Astrology Plain & Simple: The Only Book You'll Ever Need

Astrology Plain & Simple: The Only Book You'll Ever Need

Astrology Plain & Simple: The Only Book You'll Ever Need

Astrology Plain & Simple: The Only Book You'll Ever Need


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Everyone reads their horoscope in the newspaper and online; however few really understand very much about astrology. To the uninitiated, astrology can seem rather daunting. All those measurements, degrees, and logarithms—what's simple about it? This wonderful introduction demystifies a topic that everyone knows a little bit about and provides a basic framework for understanding it.

The Jacksons' easy and straightforward approach explains how you can learn more about yourself and those around you through the zodiac. They also explore some more esoteric topics in astrology, including trines, aspects, and conjunctions. Look up the characteristics of each sun sign, create a birth chart, find out your rising and moon signs, and more.

Illustrated with line drawings and charts, this plain and simple guide will be received enthusiastically by the novice and the experienced alike.

This book was previously published by Sterling in 2005 as Simply Astrology.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781571747471
Publisher: Red Wheel/Weiser
Publication date: 04/01/2016
Series: Plain & Simple Series
Pages: 168
Sales rank: 1,096,562
Product dimensions: 5.50(w) x 7.90(h) x 0.50(d)

About the Author

Cass and Janie Jackson are authors of over a dozen books on astrology and alternative health topics, including Astrology Plain & Simple and Crystals Plain & Simple. Cass resides in the United Kingdom. Janie died in 2016.

Read an Excerpt


Plain & Simple

By Cass Jackson, Janie Jackson

Hampton Roads Publishing Company, Inc.

Copyright © 2016 Cass & Janie Jackson
All rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-1-57174-747-1


The Zodiac

The astrological signs that begin with Aries and continue through Pisces are known collectively as the signs of the zodiac. These names are derived from groups of stars that we know as constellations. Most of these constellations were thought to represent animals — though you need a vivid imagination to see them in the night sky — hence the names: Aries, the ram, Taurus, the bull, Cancer, the crab, and so on. The Greeks called these constellations zodiakos kyklos — "circles of animals" — which translated into the English word "zodiac." The table on page 5 lists all the zodiacal signs in order, and their corresponding animal or symbol.

Imagine standing on top of the world, able to see the sky all round you. The zodiac would form a belt around you, with the constellations in the order in which they are normally encountered — Aries, Taurus, Gemini, and so on around to Pisces, which completes the circle.

The ancients realized that the Sun, as it traversed the sky, passed through every zodiac sign each year, before starting its round again. Records were made of the dates on which the Sun passed from one constellation to the next. Although they vary by a few days each year, the dates for each sign are typically as shown in the table on page 5.

This divided the year up very nicely into twelve almost equal sections. The astrological year always starts with Aries, which begins around March 21, the spring equinox — a time when the days and nights are of equal length. This was also the start of the ancient Roman calendar, and while other calendars have come and gone, this one has stuck fast, as far as astrology is concerned.

Imagine that you are again standing on top of the earth, with the zodiac slowly moving around you. You are standing at the center of a disc, of which the zodiac forms the border. Dotted about on this disc are the planets that also appear to be revolving round the earth.

From our point of view on earth, the Sun appears to pass though each zodiac sign during the course of the year. This orbit is so regular that anyone can find their Sun sign by looking at their horoscope in the newspaper, or at the dates listed in the table on page 5.

Although this works well for most people, the Sun doesn't change sign at exactly the same time or even on the same day of each year. This means that those who were born on the cusp (that is to say, on the border) of two Sun signs might not be sure which sign is truly theirs.

Astrologers also use the Moon and the planets of the solar system in their studies. A Moon sign will show your inner, emotional nature. (You will be able to find the position of your Moon on the day of your birth in chapter 6.) The planets represent the cosmic energies that influence your basic character. Depending on the time you were born, the planets occupy different zodiac signs in your astrological chart and thus affect your personality. We will go into more detail about the planets in chapter 4.

