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A must have for anyone wanting to create a positive, happy environment for themselves and their loved ones.

Feeling Blocked? Tired? Unsettled?

Clearing could help you transform your life, clear negative energies around your home and usher in the positivity and wellbeing you have been yearning for. Kerrie Erwin, one of Australia’s best loved psychic healer and spirit medium, guides you through an array of practical and useful exercises to help you create and maintain positive, creative energy within your home and workplace.

Packed with easy to follow rituals and useful advice on using spiritual tools such as sage, incense and essential oils, plus peppered with Kerrie’s own unique cases and amazing experiences, this book is a must have for anyone wanting to create an uplifting, happy environment for themselves and their loved ones.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781925924848
Publisher: Rockpool Publishing
Publication date: 10/14/2019
Format: eBook
Pages: 160
File size: 4 MB

About the Author

"Sydney-based Psychic Medium Kerrie has lived between two worlds since childhood and is able to see and hear spirit people talking. Realizing her true calling when she was very young, she now works professionally as a spiritual medium and clairvoyant, working with spirit rescue, hauntings and connecting people to loved ones that have passed over into the spirit world. Kerrie also teaches metaphysics, reads tarot cards and works with Feng Shui. She is trained in spiritual hypnotherapies and past-life regression."

Read an Excerpt


Energy and Auras

What is Energy?

Have you ever walked into a room and felt immediately comfortable and at home, or met someone and immediately felt uneasy in their presence? When we react like this, we are responding to the energetic fields created around and within spaces, people, environments and objects.

Different types of energy vibrate at different frequencies and create feelings of comfort or disquiet. Sometimes the vibration is so strong, it can physically manifest as illness or disease.

We are all beings of intense energy, which flows through the universe from a divine source. This energy is what keeps life emerging, growing and adapting, and without it there would be no life on this planet. The energy itself is universal and immortal, moving from one form to another, sometimes physical, sometimes invisible.

Your Energy Health Check

Energy is influenced by the two powerful forces in our universe: the light and the dark. Ancient civilisations identified these forces using different symbols, The Sun and the Moon, The Day and the Night, The Yin and the Yang.

It is important to understand that neither force is inherently negative; we need both the light and the dark to keep the world in balance. The key here is balancing these forces and ensuring that the dark never overtakes the light.

As a light worker, I know that the light energy is far more powerful, loving and all consuming, as its core essence is divine, unconditional love. Dark energy, on the other hand, is fed by fear, doubt, envy, sloth, deceit, cruelty, suspicion, confusion and sometimes pure hatred. People and entities that work, dwell or exist in the dark energies can bring them into your life and pollute your environment through an imbalance of negativity and darkness.

Some of the energies are created by spiritual entities which have either been stuck in the mortal world or who are able to come and aid us in times when we need some extra positive energy. Usually the former are unwanted or negative spiritual entities who create an atmosphere of menace, fear or confusion. Yet many of the spiritual beings with whom I interact are positive, kind and generous spirits who are there to help and guide me towards my best self. Clearing negative energy makes room for these positive entities to come to our aid.

Energy is constantly flowing through the universe and, as it engages with our personal energy fields, the energy of other people, places, thoughts, objects and traumas can get caught in our own fields. Depending on the lightness or darkness of that energy, it can change the vibration of the energy around and in us and create blockages to that flow, or if it is light, loving energy, it can ease our own blockages and create light, frothy, joyous movement.

We are energetic beings and like all natural things we resonate with a specific vibration that can help or hinder the natural energy flows around us. We can feel stuck or blocked by this energy and confused as to what is the cause of this discomfort. Sometimes to make ourselves feel better we try to 'offload' this negative energy through being angry or loud or violent towards others. This does not release the negative energy from our own fields; it simply feeds that negative energy and allows it to expand into the general atmosphere and infect the energy fields of the people around us.

When we are angry, violent, unkind or cruel to others, we increase the negative energy in the world and throw the energetic balance out of whack.

