Change Your Life in 30 Days: A Journey to Finding Your True Self

Change Your Life in 30 Days: A Journey to Finding Your True Self

by Rhonda Britten
Change Your Life in 30 Days: A Journey to Finding Your True Self

Change Your Life in 30 Days: A Journey to Finding Your True Self

by Rhonda Britten



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Rhonda Britten, Life Coach on NBC's hit show Starting Over, guides readers on a 30-day step-by-step journey to help define goals and make extraordinary life changes in their lives, using practical insights, exercises, and inspiring wisdom.

For those who want to make a major life change but have been too locked in fear to start, the answers lie within this book.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781440627651
Publisher: Penguin Publishing Group
Publication date: 02/01/2005
Sold by: Penguin Group
Format: eBook
Pages: 272
File size: 779 KB
Age Range: 18 Years

About the Author

Rhonda Britten can be seen life-coaching five days a week on NBC's Starting Over (winner of a 2005 Emmy Award), as well as in the U.K. on Channel 5's Help Me Rhonda and on PBS. As the founder of the Fearless Living Institute, she trains life coaches, facilitates workshops, and speaks internationally. She is the author of Fearless Living, Fearless Loving and Change Your Life in 30 Days.

Read an Excerpt

Change Your Life in 30 Days

A Journey to Finding Your True Self
By Rhonda Britten

Perigee Books

Copyright ©2005 Rhonda Britten
All right reserved.

ISBN: 039953069X

Chapter One

Day 1

A New Beginning

Congratulations. You have decided to embark on a sacred journey to find your true self. By picking up this book you have committed to making dramatic changes in your life in the next 30 days. I'm asking you to dedicate this month to yourself. This is not a selfish act; on the contrary, as you will learn in this book, it is the most unselfish act you can commit.

I believe that we all secretly yearn to make our lives better while being true to our essential self. To take on this task you might need to learn how to say no, create boundaries, give up people-pleasing, speak up, reignite your passion, find your purpose, let go of false friends and make new ones. Or the task might manifest itself in a more concrete way, like finding a dream job, committing to an exercise program, or falling head over heels in love. For me, being true to myself would include more intangible qualities such as more satisfaction, peace of mind, and self-love. I believe people compromise their dreams too quickly. The truth is you can have it all. You can have the external things you crave while fulfilling your soul's desires if you can answer yes to the following questions:

1. Are you willing toput personal integrity above a promise to another?

2. Are you willing to listen to your heart while using your head?

3. Are you willing to quit lying to yourself in order to start loving yourself?

4. Are you willing to be authentic even if it means being vulnerable?

5. Are you willing to invest in the life you have to get the life you want?

If you answered yes, being true to yourself is a top priority. New beginnings can happen only if you are willing to embrace your true self amid the scars of the past and your hopes for the future, while at the same time being truthful about the life you lead now.

Being true to yourself is not an easy task. What does being true to yourself mean? I think it is the essence of life. What other question wakes you up in the middle of the night, forcing you to examine the areas of your life where you have been lying to yourself or to someone else, and, ultimately, letting your soul down?

Stacey, a thirty-four-year-old antiques dealer, knew she wanted to change her life. Wearing a '50s poodle skirt with her matching shoes and handbag, she could hardly sit still as we spoke about her dilemma.

"The antiques store I manage has been in my family for three generations. My whole family works there. My sister travels all over the country but mainly the Midwest, searching for antiques, my brother heads up the refinishing department, and my job is to make the store profitable. My mother and father still work at the store almost every day, even though I am now in charge of all the operations. They keep talking about retiring, but ..." Stacey's voice trailed off.

"It sounds like you are close with your family. Is that what you wanted to talk to me about?" I asked.

"Well, yes and no. I want to change my life but I just didn't know where to start. My life is okay but I want more. I want it to be better. I want it to be great," Stacey quickly explained.

I could tell she had high hopes and was praying that I could help her with her goal. I could. But what she didn't realize was she would have to do most of the work. The work started with a simple question.

"Define great," I asked.

