A little blue world, the third planet from the sun. It's home to 7 billion people with all manner of faiths, beliefs and customs, divided by bigotry and misunderstanding, who will soon be told they are not alone in the universe. Anyone watching from the outside would pass by this fractured and tumultuous world, unless they had no other choice.Todd Landon is one of these people, living and working in a section of the world called the United States of America. His life is similar to those around him: home, family, work, friends and a husband.After the attack on San Jose, Todd is appointed to Special Envoy for Terran Affairs by the nentraee, a position many world leaders question. Undeterred Todd wants to build bridges between both people. However, this new position brings with it a new set of problems that not only he, but his new allies Mi'ko and Mirtoff must overcome. Will the humans and nentraee learn to work together despite mistrust and threats of more attacks by a new global terrorist group, or will the terrorists win? Will this bring an end to an already shaky alliance between nentraee and humans?
A little blue world, the third planet from the sun. It's home to 7 billion people with all manner of faiths, beliefs and customs, divided by bigotry and misunderstanding, who will soon be told they are not alone in the universe. Anyone watching from the outside would pass by this fractured and tumultuous world, unless they had no other choice.Todd Landon is one of these people, living and working in a section of the world called the United States of America. His life is similar to those around him: home, family, work, friends and a husband.After the attack on San Jose, Todd is appointed to Special Envoy for Terran Affairs by the nentraee, a position many world leaders question. Undeterred Todd wants to build bridges between both people. However, this new position brings with it a new set of problems that not only he, but his new allies Mi'ko and Mirtoff must overcome. Will the humans and nentraee learn to work together despite mistrust and threats of more attacks by a new global terrorist group, or will the terrorists win? Will this bring an end to an already shaky alliance between nentraee and humans?
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by M D Neu


by M D Neu


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A little blue world, the third planet from the sun. It's home to 7 billion people with all manner of faiths, beliefs and customs, divided by bigotry and misunderstanding, who will soon be told they are not alone in the universe. Anyone watching from the outside would pass by this fractured and tumultuous world, unless they had no other choice.Todd Landon is one of these people, living and working in a section of the world called the United States of America. His life is similar to those around him: home, family, work, friends and a husband.After the attack on San Jose, Todd is appointed to Special Envoy for Terran Affairs by the nentraee, a position many world leaders question. Undeterred Todd wants to build bridges between both people. However, this new position brings with it a new set of problems that not only he, but his new allies Mi'ko and Mirtoff must overcome. Will the humans and nentraee learn to work together despite mistrust and threats of more attacks by a new global terrorist group, or will the terrorists win? Will this bring an end to an already shaky alliance between nentraee and humans?

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781950412372
Publisher: Ninestar Press, LLC
Publication date: 03/18/2019
Series: New World , #2
Pages: 412
Product dimensions: 5.00(w) x 8.00(h) x 0.92(d)

Read an Excerpt


A New Life

"I BELIEVE THIS should be adequate." Mi'ko checked his datapad to ensure all the proper requisitions had been finalized. He glanced around the room again with a pleased smile.

"Do you think he'll enjoy living here?" Mi'cin asked.

They were here to inspect the quarters he had selected for Todd in the secured area of the speaker's ship. He could have left it up to Vi-Narm or one of his other aides, but this was important and he needed to handle these details personally. Todd was important, and he wanted to make sure everything was perfect. Plus, it was an opportunity to spend more time with Mi'cin.

"Mister Todd Landon was adamant about staying in his own home and commuting, but it's not practical." Mi'ko ran a hand over the desk, then checked his fingers for dust. "And with the rise in protest against us across the planet, it's not safe. Even though his government insists it is."

"If you say so," Mi'cin said. "He didn't strike me as very logical after our brief meeting." He went to one of the windows and opened it. "It would be nice to have quarters like this for myself. Does he need all this space? He's one male." He inhaled deeply and viewed the park below. "It smells like home. But it's a replica, not the real place." His nose crinkled.

