Be What You Want to Be: Heal Yourself

Be What You Want to Be: Heal Yourself

by Darlene Nelson, Sam Meranto
Be What You Want to Be: Heal Yourself

Be What You Want to Be: Heal Yourself

by Darlene Nelson, Sam Meranto


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Sam's sessions used at Yale Hospital in Connecticut and Tuscon Medical Center.

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Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781469778228
Publisher: iUniverse, Incorporated
Publication date: 07/09/2012
Pages: 108
Product dimensions: 6.00(w) x 9.00(h) x 0.22(d)

Read an Excerpt

Be What You Want to Be

Heal Yourself
By Darlene Nelson

iUniverse, Inc.

Copyright © 2012 Darlene Nelson / Sam Meranto
All right reserved.

ISBN: 978-1-4697-7822-8

Chapter One

Sam Meranto

Who is Sam Meranto? Sam has been called "the fastest, most successful therapist that ever lived by his clients." In 1978 Sam was granted a doctorate in the field of medical hypnosis (DH) by Maryland State Homeopathic Medical Society. In my personal opinion, Sam is truly a gift from God.

God saved Sam Meranto's life from a tornado on June 9, 1953, in Worcester, Massachusetts. Ninety people died where he was standing, and over ten thousand were injured. It was the tenth worst tornado in US history. I believe God saved Sam's life so he could do the work he is doing today.

When I share stories of people Sam has helped, many I have had the opportunity to hear firsthand, you can understand why I am so passionate to share Sam's extraordinary abilities and what he can do for you.

At the end of this book, I will share a handful of pictures and stories about clients Sam helped: people who had lost all hope until they enrolled in Sam's program. Some of these people had seen up to thirty doctors, been in as many as four famous hospitals, and even been to faith healers with no help. Sam was their last hope. In a matter of six minutes (yes, six minutes), Sam was able to get to the root of their problem and begin the process to help them. Their stories are so incredible I have put them in a link for you to log onto and hear for yourself at

Sam's ability to find the root of a person's problem is truly a gift from God. These solutions to people's problems seem to come to Sam automatically from above. The problems are usually so simple that nobody can find them. It's like the nose on your face: you can't see it unless you look in a mirror. After Sam finds the problem, he guides the client into curing himself or herself. That's what I call a miracle from God.

According to the Bible, it took God six days to make the world, and He rested on the seventh. If God can create the whole world in only six days, why should it take years and years for people to get help with psychological problems? I read that the average psychiatrist treats only four to five hundred patients in a thirty-year career. This means he or she only sees an average of thirteen to seventeen patients a year! That's because each patient sees the doctor once or twice a week for years and years, talking about the same problems on every visit. Most of them get worse instead of better. They keep going to the doctor year after year to get their prescriptions, because now they are dependent on them. In fact, the Arizona Republic did a story by United Press International (January 4, 1985) titled "ex-psychiatric patients' death rate is surprisingly high, researchers find".

Sam had a psychiatrist, Dr. Norys, come to him. He said in the last thirty years, he had treated all sorts of people, mostly by prescribing medication. Dr. Norys went through a divorce and was upset and depressed, so he decided to enroll in Sam's program. He asked Sam what he thought of psychiatrists. Sam said, "They are all good, and they mean well." That's when Dr. Norys admitted to Sam that he was a psychiatrist and wasn't happy with the training he received. He was amazed at the results Sam's clients were receiving.

Sam introduced the doctor to many of his clients, and Dr. Norys was bewildered and amazed. He asked, "You do all this without medication?"

And Sam's response was, "The Bible has all the answers. It states, 'A [happy] cheerful heart is good medicine,' in Proverbs 17:22 (NIB). Give people a solution to their problems, and God will do the rest."

Dr. Norys then told Sam, "You should start a school to train doctors guided meditation. Their medical training is not getting the job done."

In just two weeks, Dr. Norys felt like a new man. Sam videotaped him making this statement, which I have personally heard. Dr. Norys said, "I've learned more in two weeks on your program than all my medical training and thirty years in practice."

Sam wants to make it very clear that what he does he does not call a practice. Ballplayers practice and then they play ball. We're playing ball and getting the job done with God's help and guidance. Sam doesn't just look at a base hit; he looks at the home run—the whole picture of fixing the root of the problem. If you just put a Band-Aid on a problem, the problem will keep coming back. This is why Sam's program is so successful. He gets to the root of the issues and removes it for permanent results.

The following story was written by John Pritchard, a researcher who wanted to discredit what Sam did. I found it so powerful that I wanted to share it with you.

One of the world's greatest inventors, Thomas Alva Edison, in his declining years, told reporters on several occasions before his death, according to the World Book Encyclopedia, "I am working on a device so sensitive that if there is life after death it will pick up the evidence of it."

The same data source says that out of his more than one thousand inventions no one, before now, has been able to find out if the device he spoke of exists. I believe I have accidentally discovered the invention Edison talked about.