Defining the words you use supports you in your quest for personal integrity. Do you mean what you say, or say something just for the sake of talking? I am always fascinated when a couple comes into my office to talk about love. Rarely have they defined it for themselves, yet they bat the word around and nod their heads as if they understand each other completely. Not me. I had to know her definition before I could help.

"I had never thought of defining great before," she said with an air of uneasiness. She began to fidget with the pen in her hand.

"Defining a word makes it more real," I explained. "It gives the word more weight, more value. If you wanted to have a better life, one that you call 'great,' then you better be willing to define it. So, Stacey, what do you mean by great?"

Stacey leaned toward me and began reciting her list of what would make up a great life. "Well, a great life would be taking more time out for me. I would let myself fall in love. I would live in the mountains near a lake. I wouldn't care if I was perfect anymore. I wouldn't think about work every minute of every day. I would relax more and have more fun. I might even get a dog or cat. And I definitely wouldn't care so much about things that didn't matter. Is that what you meant?" she asked.

I smiled. "Yes, that is a good start," I said. "And what I heard you say is that you want more love and fun in your life. Is that right?"

"Yes." Stacey sighed. "It almost seems selfish to want more, but I am just not as happy as I should be. I know I have a great job and good friends, but I am always running around doing things that I don't want to do. Do you know what I mean?"

Oh, yes. I knew what Stacey meant. People who do a lot of things but with little meaning are an epidemic phenomenon nowadays. It has become a world of "should." Most people come to the Fearless Living Institute for that very reason. They may not say it. But that is what they mean. Stacey was going to be all right.

Ask yourself the same question. You are reading this book to change your life in some way, but do you know which way? The more specific you can get, the more likely you will succeed. Being specific is an act of honesty. Can you be specific without allowing social definitions to get in your way?-or in other words, what you think the definition "should" be? When we get caught in the external trappings of success, our internal life will never be satisfied.

I asked Stacey to answer the following questions. If you want to get the most out of this book, answer them for yourself as well.

Being true to yourself would mean: If you were true to yourself you could: If you were true to yourself you would let go of: For most a better life includes success. To help you determine if success is part of your better or so-called great life, please answer the following:

Define success: You felt successful when: You would be more successful if: What would you need to do to have a successful life?

What would you have to let go of?

Knowing what you mean when you describe your "great" life is critical to understanding what you want and, more important, why you get disappointed, stopped, frustrated, and overwhelmed. Why you almost get there but rarely meet the mark. Why your dreams, at times, feel so close yet so far away. Definitions tell you what you believe, who you are, and what you think you are capable of. They indicate whether you trust yourself or are insecure. Do you have faith in what you want or do you waver and write down the safe choice?

Notice how you feel or what you think when you are asked to define a word. Do you want to grab a dictionary to make sure you have the "right" answer? Do you want to poll your friends? Do you go blank? Do you write down the first thing that comes to you? Is it easy or hard? This is valuable to know because it's showing you how you process information. That's important. We will talk more about that later. Just note what you think or feel when you are answering the questions throughout this book.

It always amazes me how one simple question and one simple answer can speak volumes about a person's belief in herself. Look at your answer. Does it put a smile on your face? Do you want to change it? Are you satisfied with your reply? Were you clear and thorough? If someone read your answer, like your fairy godmother, would she know exactly how to make your dreams come true?

Stacey had a hard time separating her family's expectations from her own desires. It had been a given that Stacey would work in the family business ever since she was born. Stacey liked it well enough, but she didn't feel like she ever had a chance to make her own decisions. The traditions handed down from one generation to the next defined her family life and the business. Stacey felt she had no place to be Stacey.

"I know my parents want me to be happy," she explained, "but they also want the store to be my life. I don't think I want the store to be my life. I do want to make them happy, but when is it my turn to make myself happy? To be honest, I don't even know what that would mean. I don't know what to do. It is so confusing."

Stacey was having a difficult time weighing her parents' wants against her own needs, so I decided to shake things up. "Do you want to quit your job?" I asked.

When you answer a question like this, check the authenticity of your reply by asking yourself the following question. I asked Stacey to repeat it until she was sure she was answering the question from her own internal guidance.

Who am I being when I am answering this question?