"Mi'cin, don't sulk. Our living situation isn't that bad, and you are not a child." Mi'ko put a hand on his son's arm and squeezed. "I know you hurt. We all ache for our home, but these ships are our home, for now. It's a pain we all share. By working with the humans, especially Todd, that pain and the loss of our home will lessen."

Mi'cin's expression fell. "Assuming the humans will work with us."

"Please be supportive." Mi'ko frowned. "I understand you have your misgivings, but please." He inhaled, smelling the damp trees. "And since when have you not enjoyed the ship's gardens?" He looked out to the woodland where several tall trees, paths, and waterways ran in countless directions.

The grounds were replicas of some of the famous parks on Benzee and her satellites. The ship's builders gave as much space as feasible to allow people the chance to enjoy the open space. The artificial light that mimicked the day-night cycle of Benzee had gradually been adjusted to the length of Earth's day.

"He does, indeed, have a better view than us, but that's all right." Mi'ko grinned and thought.

This new position for Mi'cin will help focus him. Give him a chance to interact with the humans and learn about them.

"A view of space would have been equally nice," Mi'cin said, "but I doubt he'd be used to such a thing." He turned back to the window. "Such a waste."

"I assure you it's not a waste." Mi'ko ran a hand over the soft fabric of the chair. "Considering the nature of this position. Plus, I thought a view of nature and all the fresh scents would make him feel more at home. It will give him a sense of what Mentra Park was like."

Mi'cin clucked his tongue.

"What?" Mi'ko questioned. "That was one of your favorite parks on Mentra. You made me take you there whenever we went to visit my parents. You loved the views of Benzee."

Mi'cin said nothing.

"Mi'cin, please."

"As you wish, Father."

"I'd like to ask you to assist Mister Todd Landon to help him acclimate," Mi'ko said. "It's going to be hard for him at first. Even though he's been studying our language and culture —"

Mi'cin's sigh muted his father. "Of course. I'll do my best. You have my word. Besides, isn't that what your aide is supposed to do?"

"True, but this is the first time I've had an aide who's my son."

"Well, Vi-Narm can't do it all, and your other aides are busy," Mi'cin said. "I can use the experience, as you and Mother both keep telling me."

"I can think of no one better to support me." Mi'ko focused on his son. "You know, you're both very quizzical, so you will be good for each other. I hope you can become friends." He reached out and gently touched Mi'cin on the cheek.

A soft chirp came from the door. It opened to reveal Vi-Narm. Her tightly braided hair had a few wisps out of place; her breathing was heavy.

"Vice speaker, there is a problem with the Envoy position. General Gahumed, with the support of General Fanion, is calling for a special session in the council chamber."

"What now?" The muscles around Mi'ko's eyes twitched and the tips of his ears started to warm. It had been like this for several weeks. These continued issues with his own people were taking far too much of his time.

"THANK YOU FOR picking me up." Todd glanced over at Mi'cin, who sat in the black sedan with him. He was jealous at how everything Mi'cin wore seemed to fit him perfectly. Particularly with his bright green eyes and his perfect soft brown hair.

He looks a lot like his mom.

"You are welcome," Mi'cin said.

"I'm a little nervous."

"It is understandable." Mi'cin focused on his datapad. "You race has inferior space travel, but I can assure you it is as safe as flying in one of you antiquated airships."

Todd clasped his hands in front of him, resting them on his padfolio. The news of Mi'cin now being one of Mi'ko's junior aides made him personally uncomfortable, especially after the questions Mi'cin asked at the White House dinner. Professionally, it was a good opportunity. They would both be learning, which meant he wouldn't be the only one screwing up.

"How do you like the new job?" Todd asked.

"The position is a challenge. However, it is putting some of my knowledge to use. I, like you, have much to learn." Mi'cin spared a glance at Todd.

Todd sighed.

"What's wrong?"

"You mean, more than getting on one of your shuttles?" He continued with a forced smile. "My cat, Bianca. I'm leaving her behind, and I'm going to miss her."