The rising sign (also known as the ascendant), is the sign of the zodiac that was rising above the horizon at your time of birth. It is another very important factor since it says something about how other people perceive you. The rising sign is connected to the time of day you were born. All twelve zodiac signs will rise during the course of 24 hours. Unfortunately, they are not broken into nice, neat 2-hour blocks of time. Don't worry: this book will help you find your rising sign in chapter 5!

At some point you will probably want a professional astrological chart made that lists every feature with absolute accuracy. Check out websites such as or to find out how you can obtain a free horoscope and how to buy extremely inexpensive astrology software. In addition, you may want to visit your local astrologer. He or she will be able to point out more complex features in your chart, as well as help you understand what is going on in your life at a particular time.


The Signs of the Zodiac

The twelve signs of the zodiac influence the planets as they pass through them, directing their qualities into the different behavioral patterns that we recognize as personality traits.

For example, when we speak of someone being born under the sign of Libra we mean that, at their date of birth, the Sun was passing through the zodiac sign of Libra. Such a person will likely exhibit the characteristics and traits that are traditionally associated with a Libran Sun sign.

The sign of Aries is always considered as the first sign of the zodiac. This is because the Sun enters the sign of Aries at the time of the spring equinox, which is around March 21, when the days and nights are of equal length. The exact dates and times for the start of each sign vary from year to year, so all astrology books can only give approximate dates.

The main characteristics for each of the Sun signs can be found in the following pages.


Sign of the Ram

Gender: Masculine

Element: Fire

Quality: Cardinal

Ruling planet: Mars

Temperament: Extrovert

If you were born under the sign of Aries, you're very likely to be gregarious and dynamic. Your friends will see you as a natural-born leader who has to be in charge of any undertaking. If, for any reason, you're forced to take a back seat, you're likely to be up and away in search of another more exciting project.

You have an almost childlike enthusiasm for anything new. The ram's motto is "Me first!" If you're a typical Aries, you'll be convinced that your life's purpose is to lead others in the way they should go. Some of you see life as a game in which you have to call the shots, or a competition that you have to win.

Certainly, you're not one to let an opportunity of any kind pass you by. You'll seize it with both hands, confident of immediate success. If things don't go your way, you'll probably fly into a temper. Rams on the rampage are to be avoided, as they can be violent when roused. Fortunately for others — and for your blood pressure — you quickly forget your bad moods and behave as though they never happened.

You are a positive character, strong-willed, optimistic, and full of energy. You're energetic and courageous and take life's problems in stride without complaint.


Sign of the Bull

Gender: Feminine

Element: Earth

Quality: Fixed

Ruling planet: Venus

Temperament: Introvert

In marked contrast to impulsive Aries, those born under the sign of Taurus will be steadfast and determined. You are patient and completely reliable. Once you have embarked on a course of action, you are reluctant to deviate from it. This is the positive side of your determination. Others may call you stubborn. Risky undertakings don't appeal to you. You prefer to lay back and let the rest of the world get on with things. Though you would hotly deny that you are lazy, you do tend to be self-indulgent; you definitely like an easy time and a great social life, or a working life that has elements of socializing as part of it.

Linked with this is your aversion to any form of change, which is why you often remain in an unsatisfactory situation. You're not happy with it, but feel that change involves risk and you don't like taking chances. The odd thing is that, although you'll accept being stuck in a rut, you're easily bored. Material possessions are important to you.

Obtaining them may indeed be one of the driving forces of your life and can lead to unaccustomed hard work. It could be said that your greatest aims are to enjoy yourself and have a good life. You're certainly highly sensual and few people realize that, if necessary, you can be one of the most down-to-earth, conservative people of the zodiac.