Stacey answered the question quickly. "No, of course I don't want to quit. I couldn't. It is a family business and I am part of the family." The answer was too pat, too logical, to be from her true self. She realized she was being her mother. "I know my answer was what my mother would say. She has been afraid for years to leave the store. She has told me several times that when she married my dad, she knew she was marrying the store."

When fear is running your life, you will not be true to yourself. It takes vigilance and an honest commitment to move you from the life you have to the life you want. But being true to yourself is the key that will get you there. You must answer every question with the truth. Fear wants our answers to be neat and pretty; freedom doesn't care if the truth is messy.

I asked her again. "Do you want to quit your job?"

"I don't know. It is a great job and I am running a business at thirty-four years old. My parents trust me. Where else could I get a job with so much responsibility that included ownership? And it is a real honor to be part of a tradition like our store has been to so many families for generations."

This time around she found herself putting down the "right" words, the ones that made her feel smart, enlightened, and impressive. She answered it like the perfect daughter. Stacey was an expert at rationalizing.

I asked her again. "Do you want to quit your job?"

"No, not really. But I can't work the way I have been either. I am tired. I want to have a life outside the store, outside my family." Finally, she had found her own answer. It wasn't nice and neat. It was a little bit messy.

A better life for Stacey would include taking time out for herself. Joining a sailing club and not going home for every single birthday and holiday was going to be a start. She wanted to create her own traditions with her group of close-knit friends. She also wanted to wake up happy to be alive.

Seems simple enough, but talking about it and doing it are two different things. What would Stacey have to do to change her life? Leave work early or not come in one or two days a week would be a good place to begin. She could sign up for sailing lessons. What about the holidays? She could tell her family no, and for most folks, especially a family as close as Stacey's, that wouldn't be easy. It might seem silly to want to wake up happy, but it would mean dealing with her problems head-on rather than avoiding them. Simple answers reveal true, deep desires that will fundamentally change your life.

Are you truthful? Are these your dreams of a better life? Is this new life attainable if you are willing to risk everything? If you could have everything you described, would you be happy? Have you earned it? Are you worth it?

Now, think about your answers one more time. This is your final opportunity to determine if this is the life you desire above all else. I will be giving you some key ingredients to activate your answers and turn them into reality.

Is that it?

Fantastic. Thank you for having the courage to face your first difficult task: telling the truth about "great life" and "success." I understand how hard it can be to answer a straightforward question, especially when we have been hurt, disappointed, and frustrated in the past. The fact that you did answer the questions to the best of your ability proves to me you are ready to have a "better" life. Make sure you get support over the next 30 days. Take a minute to think of a friend or family member who could support you during this journey. Will they tell you the truth? Is he or she a good cheerleader? For instance, are the following words in their vocabulary: "Yes! Go for it! I knew you could do it! You are amazing." No one can be fearless alone. It takes courage to reach out and ask for help. Do it. It is Day One and it is time for you to take the first step toward finding your true self. The days ahead will give you the skills and tools to be true to yourself more and more each day. Your future is unfolding already. Get ready for a ride.

Today, Practice Being True to Yourself?????? Discovering the true you is a journey that begins today. Please answer the following questions and be as thorough and as honest as you can. We have a lot to do in thirty days, so let's get going.

How would being true to yourself change your life?

If you are true to yourself, what are you afraid might happen?

What has stopped you before from becoming the best you possible?

Describe the you that you would like to be in 30 days.

What is one thing you are willing to do today to be more true to yourself?

How you answered the questions above determines your commitment to the journey we are embarking on together. Pay attention to the qualities and characteristics you would like to develop. This will help you decide what area of your life to focus on for the next 30 days.

In order to change your life and claim your best you, I invite you to take the actions necessary to start living the life you described above, including taking the one action today that will help you be more true to yourself. It may be giving up lying for a day or giving up complaining or letting go of a problem that has been nagging you. Your willingness to take this small step determines your ability to fulfill the sacred path you are on to finding the true you.

Today, I want you to remember four points. Think about these four points as you go through the day. These points comprise the first step you will be taking to finding your true self.



Excerpted from Change Your Life in 30 Days by Rhonda Britten Copyright ©2005 by Rhonda Britten. Excerpted by permission.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

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