Brave Girls: Beautiful You: A 90-Day Devotional

Sometimes it's tough being a girl!

Whether you are outgoing or shy, a tomboy or a girly girl, silly or serious, it can be really hard to feel comfortable with yourself. This devotional is filled with stories and thoughts about how God created us to be healthy, strong, and confident--both with our bodies and our minds--because we are daughters of the great heavenly Father.

The goal of Brave Girls(R) is to encourage you to appreciate yourself as God made you and to help you grow strong in your relationship with Him. Beautiful You will help you really see yourself as brave and beautiful inside and out . . . just like God made you!

Brave Girls: Beautiful You: A 90-Day Devotional

Sometimes it's tough being a girl!

Whether you are outgoing or shy, a tomboy or a girly girl, silly or serious, it can be really hard to feel comfortable with yourself. This devotional is filled with stories and thoughts about how God created us to be healthy, strong, and confident--both with our bodies and our minds--because we are daughters of the great heavenly Father.

The goal of Brave Girls(R) is to encourage you to appreciate yourself as God made you and to help you grow strong in your relationship with Him. Beautiful You will help you really see yourself as brave and beautiful inside and out . . . just like God made you!

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Brave Girls: Beautiful You: A 90-Day Devotional

Brave Girls: Beautiful You: A 90-Day Devotional

by Jennifer Gerelds
Brave Girls: Beautiful You: A 90-Day Devotional

Brave Girls: Beautiful You: A 90-Day Devotional

by Jennifer Gerelds


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Sometimes it's tough being a girl!

Whether you are outgoing or shy, a tomboy or a girly girl, silly or serious, it can be really hard to feel comfortable with yourself. This devotional is filled with stories and thoughts about how God created us to be healthy, strong, and confident--both with our bodies and our minds--because we are daughters of the great heavenly Father.

The goal of Brave Girls(R) is to encourage you to appreciate yourself as God made you and to help you grow strong in your relationship with Him. Beautiful You will help you really see yourself as brave and beautiful inside and out . . . just like God made you!

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9780718076115
Publisher: Nelson, Tommy
Publication date: 03/15/2016
Series: Thomas Nelson's Brave Girls Series
Pages: 144
Sales rank: 654,870
Product dimensions: 5.40(w) x 8.30(h) x 0.60(d)
Age Range: 6 - 10 Years

About the Author

Jennifer Gerelds, mother of four school-aged brave girls, has been writing devotional books for children and adults for almost 20 years. In addition to the Brave Girls series, she has written for Magnify, God's Little Princess and God's Mighty Warrior brands, Precious Moments, and numerous other children's devotionals. Her adult devotional works include Shine On Beautiful Soul! and When God Thinks of You, He Smiles. Jennifer and her husband, Todd, have been married over 20 years and currently live in Birmingham, Alabama.

Read an Excerpt

Brave Girls

Beautiful You

By Jennifer Gerelds, Olga Ivanov, Aleksey Ivanov

Thomas Nelson

Copyright © 2016 Thomas Nelson
All rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-0-7180-7611-5


Beauty Basics

Introduction to Beauty Basics

If you know me, then you know how much I just loooooove girly things like pageants, dress-up parties, perfect outfits, and a really good updo (that's a fancy hairstyle, for those of you not into that kind of thing!). I love beautiful things because they make my heart happy in a way that's hard to explain. When I see something beautiful, it's like I want to become a part of it. Since everything beautiful comes from God, I guess it's His way of helping me see Him, appreciate Him, and want to know more about Him.

In this next section, I hope you'll learn to see — maybe for the first time — all the beautiful gifts you have in your life if you belong to Jesus. Our connection with Him not only takes away our sin but also adds all kinds of beautiful things to our lives — like being adopted into God's family forever and being promised a home in heaven for all of eternity. Belonging to God brings amazing color, beauty, and joy into our everyday lives. Simply opening our eyes to see the beauty God has placed all around us helps Him transform us into the beautiful people He has created us to be.