Likewise, if we repress or hold in negative emotions, we continue to grow the dark energies within our own personal energetic fields, leading us to feel unhappy and unwell.

By understanding the different types of energies that work within your environment, you can help positively impact the way that energy engages with you and your own energetic or auric field.

Auric Fields and Auras

Auric field is the term for your own personal life force or life energy. Mediums and people with clairvoyant abilities can often see this energy field in the form of colours, called auras, which halo around the individual.

Different colours can mean different areas of energy flow or blockage in parts of our lives or experiences. By reading the aura and looking at the dominant colours, mediums can see where we may feel unhappiness and identify emotional and energetic blocks, relationship problems and drains on our life force, as well as be able to pinpoint when our energetic selves are strong and resilient.

The Importance of a Strong Auric Field

Your auric field is your psychic defence against energetic and environmental factors. A strong, resilient auric field keeps you feeling healthy, confident, safe and nurtured. If the field is blocked or diminished by negative feelings or outside energies, this can lead to feelings of low self-esteem, meaninglessness, dissatisfaction, unhappiness, regret and depression. In severe cases it can result in physical ailments and diseases.

Even if you cannot see your auric energy, you are always aware of your energetic levels and will notice when things feel a bit 'off'.

Common Aura Types and Colours

Most auras have one dominant colour amidst an array of lesser colours. The dominant colour gives an indication of what kind of energy is interacting with or being created by your energetic field.


A Bright Yellow aura indicates someone who is playful with a light, joyous energy. They have no trouble connecting to their thoughts and acting on their ideas.

If the Yellow is a darker shade or tinged with brown, this can indicate some blockages created by you or others putting too much pressure on you to achieve your goals.

A more lemony Yellow indicates a fear of loss and a potential reluctance to trust or commit to a relationship. It may also indicate grief or trust issues around a person.


Orange is universally a good colour for physical health. If tinged with Red, an Orange aura can be a sign of strong confidence and a great can-do attitude. Nothing can stop you and everything will go well. However, if tinged with yellow, it can indicate that there are blockages around perfectionism.


Red is one of the most powerful colours in an aura and can indicate either positive or negative energies.

Dark Red is a survivor colour. People with this dominant colour are strong and resilient — and often need to be! Their energetic field can be quite defensive and they can seem cold or standoffish.

Brilliant Red is the colour of sexuality, and indicates that you are putting out a strong attraction vibe. It's all about passion, but can also indicate a competitive streak that should be carefully considered. People with this energy are often very attractive and vivacious.

Cloudy Red – if the red colour is cloudy or muddy, this denotes negative energy around you and indicates you are blocked by deep-seated anger that you cannot let go.


Bright Pink auras are the most loving and respond well to loving heart energy. People with this dominant colour are open and trustworthy and willing to commit to love. They create a sense of trust and people will naturally open up to them.

A dull, muddy or pale Pink may indicate that the energy around love is blocked. There may be trust issues or the person is immature in their romantic and intimate efforts.


A Blue aura is all about communication and resonates with the throat chakra and the throat and thyroid.

Royal or Dark Blue indicates a highly developed person who has strong energy and a level of maturity and spiritual awareness. This energy provides a sense of authority and leadership. It is the aura of someone you can trust; however, it can also lead to others giving up control to this person and not taking the lead.

Light Blue indicates a serene, trustworthy person. These people have a kind, mothering energy. They are adept at calming highly charged situations, and when they are present the entire energetic fields around them settle.

A muddied or cloudy Blue is never a good sign as it indicates blockages or issues around this energy — in this case a block caused by excessive control and/or a fear of the unknown. These people's energy can be domineering and intimidating.


Green auric energy is the colour of the heart chakra and of nature, and is healing.

People with a Light Green aura are natural healers and open to love and loving in a universal way. Their energetic signature is soothing and they are often excellent doctors, nurses and natural healers.

