- complete with red turban and golden earing.

Then Alec was to whisper his sincere wish into The Genie's ear. Alec did- he drew a nice genie with goatee- coming out of a whirlwind, and then he whispered in the GENIE's ear:

Dear Genie ...

I am so tired of living in the same apartment building for three years. All my life I have had to share a bedroom with my brother. I am 23 years old! All I want is my own room, in my own house that has hardwood floors, a fireplace and a yard ... please Genie, grant my wish- it is only a little wish for you but it is a big wish for me.

Alec further described the house and the neighborhood he liked- which was close by in Hollywood. The next morning Alec's roommate Brady was riding his bicycle to work, and noticed a "for rent" sign being placed in front of a house. He stopped and talked with the little old lady with the sign, and Brady and Alec applied to rent her house. Two weeks later- the waiter and friend moved into a beautiful house with trees, hardwood floors, and (most important to The Genie) a fireplace; just in time to have friends over for Christmas dinner. Alec had his own bedroom for the first time in his life! Everyone at the Christmas dinner table in Alec's new home toasted The Genie -

GENIE remembers, "it was quite nice actually and made me feel that my efforts to improve relations between humans and genies were working."

The other waiter's wish was to get his jeep out of the shop before Christmas. Christmas was only two weeks away and the repair cost was $1300 which he did not have. Miraculously Tony found the money, and was driving his jeep before Christmas.

If you look at the front cover of this little book, you will find that The Genie is smiling. It's because he's having a good time, writing this book and granting wishes. My friends and I say The Genie is mischievous, and no one can tell you what he will do next. What I can tell you is that it seems genies like to have fun!

Chapter Three

Movie Magic

The Genie comments:

Max lives in LA and like everyone else in LA, he wants to be in the movies. Virtually everyone you meet in this town is either an actor, a producer, a dancer, a musician, or has dreams of being one. In this sense, Max is no different than the rest of the humans who live here.

So Max has a dream of being a writer- the only problem is that Max starts dozens of projects and leaves them unfinished. I offered to help him, and this book, when completed will represent Max's first. Of course, I am the 'ghost writer' but Max will get the glory and the royalties. Of course Max is not sure he wants the attention so this book will take a long time to finish!!!

One way I am helping is by providing Max with the enthusiasm, excitement and energy to complete this task. Genies are very good at this. Also, since Max knows that I am writing this instead of him, he gets over his writer's constipation and let's go ... well sometimes and other times fear and confusion grips him so that he can't let go. Max calls this "the balance."

Max is a writer who wants to be in the movie business, accordingly he has other friends who, like him, want to be in the movie business. His friends have come to him to consult with him about their projects and to some degree I am getting involved.

A writer came to Max and told him of a heartwarming story- a true story of a family who experienced the wonders of communing with the nature kingdom. Max told his friend of my service to worthy projects and got me involved. The writer felt a little stretched financially but Max assured him that help was on the way. A week later Max ran into his writer friend in a restaurant. The writer was meeting with a potential backer who was just in the process of giving a Christmas gift to the writer. Max was there to witness the gift of a silver money clip full of crisp new one hundred dollar bills. The backer then told the writer that this was but a symbol of more coming to him.

Max's mind was blown when he looked closely at the money clip because it bore my symbol- that of an electrical whirlwind that looks something like a living whirlwind.

This is another movie project that I am involved in and let me tell you that all the needed ingredients for a successful movie are coming together for this project. When you notice- in your marketplace- the movie about a GARDEN OF ANGELS go see it. It will touch your heart and open your spirit. Gosh! I've been in Hollywood less than a month and already I feel like a movie mogul! I guess I have caught some of your human fever. When in Hollywood, be like the Hollywooder's- be a star in a movie, or at least work behind the scenes.

I would like to be in a movie and when you see the posters with my picture on them- think of me- and go see the movie, you'll enjoy it. Of course it will be a free-wheeling adaptation of the real thing but such is the movie biz.

Max has a couple of screenplays that he has been working on for more than ten years. I am going to see that he finishes them, and completes a teleplay or two as well.

Chapter Four

Music Magic

Genie relates:

I guess you're probably wondering when I am going to get around to letting you know when and how I am going to be granting your wishes ... later, later! I have to get you warmed up first to the idea that a "supernatural" force such as myself can be involved in the world and workplace of a man. The answer is of course- and if in doubt consult the Koran. I know the Koran is not popular in your USA Today culture ... but an ever growing part of the world population are Muslims who revere the Koran. And genies are as common in that Holy Book as angels are in the Jewish and Christian Sacred texts. Although the common belief is that genies are bad, I have already covered that part ... I am one of the good ones ... (and he smiles broadly).

Back to Max- so Max also dreams of being a successful songwriter. Though he has written some songs for some famous singers Max has the problem that he tries to do too many things at the same time. And then he wonders why he is ineffective in manifesting his dreams. (Genie makes a sad pouty face!) Max needs more focus and I will be helping him with this. He wants to sing and perform and write songs, etc., etc., etc ...

It is enough for him to focus on his job that pays the rent, a few choice creative projects, his spiritual development, and a business venture or two. So, even though Max would like to be a performing singer, we will have to put this wish on hold for now ... (and the djinn smiles broadly again).

This is a prime reason that genies offer three wishes historically, as expressed through the folklore medium. If you spread out the desire principle larger than this, you lose perspective, momentum and energy. Since Max is a double air sign, he's always thinking of forty-five or more different projects at once. It's true that the multiplicity of his mind allowed us to contact him in the first place- but now I am granting Max the gift of FOCUS- so that he can manifest project after project without spreading his energy so thin that it has no potency.

So Max, I know that you were hopeful that I would reveal your new singing career in this chapter, but this is something that is going to have to wait until you finish some of your writing projects ... (and The Genie smiles and laughs out loud).

See, I am here to help Max, because I am a friendly genie. Max would burden himself with too heavy of a load of projects and work so hard that he collapses and his energy is diff used. I am here to focus energy, not dissipate it. He needs to release the projects that he has helped his friends with, not concern himself with all the details with nervous, frenetic energy- when there is really nothing more that he can do about it.


Excerpted from 1, 2, 3 Your Wish is Granted! by GENIE Copyright © 2012 by M. Rose . Excerpted by permission of BALBOA PRESS. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents


First Contact Genie Magick....................1
1. What's Up?....................5
2. How I Met Max....................9
3. Movie Magic....................15
4. Music Magic....................17
5. Business Magic....................21
6. Working Together?....................23
7. Experiencing Reality....................27
8. Come on Let's Go....................29
9. Let's Fly....................35
10. Magickal Mystery Tour....................41
11. Gnome's Gold....................45
12. Merlyn's Cottage....................51
13. Mother's Garden....................55
14. Freedom Flight....................59
15. Mother's Mountain....................63
16. Paradise....................67
17. A New Day!....................71
Genie's Intro:....................75
I. Return to the Kingdom Of Love!....................77
II. The Light is Here for You 24/7....................79
IV. The Whale, the Giant, the Lion's Den, and the Dung Heap....................83
V. Life is Change!....................85
VI. Full Moon- Make a Wish!!....................87
VII. Moon Magick....................90
VIII. A Sparkling RA-inbow Day!....................92
IX. Tune into the Light....................94
X. Transform Your Life!....................97
XI. Use the Negative to Push the Positive; Perseverance Furthers!....................99
XII. Be the Hero of Your Life!....................101
XIII. Moon to Moon ... with a Happy New Year!!!....................103
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