— Glory

Forever Love

Day 1

Yes, I am sure that nothing can separate us from the love God has for us. Romans 8:38

How do you know when you are loved? Write some of the times you have felt loved: _____________________________



When do you feel loved? Is it when you get hurt and your mom or dad puts a bandage on you and holds you close? Is it when your best friend stops what she's doing to listen to you? Is it being forgiven when you've messed up?

Love can show itself in a million different ways, but it always has the same effect: it makes us feel warm, safe, important, and secure. But because people are sinners, they can't always love perfectly. It might even seem like some people might stop loving you altogether if you aren't good enough.

But God isn't like that. The Bible says God is love. And because you are God's child, He gives you the greatest and most forever kind of love you could possibly have — He loves you like He loves Jesus. Best of all, nothing — not even death — can separate us from God's love. No matter what happens, His kids are always safe, important, and secure. God's love never ends. There's nothing more beautiful than that.

Prayer Pointer

God, help me believe that Your love for me never changes and that it lasts forever.

Beauty Reborn

Day 2

If anyone belongs to Christ, then he is made new. The old things have gone; everything is made new! 2 Corinthians 5:17

What would you like for your birthday? Circle the items that interest you:

• new clothes

• old tennis shoes

• a new art set

• used pencils

• a new phone

• your brother's old basketball

You probably didn't pick any of the old stuff. Birthdays are supposed to celebrate life and new beginnings. People give new and special gifts for birthdays, not old or worn-out things.

God feels the same way about birthdays. When you were born, you were new and beautiful and full of life. However, you were also born under the curse of sin that started when Adam and Eve disobeyed God. As you grow older, and God opens your heart to believe that Jesus is the Savior and your only hope for heaven, something amazing happens. Your spirit is born again! It's like a new birthday, and God has gifts for you.

You might not look new on the outside, but inside, God makes you an entirely new creation by sending His Spirit to live inside you. The Spirit empowers you to pray, read the Bible, and understand God better. Best of all, it guarantees your place in heaven with Jesus forever!

Prayer Pointer

Father, thank You for making me a beautiful, new creation in Jesus!

Planned with Purpose

Day 3

I praise you because you made me in an amazing and wonderful way. Psalm 139:14

Have you ever just sat and watched people at the mall or at a football game? What are some things you've noticed that make people different from each other?

Isn't God's creativity amazing? While everybody might look kind of the same in magazines, in real life people come in different shapes, sizes, and personalities. Noticing all those differences can be fun. But sometimes watching other people can have a bad effect on you. That's because it's tempting to look at others and think they're smarter, funnier, prettier, or more talented. We can even start to think they're better than we are and that we'll never be as special as they are.

But that's not true! God says in Psalm 139 that He carefully crafted each of us just exactly as He had planned before He even created the world. That means you are specially designed by God to display His genius and brilliant creativity in a way only you can! We were each made to be uniquely beautiful stars in this wonderful universe He has made.

And since God's creative and powerful Spirit lives in you, who knows what wild and wonderful purpose God has planned for your life? With God as your guide and power, not even the sky is the limit!

Prayer Pointer

Jesus, thank You for making me perfectly unique to show Your glory.

A Good Foundation

Day 4

No one build any other foundation. The foundation that has already been laid is Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 3:11

Look at the list of clothes and jewelry below and number them in the order you would put them on:

[] necklace

[] scarf

[] your favorite shirt and jeans

[] bracelet

[] boots

Did you put a number one by your favorite shirt and jeans? You should! Because all those other things are the accessories that go on top. A great outfit starts with a great foundation — like your favorite shirt and jeans. Then you can add all the extra accessories — like scarves, jewelry, and boots — to make a beautiful, stylish outfit. Believe it or not, the same principle applies to our spiritual lives. Good behaviors like nice manners, working hard, and being kind to others are like a wardrobe of beautiful accessories. But for true spiritual beauty, you need more than accessories; you need a great foundation.