Forest Green indicates people with strong affinity with nature and the natural world who are most happy in natural environments. This energy is often fun, spirited and unpredictable, but has a sense of peace and calm.

Green tinged with Blue indicates those to whom others will naturally open up and communicate with. They make great counsellors but need to ensure they don't take on other people's negative energy.

Green tinged with Yellow auras indicate a creative spirit and great energy around artistic and creative pursuits. This energy is characterised by the bringing forth of great ideas and is often a high, intoxicating energy to be around.

However, if the Green is muddied or cloudy, this indicates blocks around jealousy and resentment towards others. This energy will appear darker and denser and create disquiet and fear.


Purple is for visionaries and seekers of truth. The darker the colour, the wiser one is. If muddy, there are energetic issues around arrogance and needing to be right.

Purple auric energy is often quite awe-inspiring. These people can be difficult to get to know but there is a feeling around them that something important is going to happen.


Golden auras indicate that there are angels and divine entities around a person, protecting and guiding them at that moment. This is light, frothy, joyous energy.

Silver auras indicate spiritual and economic wealth and well-being. This energy will feel light and have a slight buzz to it, like a low twinge of electricity.

Muddy or clouded auras in these colours indicate energetic issues with receiving protection or being miserly. People who have trouble sharing or opening up to others will have dark energy signatures in these areas.


White auras indicate purity and innocence. They often occur when one is bringing in or manifesting new opportunities or receiving a new spirit guide. This energy is childlike, sweet and gentle.


Rainbow auras explode in a number of bright colours, often radiating out into a sunburst-type pattern. These brightly coloured auras tend to indicate that someone is highly spiritually evolved and connected well with the energetic fields around them and with the spirit world. They are commonly seen around mediums, healers and spiritual leaders. This energy is intoxicating, but can be quite overpowering for people with White, Blue or Light Green auras.

Negative Auric Fields

Any muddiness or cloudiness around an aura indicates issues in that area. However, there are some colours whose presence at all in an auric field can indicate serious issues.


Black auras are the result of holding grudges and refusing to forgive or be grateful. Black spots in the aura can also indicate physical ailments and disease in the area of the body around which they appear.


Although not as serious as Black auras, having Grey in an auric field indicates blocked energy due to severe trust issues.


This is the aura of someone who is unable to let go of something that is hurting them, be it a relationship, an attitude, a habit or a situation.

How to Identify Your Aura

Psychic readings and aura photographs Many psychics and mediums can quickly and easily see a person's aura; however, for most people the colours are not apparent.

You can have an aura read by a trusted psychic or an aura photograph taken using a special machine that allows the colours to appear in a photographic reproduction.

Exercise: Aura visualisation through meditation

There is a useful meditation/visualisation exercise which can help you visualise your own aura:

1. Lie in a quiet space and let your body totally relax by tensing and then releasing each of your muscles starting from your scalp and working your way down to your toes.

2. Once you are totally relaxed, picture yourself in your mind's eye and ask to see your energetic field.

3. Visualise the top of your head and any aura or halo emanating around it.

4. Note the colours you see.

Exercise: Training yourself to see the aura

With practice and an open mind and heart, the pathway of discovery is always open for the student who works with unconditional love and quality and energy of spirit. As you practise seeing these colours in the aura, you will discover a vast number of different shades of varied colours flash in front of your eyes as if by magic. This experience will open up your healing abilities, and the more you practise, it may later on help you as a diagnostic tool in your healing work.

We must always have permission from the client or the client's higher self before commencing any work.

Note: This type of work does not take the place of your own medical doctor.

1. Stand client against a white wall not too brightly lit.

2. Scan auric field with your eyes and hands and notice qualities and characteristics, such as size, shape and strength.

3. Ask the client to slowly count to 40 (with a happy feeling) — this expands the aura.

4. Now look for the white energy around the outside of the body. It will look fuzzy at first, but with practice, on lowering the eyes as if you are looking down, it will become easier to see.

