Awaken Your Divine Intuition: Receive Wisdom, Blessings, and Love by Connecting with Spirit

Awaken Your Divine Intuition: Receive Wisdom, Blessings, and Love by Connecting with Spirit

by Susan Shumsky
Awaken Your Divine Intuition: Receive Wisdom, Blessings, and Love by Connecting with Spirit

Awaken Your Divine Intuition: Receive Wisdom, Blessings, and Love by Connecting with Spirit

by Susan Shumsky

Paperback(First Edition)

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Deep within the heart of every soul is the desire to experience and communicate directly with Spirit. The divine presence is not the exclusive property of great saints, sages, or holy men. Everyone is worthy to receive the blessings of Spirit.

In this profound, practical, transformational book, you will learn proven techniques to open your heart, mind, and spirit to the riches of inner divine contact. You will open the pipeline to the divine and begin the flow of inner guidance, love, healing, wisdom, and inspiration from your center of being. You will awaken the still, small voice within, go directly to Spirit without a middleman, and experience higher consciousness.

Awaken Your Divine Intuition, along with the included link to an online meditation, will help you:
  • Tap into your 'in-house counselor‚" your inner guidance and inner genius.
  • Receive unique signals that identify specific aspects of inner divinity.
  • Get divine messages and inner guidance and test whether they are real.
  • Awaken your clairvoyant, clairaudient, and clairsentient gifts.
  • Experience radiant light, supernal love, and spiritual grace.
  • Heal ego blockages that have inhibited your intuition.
  • Experience the divine presence anytime you want.
  • Never be alone again.

  • Product Details

    ISBN-13: 9781632650283
    Publisher: Red Wheel/Weiser
    Publication date: 02/22/2016
    Edition description: First Edition
    Pages: 224
    Sales rank: 1,062,206
    Product dimensions: 6.00(w) x 8.90(h) x 0.60(d)

    About the Author

    Dr. Susan Shumsky has dedicated her life to helping people take command of their lives in highly effective, powerful, positive ways. She is the best-selling author of 14 books, published by Red Wheel/New Page, Simon & Schuster, Random House Penguin, and Skyhorse. A pioneer in the human potential field, she has spent 50 years teaching thousands of people meditation, prayer, affirmation, and intuition. Her book titles include Exploring Meditation, Ascension, Instant Healing, The Power of Auras, The Power of Chakras, Awaken Your Third Eye, Awaken Your Divine Intuition, Color Your Chakras, Miracle Prayer, Divine Revelation, and Maharishi & Me.

    Dr. Shumsky is a highly respected spiritual teacher, award-winning author, and founder of Divine Revelation®—a unique field-proven technology for contacting the divine presence, hearing and testing the inner voice, and receiving clear divine guidance. For 22 years, her mentor was Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, who was guru of the Beatles and guru of Deepak Chopra. Dr. Shumsky served on Maharishi's personal staff for 6 years. Her Website is

    Read an Excerpt


    Spirit Can Talk to You

    "Out of heaven he made thee to hear his voice, that he might instruct thee."

    — Deuteronomy 4:36

    It is a rare gift to be called to hear the divine voice. By reading this book, you demonstrate faith in the prospect that two-way communication with Spirit is feasible. This is indeed atypical. The fact that you even consider this possibility places you in a unique category of uncommon individuals.

    For example, were you raised in a family, religion, or educational institution in which you learned that a deity or divine being can speak to you directly? Few people reading these words can answer yes.

    Many people believe that an infinite Creator exists. Yet few believe that this almighty being hears their prayers or answers them. Fewer believe that this divine being is accessible and can talk to them. Exceptional people are willing to allow God to speak to them directly.

    But only rare, extraordinary individuals act on what the divine voice advises them to do. Do you want to be one of these people? If so, you are in the right place.

    We are taught from an early age that when we talk to God it is called "prayer," but when God talks to us, it is called ... "schizophrenia." If you were to visit a psychiatric office today and report that God or Goddess speaks to you, what would be the reaction? You would be diagnosed with mental illness and walk out with a prescription for psychotropic drugs.

    We often read about murderers — even mothers who slaughter their own babies — who claim that voices in their heads told them to commit murder. We hear of cult leaders who believe that God demands that their followers commit suicide. No wonder the widespread belief is that people who claim to hear the divine voice are insane.

    We are conditioned to believe that the only people sanctioned to have authentic conversations with God are great prophets, saints, holy men (I emphasize the word men), and other holy beings who lived at least 2,000 years ago in some faraway land. These holy men wrote one book — a book literally written in stone. After that book was written, apparently, God has gone mute — and has not spoken to anyone since. Right? Wrong.