So what's step one in God's beauty process? Jesus. He is our foundation — not just for what we wear, but for our whole lives. His Spirit inside us is what changes our hearts to help us obey His Word and become beautiful. Once we belong to God and the Holy Spirit lives in us, then we can apply the truths that God says will make us beautiful in His sight — things like loving and giving, sharing and forgiving.

For instance, instead of staying mad at your friend who didn't invite you over for her slumber party, you can forgive and love her. Instead of demanding your parents give you whatever you want, you can look for ways to spend your time, money, or talents to help people in need. With Jesus' love encouraging us and making us strong, we can follow His example. That kind of beauty is always in style!

Prayer Pointer

Jesus, I need You to fill me and strengthen me completely so that I can be beautiful like You.

Beauty from the Inside Out

Day 5

Our physical body is becoming older and weaker, but our spirit inside us is made New every day. 2 Corinthians 4:16

Have you ever been in the makeup aisle at the store? Hundreds of products line the shelves, promising to make girls more beautiful. There is every kind of powder, cream, and lotion imaginable, and they all promise to make you look beautiful. But real beauty doesn't come in a jar or a tube. Real beauty is becoming who God wants you to be — and it happens from the inside out.

God is slowly changing us on the inside ... from the ugliness of our sin to the beautiful goodness of His Son, Jesus. The more we trust and obey God, the more we realize how much we need Jesus and the more beautiful our character becomes. We actually begin to think, talk, and act more like Jesus and less like our old, selfish selves. Our love for God and our love for others grow. As it grows, a miracle happens: we become beautiful mirrors of God's never-ending affection for His people.

True beauty can't be bought in the makeup aisle. True beauty only comes from loving Jesus. This kind of beauty not only shines in our dark world but also lasts for all eternity in heaven with Jesus.

Prayer Pointer

Lord, change me from the inside out. Please make me Your kind of beautiful forever.

Safe and Secure

Day 6

God Has said, "I will Never leave you; I will Never abandon you." Hebrews 13:5

Have you ever gotten lost in a store or separated from your parents? One minute you were exploring all the new clothes, feeling safe and fine. The next minute, you looked up and found yourself all alone — and all those good feelings vanished. Panic set in as you wandered up and down aisles, hoping to find your mom and dad so you could feel safe again.

Sometimes we feel that way even when we aren't lost. When we have to face hard times — like a family member getting sick or dying, parents getting divorced, or friends moving away — we can get that same lost and lonely feeling. Jesus' followers felt the same way when He was crucified, and they felt that way again when He rose up into heaven.

But Jesus didn't want them to feel alone, and He doesn't want us to either. He promised that He will never leave us — and He doesn't! When we accept Jesus as our Savior, He puts His Spirit inside us. So no matter where we go or what we do, Jesus is right there with us. We are never lost to God. Feelings of loneliness and sadness are just signals for us to stop and remember that He is still with us — even if we can't see Him — and that we are safe in His never-ending love for us.

Prayer Pointer

Jesus, thank You for always being with me — now and forever.

Gorgeous Giving

Day 7

God loves the person who gives Happily. And God can give you more blessings than you need. 2 Corinthians 9:7–8

Picture this: You have been saving your money for weeks to buy those supercute boots you've been wanting forever. Then one Sunday, a lady comes to your church and tells everybody that the children's home in your city is having trouble. They don't have enough money to support all the orphans. What do you think God would want you to do?

A. Ignore the request.

B. Pray that someone else with more money pitches in.

C. Give some of your money while keeping some for yourself.

D. Hand it all over to the lady.

It's not an easy question to answer, is it? God tells us that taking care of the poor, orphans, and widows is very important to Him. He also says that He loves cheerful givers because giving to others shows them His kind of love in a very real way that they can understand. When we ask God what He'd like us to do and then we obey Him, our faith and love grow stronger. It's wonderful knowing that we are joining God in His important work of showing people that He loves them. And we know that He will always take care of our needs too (even if it means having to wait a little while longer for those supercute boots!).

Prayer Pointer

Lord, please help me trust You to take care of me so that I can cheerfully give to others.