I've been watching a Phoenix, Arizona, spiritual meditation expert and scores of his subjects on his weekly TV shows. As I have watched and listened to testimonials of Sam Meranto's clients, their stories are unbelievable! I believe that Sam has been using the device that Thomas Edison invented. In the office, too, is a large photo taken over fifty years ago of Meranto holding up an electric lightbulb, Edison's most famous invention, as the focal object to mesmerize a girl.

Why a lightbulb? He could have chosen a ring, a pen, a coin, or a twirling watch. That photo aroused my curiosity. I learned that Meranto was born in 1931, a date I recalled as having some historical significance, but I couldn't think what it was at that moment.

As I've watched and listened to the testimonials of Sam Meranto's clients, their stories are unbelievable. People with cancer, leukemia, and mysterious diseases: some have been treated by as many as thirty medical doctors, faith healers, and have been in and out of all kinds of hospitals, such as UCLA Medical Center, Scripps Diagnostic Clinic, Ann Arbor Hospital, Mayo Clinic, and many others. They were told, "There is nothing more medical science can do for you." They came to Sam Meranto as a last resort, and they got help by listening to Sam's spiritual meditation sessions on audio recordings. Now, how can this man get those results by just listening to his voice? So, I started investigating to see if he was for real or a fake.

After hearing those testimonials of miraculous help from the spiritual meditation expert, I made an appointment and went to Sam Meranto's office with the intent of exposing him as a fraud. There, thinking of me as a potential client, he introduced me to many members of his Think Faith Center. Each one of them told me about dramatic help that Sam has given them. One man had lost 225 excess pounds.

I met senior citizens who have given up crutches and walkers. I saw children who were born with physical problems and who are now attending regular schools. And I met former heroin and crystal meth addicts who said Sam had helped them get those monkeys off their backs after being in $8,000 rehabilitation programs that had failed. But even after talking with all of those people face to face, I remained a skeptic in search of a story to expose the fakery of Sam Meranto.

I told him I was interested in his program but avoided signing up right away. I returned to his center several times, met more of his clients, and heard more tales of miraculous help. Finally, I told Sam right out: I was there to write a story about him as a fraud. He surprised me by not being upset. He said, "I don't blame you for thinking that way. It's hard to believe that my helping these people could accomplish so many miracles."

I asked him if he would cooperate with me by answering questions about his background, his use of meditation, and his work today. He agreed without hesitation.

Sam Meranto took time to show me through his center. I saw his state-of-the art television studio. In his office, there is almost every device that Thomas Edison invented.

I also learned that in 1953, in Worcester, Massachusetts, Sam was standing where a tornado struck, killing ninety people and injuring thousands. Sam walked away not more than three minutes before it struck. Sam feels God saved him to do the work he is doing today.

He showed me his antique wire voice recorder, Edison's favorite invention, that he bought years ago to make recordings to help salespeople boost their productivity.

Delving further into Meranto's life, he told me he'd learned about meditation in Massachusetts while still a teenager. In 1956, he started teaching medical doctors how to use meditation to help their patients with weight loss, to stop smoking, to treat stress, depression, and sex and skin problems. He showed me the, "Thanks for teaching me," letters from doctors he had taught.

That evening I reviewed the notes I'd made at Meranto's Center and thought about the things he'd shown me that he uses in his work, every one a Thomas Edison invention.

Thinking again about the photo in his office—Meranto as a young man, using an Edison-invented lightbulb as his meditation focal object—I wonder if perhaps I'm onto something unusual?

Looking up "Edison" in my encyclopedia, I began to read about his life and inventions. I can hardly believe what I'm reading, and the photo there—of young Edison beside his wax voice recorder—why, he looks exactly like young Meranto, holding up the lightbulb. Reading on, I recognize that things Thomas Edison and Sam Meranto share in common are far too many to be pure coincidence. It's mind-boggling.

Sam wants to make this perfectly clear. He does not think he is Edison. He calls it just a coincidence. As a reporter, I believe differently. If there is a past life, this definitely is Edison here to help humanity.

Could Edison be here, helping us with our problems? Sam says, "The only thing he is helping me with is by inventing the tools I use."

Sam Meranto does not like the word "hypnosis." Most people think you are going to make them act like a chicken or a dog.

The Bible makes it clear not to believe in fortune-tellers or people that take control over our mind. The Bible does state, "Lay down in your bed close your eyes, meditate, and open your mind to the Lord" (Psalms 4:8, 63:6). Sam is an ordained minister, and he is working for the Lord. Actually, he is dehypnotizing God's children from pain, depression, gluttony, smoking, drinking, reliance on prescription or illegal drugs, getting over the loss of a loved one, divorces, and physical and sexual abuse. This truly is the Lord's work. Sam gives God the credit for all of the miracles that he has helped perform in the name of God, the Holy Spirit, and in the name of Jesus for Christians.

Edison died on October 18, 1931, in New Jersey of a respiratory ailment. Sam Meranto was born sixteen days later, on November 3, 1931, a few miles away, in New York State with an infant's respiratory ailment.