    I believe these holy men have not signed an exclusive contract with God. They have no special combination to a padlocked, hallowed safe with elite access. Some religious institutions would have you believe that they own the secret passkey and, without their permission, no one can walk through the doorway to heaven.

    Billions of people are resigned to the idea that they cannot experience the divine presence directly — certainly not while they are still breathing. Sadly, such people eagerly await death, when they will enter the glorious gates of paradise and finally catch a glimpse of that presence. They never conceive that they could directly experience God in this body during this lifetime.

    The widespread belief is that the Almighty's blessing and grace are inaccessible without a middleman, such as a pastor, minister, priest, cleric, rabbi, guru, master, shaman, psychic, channeler, counselor, or priestess. Most of these go-betweens have the best of intentions. But, regrettably, either intentionally or unwittingly, some of them become little more than hucksters masked in a veneer of spirituality, hawking their wares to the masses.

    Such intermediaries have no incentive to help people hear the divine voice directly. To use an analogy from the world of sales, if their customers were to contact Spirit directly, then these retailers would soon be out of business, for their clients would "cut out the middleman" and "go direct."

    However, it is my experience, and the experience of tens of thousands of people who have used the methods taught in my books or classes, that everyone can hear the divine voice directly, and that it is within them. It is the voice of their own higher self. It is their divine intuition.

    The Pearl of Great Price

    At the risk of giving away the "pearl of great price" — the most precious secret of the ages — on the third page of Chapter 1, I will tell you right now how you can hear the divine voice. This gift comes with no strings attached. You will not be required to convert to a religion, join a cult, venerate a guru, empty your bank account, or sacrifice your firstborn child. I will tell you right now how to "go direct." So here goes — a simple way to listen to the "still small voice" of divine intuition, right here and now, absolutely FREE:

    Just sit down in a chair, close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, get quiet, still, centered, and balanced within yourself. Continue to take several deep breaths until you attain a state of inner peacefulness. The deep breaths will take you into a deeper meditation. Then breathe normally. Relax into the center of your being.

    Next, do something that most people never do during meditation:


    Herein lies the entire secret: ASK. Ask a question, ask for guidance, ask for inspiration or healing. Then take another deep breath and do what I call the "Do-Nothing Program." That means, do nothing, nothing, and less than nothing. Then the "still small voice" will speak to you in your heart. You will learn this do-nothing method, called Divine Revelation(r), in this book.

    So the key to hearing the divine voice is to ASK. The trouble is that we forget to ask. Or we think we cannot or should not ask. We think we are unworthy to ask. Or we believe God is too busy for us and has much more important things to do. Is God too busy for you? Could the limitless, unbounded Creator be too busy for anyone? If you believe God is too busy to pay attention to you, then you have a very limited idea of what God is.

    God could never be too busy. The Almighty is not bound by time, space, or circumstances. He/She/It cannot get tired or overworked. God does not only pay attention to "important" people and things. Everyone and everything are important to the Creator. God does not play favorites. God is not available to only a select few so-called "holy" people. God is everywhere present and always available to anyone who asks.

    The entire premise of this book is "Ask, and it shall be given you." How to attain the requisite state of awareness, how to ask, and how to receive the message clearly are what you will learn by reading it.

    Some people have one 10-minute spiritual experience, and then spend the rest of their lives talking about it. Dozens of best-selling authors have built their entire careers upon that one time when a divine being appeared or spoke to them. However, Divine Revelation is about experiencing Spirit whenever you want — at will. After you have learned how to hear the divine voice, you will receive spiritual experiences as often as you desire. You can call upon a deity, a divine being, or your higher self, and ask a question, ask for guidance, or ask to experience God, and then receive the answer or experience immediately, whenever you want — day or night. Just ASK.

    Diane Wright, a dentist from Tampa, Florida, describes: "Divine Revelation has confirmed my knowing that I can reach my Christ self whenever I want. Just being aware and knowing has increased my consciousness."

    Problems Solved by This Book

    Throughout nearly 50 years of teaching meditation and intuition techniques, I have often heard the following complaints from my students, to which this book provides practical solutions:

    1. "I have never meditated. Do I have to meditate in order to hear the divine voice?"

    With this book, and the accompanying downloadable meditation, you can learn how to meditate and also how to hear the voice of divine intuition, whether inside or outside of meditation.

    2. "Nothing happens when I try to hear the divine voice. Maybe it works for other people, but not for me. I'm just a brick wall."