5. Once you can see this energy, continue breathing slowly and feel yourself tuning into the client's energy. Once you have done this, you will see flashes of colour.

6. Work around the head first, then continue down to the shoulders and lower body.

7. Ask the client to think of a happy thought to increase their energy size as they breathe in and out.

8. To decrease the energy field, ask them to think of a sad event; this will make the aura shrink or almost disappear.

9. Often, you will 'see' the outline of their guides, relatives or angels standing next to them. My guide stands on my left side, but for others this may be different. The more you practise, the more you will see.

Healing attachment

Ted cared for his mother while she was dying. She did not want to die and was terrified of leaving her son alone. After she was buried, Ted was fragile and sad for a couple of years. Many thought him depressed — as if his life force had been sucked out of him. He had tried anti-depressants, but they did not work. He was unemployed and felt something was wrong with him, but did not understand exactly what it was.

When he walked into the healing centre, I could see that his energy was very low as his aura was shrunken and dark and appeared very thin around his body. He also looked pale and tired. As I began to heal him energetically, I could see that he had what I call an attachment in his aura, which turned out to be his mother. Quickly I removed her energy from his aura and sent her straight to the light. Instead of crossing over, she had attached herself to him like a parasite, draining all the energy from his body.

When the healing was over, I told him what I thought was going on in his life and what had happened energetically to him. He understood completely — there had never been a day when he did not think of his mother. After the healing, he was full of energy and looked like a different person. No longer overshadowed by his mother, his eyes were brighter and he felt much better. He told me he was glad that she was gone so he could get on with his own life, which had seemed to just disappear.


Energies in Your Home and Environment

Types of Energy

Elemental Energies

Elementals are the energies in the natural world, indicated by the four key elements — Fire, Air, Water and Earth.

These energies are ancient, residing in every natural feature of our world. Each elemental energy resonates at a different frequency, and by interacting with and welcoming these energies into our environments we can strengthen our own auric fields.

However, these energies are strong and tend to activate specific feelings, moods and desires that can help us address issues and move forward, or overwhelm us with their power.

As with all things in nature, the key with elemental energy is balance and appropriateness. None of these energies are negative, but too much or too little of a specific elemental energy in your home or your energy field can cause you to feel imbalanced and make poor decisions.

These elemental energies are traditionally visualised through the four key elemental creatures or fairies.


In the natural world water can be gentle and nurturing like a babbling brook, or furious and terrifying like a storm at sea. The power of water lies in its ability to adapt and use gentle power unless more stringent actions are needed.

The element of water is characterised by the Undines, graceful, magical winged creatures or water fairies that are found near rivers, lakes, streams and small rocky pools or ponds. Like water itself, Undines can change into any shape or form and they are a symbolic reminder of the need to adapt to one's environment rather than trying to make the environment adapt to you.


Excerpted from "Clearing"
by .
Copyright © 2019 Kerrie Erwin.
Excerpted by permission of Rockpool Publishing.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents

Part One: Energy and Auras,
What is Energy?,
Your Energy Health Check,
Auric Fields and Auras,
Part Two: Energies in Your Home and Environment,
Types of Energy,
Negative Entities,
Positive Energetic Beings,
Living Spirits,
Part Three: Protecting Yourself from Negative Energies,
Spiritual Cleansing,
Protecting Your Personal Energy Field,
Creating Resilience and Personal Strength,
Creating Boundaries,
Replenishing Your Energy,
Spiritual Healing,
Creating a Safe Space,
Protecting Yourself from Dark Energies,
Protecting Psychic Children,
Part Four: Attracting Positive Energies,
Fill Your Space with Positive Energy,
Connecting to Positive Energies,
Connecting to Past Lives,
Connecting to and Attracting Fairy and Elemental Energy,
Attracting Angels,
Final Thoughts,

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