Sign of the Twins

Gender: Masculine

Element: Air

Quality: Mutable

Ruling planet: Mercury

Temperament: Extrovert

With a Gemini Sun, you will be adaptable and versatile, making your dexterity a valuable asset. You're forever curious, always looking for ways to improve yourself and your life. This avid interest in anything and everything may encourage you to take on too many projects at any one time, meaning you'll deal with each one in a rather superficial manner. You're always full of ideas, but seldom put them into practice because your interest peters out once you've discovered the ins and outs. Although you have a great deal of mental and physical energy, you tend to dissipate this force by being unstable and inconsistent.

Others love your quick wit, fluent conversation, and spontaneity. No party is ever dull if a Gemini is at the center of activity. Few people know how indecisive, uneasy, and nervous you feel behind that cloak of gaiety. Some may see through your superficiality and realize that you can be both cunning and calculating. Even so, your quick wits and conversational skills enable you to talk yourself out of any difficult situation.

Your Sun sign — the twins — manifests in your duality, making you seem eccentric or at least unconventional. This is not necessarily a negative trait. Some of the world's greatest inventions were created by Geminis with their practical yet intellectual approach. This duality also makes itself apparent in your emotional make-up.

Others may see this as vacillation. The truth is that your feelings are not determined by any deep-seated emotions. They depend entirely on how you feel at any one particular moment.


Sign of the Crab

Gender: Feminine

Element: Water

Quality: Cardinal

Ruling planet: The Moon

Temperament: Introvert

You are one of the most sensitive signs of the zodiac, though you try — usually without success — to hide this aspect of your nature. What else you hide beneath that Cancerian shell nobody knows. You tend to be reclusive, allowing others into your life only on a need-to-know basis. In fact, you have an extremely strong streak of secretiveness in your make-up.

When problems arise in your life, you will do almost anything to avoid facing them. In this respect, you're a cross between an ostrich and a crab. First, you stick your head in the sand, pretending that if you can't see the problem it will go away. Then, when forced to face facts, you will do so in the most indirect way possible.

Your vivid imagination often surprises people. Your sudden hunches can be valuable to you in your business life, as can your characteristic shrewdness and inborn flair for commerce. Although you may start up in business for yourself, you are not well suited to working alone, preferring to have a partner. This works well until that partner appears to let you down or slight you in any way because you never forgive or forget. This sort of situation could result in one of the moods of dark depression to which you are prone. In turn, this will make your outlook even more negative than usual.

Despite your natural shyness, you are a very caring and affectionate person who can be quite emotional and protective toward the people you love.


Sign of the Lion

Gender: Masculine

Element: Fire

Quality: Fixed

Ruling planet: The Sun

Temperament: Extrovert

True to your birth sign, you exhibit all the majestic leonine qualities. The words that best describe you are regal, noble, dignified, proud, and self-confident. You are completely aware of these attributes, realizing that even if you don't possess them to the full, you have a duty to act as though you do. Your behavior is always flamboyant, and this is reflected in your speech and your clothing. Not only does your exuberance carry you along, it is contagious and others feel swept along with you. You are always the leader, which you feel is only right and proper. Leo, after all, is king of the jungle, and you expect to lead, even if your particular jungle is decidedly urban.

You will take on almost any task and, once committed, you'll stick with it until the job is completed. No project is too big for you to attempt. You tend to see the overall picture, without bothering over minor details. In this respect, you are one of the most creative people of the zodiac. You set high standards for yourself and expect the same from others, not hesitating to show your disappointment if they are unable to keep up with you.

Your imposing attitude may give the impression that Leo is grand and unapproachable. This is not so. Your family and friends know you to be both tender and lighthearted. This tenderness can become manifest when you've been hurt, though you will be careful not to let others see your pain.

Others sometimes see you as arrogant, but your charm is such that you get away with it.