Edison's father and his grandfather were both named Sam. Was it foreordained or coincidence that Meranto was named Sam at birth? Edison's mother was born in Canada. Sam's mother was born in Canada; another coincidence?

Earlier that day, Sam had told me that he'd always wanted to be an inventor. He showed me his two US patents issued for his inventions. His first patent was issued in 1967. Edison finished his first invention to become patented in 1867, exactly one hundred years before.

Meranto holds his second patent, but he was not destined to be a great inventor. That, in itself, poses a significant question. If an outstanding inventor comes back into our world, does he return with the same talents of his previous life, or does he come back with "spin-off" talents, such as being able to demonstrate masterful use of things he invented in his previous life?

Sam Meranto is no prolific inventor, but it is evident, by results he gets for clients, that he is loaded with extraordinary abilities to utilize Edison inventions. Hospitals, therapists, psychiatrists, and psychologists each use voice recorders in their practices, but none of them, as far as I have been able to determine, get the consistent positive results that Sam Meranto gets with the voice recorder, Edison's favorite invention.

There are many more similarities shared by Edison and Meranto. Edison spent three months in school, and the teacher sent him home, telling his mother that he was incapable of learning; that he asked too many questions. Meranto was sent home from school repeatedly because he talked too much and asked too many questions. Coincidence? Let's go further.

Meranto was dehypnotizing people in the Arizona sunshine in 1978, attempting to harness the sun's energy for weight reduction. Phoenix TV station Channel 10 made a news feature of his effort, and the Phoenix Gazette published a feature article about what he was doing, headed, "Valley Sun 'Burns off Weight'."

Precisely one hundred years before, in 1878, Thomas Edison was working on a project to harness the sun's energy. Coincidence? Perhaps.

Then let's add these facts, too. Edison was married twice and had six children. Meranto has been married twice and had six children.

One of my questions to Meranto was, "What sports do you like?" His reply was that he has no time for sports and spends most of his time trying to help people solve problems. He added, however, that he does sometimes shoot pool on his table at home. While reading about Edison, I discovered that he disliked sports, thinking them a waste of time, but that he did enjoy using the pool table in his home. Another coincidence.

Meranto's weakness is that he craves a good cigar every once in a while. Edison, according to the encyclopedia, was a frequent cigar smoker.

Both men show the Edison patience in their work (but not always so in the personal aspects of their lives). Edison is reported to have experienced over ten thousand failures while trying to make a working battery for automobiles. When told if he kept better records he could have saved years of time and thousands of experiments in developing that product, he replied, "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." By Satender 24 Jul 2011at

Meranto's work patience has allowed him to produce more than seventeen hundred different audio recordings to help people with almost any problem, real or imagined. He told me that he made every one of them without a script or an outline. He simply picks up his microphone, another Edison invention, and makes an audio recording nonstop, while what needs to be on it comes into his mind.

Both Thomas A. Edison, inventor, and Sam Meranto, spiritual meditation expert and master user of Edison's inventions, were essentially self-educated. They learned through reading, experimentation, and doing. There are so many similarities shared by the two men that it's awesome. Is Sam Meranto, indeed, Thomas Edison back among us, proving there is life after death?

Meranto has voice recorders or video cameras in every room of his center. Sam even has an audio record of the very first time Edison allowed himself to be recorded over eighty years ago.

The day after my evening of discovering these tremendous numbers of similarities shared by Edison and Meranto, I returned to Sam's Center to ask him, "Do you think you might be the reincarnation of Edison back on earth or that his spirit is guiding you?"

Meranto smiled and then replied, "God gave me the gift and the talent to help people. I don't believe in reincarnation or spirits coming back to guide somebody."

Sam said, "I have to admit when I look at some of the similarities, chills run up and down my back. I remember when I was five years old. I got behind a stand-up radio and started pulling all the tubes out. They were all over the floor. My father and mother had a fit.

"I have always been fascinated with cameras and radios. I went to a theater when I was five years old with my sister, Margaret, to see a western starring Tom Mix and Buck Jones. I had my first little camera and I was trying to take pictures of the movie screen. When I was twenty, I won a Brownie 8mm movie camera as top salesman. I have closets full of movies I took of my kids. I guess I just like gadgets. People would ask me if I believed in past lives, and if so, who did I think I was. Jokingly, I would say Thomas Edison. But I was only kidding at the time, I didn't know about the similarities. If you ask me, it is scary. But I don't want people to think I am a weirdo, believing in such nonsense. I do feel there is a higher spirit coming from God that's been guiding me into helping people in need."


Excerpted from Be What You Want to Be by Darlene Nelson Copyright © 2012 by Darlene Nelson / Sam Meranto. Excerpted by permission of iUniverse, Inc.. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents


Sam Meranto....................3
It Begins in the Womb....................19
Read and Trance Away Your Problems....................23
It's in Your Head....................35
Fruit, Roots, and Hearts....................43
Children Are Our Future....................47
Your Blueprint....................51
A Miracle for You....................55
The Arizona Republic Story....................91
From the B&N Reads Blog

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