Home Sweet Home

Day 8

Before the world was made, God decided to make us his own children through Jesus Christ. Ephesians 1:5

Imagine visiting a friend at her family's beautiful home. It's filled with comfy furniture and the smell of freshly baked cookies. Then your friend welcomes you into the kitchen and asks if you'd like something to eat. Everything is so wonderful. You wish that it all belonged to you — that you could stay forever.

Now imagine the same scene, but this time the house really is yours. You open the fridge and find something wonderful to give to your guests. You don't just feel at home; you are home. So what's the difference?

Everything! Being someone's guest can be fun, but at some point you know you'll have to leave and go back to your own house. But when you're a part of the family who owns the beautiful home, you can stay there forever. You never have to leave, and you are always welcome.

That's what it's like when you accept Jesus as your Savior. God, your heavenly Father, adopts you, and you become part of the greatest royal family in the universe. Your place in God's kingdom is permanent because God never leaves His kids. All the benefits and blessings of His kingdom are yours for the taking ... and for offering to your guests who just might become future family members too.

Prayer Pointer

Thank You, Jesus, for welcoming me into Your beautiful family forever!

The Potter's Hands

Day 9

But Lord, you are our father. We are like clay, and you are the potter. Your hands made us all. Isaiah 64:8

Have you ever worked with clay on a potter's wheel? First, you place your lump of clay onto the center of the wheel. Then you gently press into the center with your thumbs as the wheel turns, using your other fingers to shape the outside, forming a bowl, a cup, or a vase.

Gradually, you can form a bowl or a vase that can be dried or fired in a kiln to make it stronger. It is a slow and steady process, but a beautiful piece of art can be created from a lump of clay. That's pretty amazing!

Creating is fun, isn't it? God thinks so too. He says that people are like clay, and He is the Potter. Just like He formed Adam from the dust of the ground, He shapes who we are. He presses in — using our family, school, teachers, church, and all kinds of experiences, even the bad ones — to mold us and make us fit for the purpose He has planned for us. We might not always like the molding and shaping part, and we might even wonder sometimes if God knows what He's doing ... but He always does!

Your life is safe in God's hands. Instead of fighting the way He is shaping you, open your eyes and heart to His plans for you — they'll always be perfectly designed. Then, thank Him for making you ready for the beautiful purpose He has for your life.

Prayer Pointer

Father, I trust You to use every moment in my life to shape me into the person You want me to be.


Day 10

You are living with crooked and mean people a11 ground you. Among them you shine like stars in the dark world. You offer to them the teaching that gives life. Philippians 2:15–16

It's time for a trip out into the country where the man-made streetlights end and the beautiful lights of the night sky begin. If you find the right spot, you'll be able to see the heavens stretching overhead like a dark, velvet blanket dotted with brilliant sparkles of light. Individually, each star is only a tiny light in the great big darkness of the night sky. Together, the lights join to brighten up the whole night sky, shining all the way down to earth.

God says that believers are just like those shining stars. Lit up by God's Spirit inside us, our lives look very different from the dark world all around us. The Bible calls people who do not believe in God "lost"; they cannot find a lasting purpose or meaning in life. List below some of the things of this world that people look to for happiness instead of looking to God:




When people look to the things of the world for happiness, they will always be disappointed — never finding joy, peace, or true life. Their world will be dark. But those people who belong to God have the light of Jesus' hope. We have been forgiven, saved, and honored by God. And we have love to give because we have been loved first. As we show others what it means to know Jesus, His light shines out of us, pierces the darkness of this world, and draws other people to Him.

Prayer Pointer

Father, thank You for filling me with Your light so I can show lasting joy to others around me.


Excerpted from Brave Girls by Jennifer Gerelds, Olga Ivanov, Aleksey Ivanov. Copyright © 2016 Thomas Nelson. Excerpted by permission of Thomas Nelson.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents


Introduction, vi,
Beauty Basics, 1,
Radiant Reflections, 23,
Works of Beauty, 47,
Beautifully Clothed, 75,
Kingdom Fitness, 95,
Creative Beauty, 115,

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