    In this book you will learn ways to break down the seeming brick wall that has stopped you from hearing the voice of divine intuition.

    3. "How do I know whether it's really Spirit speaking to me, or some other voice?"

    In Chapter 8 you will learn how to distinguish between the true voice of Spirit and other voices in your mind, such as your ego or wishful thinking.

    4. "Isn't it dangerous to listen to inner voices? What if they lead me down the wrong path? Can't I be deceived?"

    This book will help you attain spiritual discernment so you can avoid the pitfalls of psychic delusion.

    5. "My negative thought-patterns, habits, and conditioning prevent me from hearing the divine voice."

    In Chapter 7 of this book you will find specific healing affirmations and prayers that help you overcome negative patterns.

    6. "Making the right life decisions is difficult and confusing for me."

    In this book you will learn how to ask and receive guidance from the true voice of Spirit. That divine voice will help you make wise choices that are aligned with your true purpose.

    7. "I am offended by rules and regulations, cults, and coercive organizations."

    The universal techniques in this book impose no restrictions and are compatible with other religious philosophies, lifestyles, and personal beliefs.

    8. "I don't want to work at difficult, strict, hard-to-follow disciplines."

    This book is easy to understand, logical, and practical, with simple-to- learn methods requiring no previous experience, background, training, or knowledge.

    Some Benefits You Can Expect

    Here are a few of the many benefits you can receive by practicing the methods in this book. Included are experiences of people who have used these techniques to transform their lives.

    1. Trusting and following inner guidance.

    Linda De Narde, a property manager from San Leandro, California, says: "I feel it is a good idea to use the voice of God as a guide. One day, I was driving in a hurry and not paying attention. I heard this sweet angel voice say, 'Linda look up,' and I did. I was heading right into a parked car on a rounded curve. I quickly swerved and could hear the minor nick as I passed the car, like a click. If I had not looked up, I would have hit the car dead center. I knew I was given grace that day."

    2. Making wise and purposeful choices with peaceful confidence.

    Dan Ecklund, a physician from Foley, Alabama, says: "Even though I find that dowsing or AK (muscle testing) can be useful confirmatory tests, I find that Divine Revelation works easiest and best for me. I have been asking questions and getting intuitive answers for 27 years, and now I can finally trust my answers! Hallelujah!"

    3. Discovering and following your true pathway, true desires, and divine purpose, in alignment with your authentic self.

    Anita Foster, a massage therapist from Centerville, Ohio, says: "The major outcome for me was a clear call to me from divine guidance that it is time to acknowledge that the reason I am here on earth this time around is to live my oneness with God."

    4. Enjoying a sense of inner happiness and peace in everyday life.

    Marsha Campbell, a Unity Church administrator from Atlanta, Georgia, says: "Divine Revelation filled me with such a feeling of peace. When I first came across it, I felt tears in my eyes. Then, as I got more into it, what came over me was immense gratitude, more tears, from so much joy of feeling 'that connection.' It was an answer to prayer!"

    5. Being more self-reliant and less dependent on others by finding answers within.

    Victor Cox, from Dallas, Texas, says: "I would like to say that since reading Dr. Shumsky's books and using her teachings, I have received many answers to questions from divine spirit regarding my life and my job. These answers have come in the form of visions, inner voices, and signs, just as she says in her books!"

    6. Achieving greater self-love, self-acceptance, and inner power.

    Libby Maxey, an author from Mount Juliet, Tennessee, says: "God- Self-Universe-every particle of everything spoke thundering through me, to me, as me, in me, around me, resonating vibrating 'I AM Thou,' and I am not separate, cannot ever be separate, from God-Self or you, or me, or the earth, or the stars, or anything again. It is so utterly simple and so extremely subtle. I can say this and mean it with my whole being: I love God, I love my neighbors, and I love my Self. I Am Thou."

    7. Attaining the true freedom that comes from direct contact with Spirit.

    Rosemarie Sanchez, from Portland, Oregon, writes: "This realm of understanding is new for me and is exactly what I have wanted. After many years of the mainstream way of thinking, this is amazingly freeing. My word of inspiration right now is 'freedom' and even the thought of it provides the feeling of a butterfly in flight. God's love truly puts me on top of the world, knowing I can create any possibility for my life I choose."

    8. Dwelling in the joyous, comforting, loving presence of God.

    Michelle Engel, a schoolteacher from Ashland, Oregon, reports: "Truly, the biggest and best miracle I've experienced is the realization of divinity within. I feel wealthy in Spirit and am completely fulfilled from within."