Sign of the Virgin

Gender: Feminine

Element: Earth

Quality: Mutable

Ruling planet: Mercury

Temperament: Introvert

If you were born under the sign of Virgo, your perfectionism will probably irritate everyone you know. This won't bother you, because you believe that your meticulous attention to detail is only right and proper. Your redeeming feature is that you are as critical of yourself as you are of others. Although you may appear unemotional, your greatest satisfaction in life comes from helping others. Few people realize this because your shyness and lack of self-esteem keep you out of the limelight.

You can be obsessive about health and hygiene, or you may spend energy worrying about whether your house will be swept away in a flood (even if it is on a hill), or you may have other obsessions. Old-time astrology books used to harp on about how neat and tidy you are, but that just isn't true. You can live and work in a mess, but you know where everything is and you go ballistic if someone interferes with your stuff or moves it. You may be fastidious about your diet though, and people consider you a very fussy eater.

On the mental level, you are as precise as you are practical — possibly even more so. You'd never take on a job without first being sure that you know and understand the smallest details of the operation. If there are any gaps in your knowledge you're quite prepared to spend some time — and indeed, you may insist on — acquiring the missing information. Only then will you apply yourself wholeheartedly to the task in hand, fulfilling your reputation of being the hardest worker in the zodiac.


Sign of the Scales

Gender: Masculine

Element: Air

Quality: Cardinal

Ruling planet: Venus

Temperament: Extrovert

Born under the sign of Libra, you are almost certainly a diplomat with a strong predilection for justice. Fairness is an obsession with you and you simply cannot accept the fact that, at times, life is not fair. This can make you appear to be a poor loser. Your diplomacy makes you the supreme arbiter since you can always see both sides of any argument. On the one hand, you love to keep everything well balanced, harmonious, and orderly, but on the other hand you also love to debate and argue. The scales of justice are your symbol and you can argue like a lawyer when the mood takes hold of you.

You find it difficult to make decisions; you'd rather sit on the fence, keeping everything in balance. This type of situation makes some Librans extremely vulnerable and easily influenced. Those who recognize this weakness may take advantage of you. However, Libra is a cardinal sign, and as such, you are disinclined to live according to other people's rules or do anything other than exactly what pleases you.

Your manners are perfect. You are charming and courteous and you can be the guru of good taste. You are the perfect host. You love to entertain and be entertained, and you enjoy good food, good wine, and good company; companionship, in fact, is an integral part of your life. Even so, you do occasionally need periods of peace and quiet in order to recharge your batteries and restore the balance in your own life.

Strangely, although you are forever mindful of fair play, you are not above bending the rules when it suits you. On such occasions, you claim that you are adding a little extra "corrective" weight to one side of the scales in order to maintain perfect balance.


Sign of the Scorpion

Gender: Feminine

Element: Water

Quality: Fixed

Ruling planet: Pluto

Temperament: Introvert

Scorpios often look for some form of security in a world they find intimidating. Your inner lack of confidence gives rise to the notion that you are unfriendly and obsessive. The truth is that you are inclined to be secretive and others may see you as neurotic. You can overcome these problems only when you are in full control of your life — and that doesn't often happen to any of us.

Your need for security means that you are forever seeking to wrap up your current situation and start a new life. Sometimes this is not possible, whereupon you may suddenly change your lifestyle for no apparent reason. When your powerful emotions are kept under control, you are tender and devoted, dazzling others with your magnetic personality. However, if anyone displeases you, you can be unforgiving and vindictive. Scorpio never forgets an injury.


Excerpted from Astrology by Cass Jackson, Janie Jackson. Copyright © 2016 Cass & Janie Jackson. Excerpted by permission of Hampton Roads Publishing Company, Inc..
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents


1 The Zodiac,
2 The Signs of the Zodiac,
3 Genders, Elements and Qualities,
4 The Planets,
5 Your Rising Sign, or Ascendant,
6 Moon Signs,
7 Houses of the Zodiac,
8 The Aspects,
9 Chart Interpretation,

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