    9. Putting your life on track and in order.

    Timothy Smith, a minister from Boynton Beach, Florida, says: "Your teaching has made such a huge difference in my life on so many levels. It was like a lightbulb experience. All my studies of religion in my BA degree, master's, and on personal levels now made sense with the inner Christ, inner Spirit, and inner Being. Suddenly the Christ that I invited into my heart so many years ago was revealed to me. The inner Christ was there all along, I could finally see/know it as a part of me. It seems so simple yet so complex."

    10. Discovering life's meaning in spiritual enlightenment.

    Albert Marsh, a retired architect from Los Angeles, California, says: "I experienced being 100-percent egoless. I was led into a blissful emptiness, a total silence, a total state of non-action and Oneness, and a total intense experience of the present moment. There was no emotion, no desire, no need to do anything, only a great peace. I felt like 'Albert' had gone away and I was empty of everything, impersonal. I felt as if my ego had been sent down a garbage disposal. Usually when I have a deep experience such as this, I have tears of humility, love, and joy, but there just wasn't any 'me' left to do anything, there was only pure, peaceful beingness."

    11. Knowing God and attaining God realization.

    Mark Lebowitz, a physician from Dallas, Texas, says: "I recently recalled that when I was 15 years old, my fondest wish was to know God. I just realized that I don't wish for that anymore. Because now, I think I do know Him. I am sure that I will grow to know Her more as I progress, but I have achieved my lifelong wish. Thank you, Susan."

    How I Learned to Meditate

    It was the Sixties, and I was a hippy living in the San Francisco Bay area. You might not realize that we "flower children" were not necessarily about sex, drugs, and rock and roll. In fact, we were eager to study Eastern wisdom and experience higher consciousness. I was reading every spiritual book I could lay my hands on, including Buddhist scriptures, The Tibetan Book of the Dead, Paramahansa Yogananda's classic Autobiography of a Yogi, The Life of Milarepa by Tsangnyon Heruka, and The Way of Zen and other books by Alan Watts.

    I learned that nirvana, or its Zen Buddhist equivalent, satori, meant the end of suffering: spiritual enlightenment, freedom from the "wheel of birth and death" — the cycles of reincarnation. Something within me knew this was the only goal worth pursuing. Since I read that nirvana could be found by practicing meditation, my heart yearned to learn how.

    In Alan Watts's books, he said it is essential to study with a "meditation guide." But in 1966 in Berkeley, California, you did not find "meditation" or anything remotely similar in the Yellow Pages of the telephone directory. It was a different world back then. So I asked one of my housemates how to find a "meditation guide." He asked, "Have you ever tried to meditate by yourself?" I replied, "Well, I'll give it a shot."

    So I lay down on my bed (because I was clueless, I did not even know you are supposed to meditate sitting up). Then I asked or prayed for a meditation experience.

    Suddenly I was propelled into an ecstatic state! A huge rush of energy bolted from the tips of my toes to the top of my head. I was connected to a powerful energy cord that pumped through the midline of my body. My body felt as if it were plugged into an electric socket, but in a most blissful way.

    Because I had never experienced anything like this, I figured this must be "meditation." Little did I know that this was not only my first meditation experience, but also my kundalini awakening — both at the same time.

    Soon after that, a friend took me to the Transcendental Meditation Center, where I learned how to meditate using a mantra (a Sanskrit sound used in meditation). A few years later, I became a meditation teacher.


    Excerpted from "Awaken Your Divine Intuition"
    by .
    Copyright © 2016 Susan Shumsky.
    Excerpted by permission of Red Wheel/Weiser, LLC.
    All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
    Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

    Table of Contents

    Preface: Who or What Is God? 11

    Part I Discovering Your Own Wisdom 13

    Chapter 1 Spirit Can Talk to You 15

    Chapter 2 How I Learned to Hear the Divine Voice 26

    Chapter 3 The Answer to Everything 35

    Part II Experiencing Your Breakthrough 49

    Chapter 4 The Four Signposts of Spirit 51

    Chapter 5 The Do-Nothing Way to Meditate 72

    Part III Practicing Safe Spirituality 89

    Chapter 6 All That Glitters Is Not God 91

    Chapter 7 Clearing the Pathway to Spirit 111

    Chapter 8 10 Tests of Spiritual Discernment 134

    Chapter 9 Testing the Message 157

    Part IV Inner Space Adventures 179

    Chapter 10 Misadventures in Psychic Delusion 181

    Chapter 11 Trusting Divine Guidance 192

    Chapter 12 Living in the Heart of God 204

    Epilogue 211

    Notes 213

    Bibliography 215

    Index 217

    About the Author 221

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