Mi'cin was quiet a moment. "You are close with your animal companion?"

Todd nodded.

"As I'm sure Vi-Narm informed you. We do not yet know how you feline will react to our closed environment and what feline-carried bacterium could do to our cádo and other animals. It is too much of a risk."

Todd stared at his hands and his padfolio.

"Interesting. It is clear this conversation make you unhappy and is not something you wish to continue." Mi'cin tapped his fingers over his datapad. "You personal belongings will be sent to you new quarters. I am glad we reached a satisfactory solution with you living accommodations and maintaining you residence on Earth." He slipped the datapad away and tapped his hand on his leg.

"Well, it's home, you know? There're a lot of ghosts there." Todd rubbed his hands on his legs. "It's hard to just pack up and move, especially since I can't bring Bianca."

"Ghosts? You mean nayus, spirit energy?" Mi'cin leaned in.

Todd chuckled.

Wow. A part of human culture that actually interests him.

"No, it's just a human — well, English ... American — saying. It means a lot of memories."

"Memories of you husband? Of the life you had?" Mi'cin asked.

"Yes, that's all part of it." He glanced out the car window, not wanting to talk about it. He hoped Mi'cin wouldn't pry. Was it prying, or was he trying to make conversation? The Nentraee, and Mi'cin in particular, were so formal and stiff it was hard to read his body language.

"I will have to check into that. American English colloquialisms are difficult to understand." Mi'cin pulled out his datapad.

"You'll want to add researching the differences on when to use 'you' and 'your,'" Todd said.

Mi'cin made notes on his datapad. "Thank you, Mister Todd Landon."

Once the sedan pulled up to the Nentraee checkpoint, they got out. The Nentraee security watched them. Mi'cin withdrew a plastic card that looked like a credit card, and the security person scanned it. They spoke quiet enough Todd missed what they said, but he still picked up on musical qualities in their accent.

Sadly, they speak better English than I do Nentraee even with their missteps and incorect word choices.

"Welcome, Special Envoy Mister Todd Landon," the security guard said with a thick, lyrical Nentraee tone. He was a tall male with fair features. He had blue eyes and dirty-blond hair.

Mi'cin stopped and turned to Todd. With pursed lips, he quickly returned to the sedan, shaking his head, the tips of his ears seemed a bit swollon and they definitely had hinks of blue. Mi'cin pulled out an envelope. He immediately headed back to Todd.

"Forgive me." He handed the envelope over. "Mister Todd Landon, these are the diplomatic papers and identification you will need."

Grinning, Todd opened the envelope. The papers were mostly written in the Nentraee language, but some of it was in English.

"Do you need my passport?"

The guard processed the question. "No need, but please keep ... Nentraee badge at all times. The other papers are ... records."

Todd found the card in the envelope and handed it to the guard.

"The card is encrypted with" — he pointed at Todd — "DNA," the guard added.

That explained the physical exam. Both groups, human and Nentraee, wanted to monitor his physical reaction to the Nentraee environment. He pocketed the ID badge, placing it with his passport and pocket watch. The two items that reminded him of who he was. One a government-issued identification and the second a gift from Varick, his former boss. He was also the man who, if not for him, Todd really wouldn't be here.

It was because of that first meeting with the Nentraee that Todd was here today. It was also because of Varick Jerry died. No, not Varick per se, but because of the terrorist who blew up all those people and destroyed parts of San Jose. Varick, like Todd, was an innocent victim. He sighed at the memories, feeling the slight tick of the watch. It was now his anchor to home. He put the rest of the paperwork in his padfolio as they walked over to the shuttle.

Wow! So, that's a Nentraee shuttle. I wonder what makes it fly? I wish Jerry were here to see this.

From the outside, the shuttle seemed more like a large private jet. However, the design was organic and smooth. Everything was seamless — even the windows didn't appear to have a starting or stopping point. It seemed to be one solid piece.

Mi'cin vanished through the access port, but Todd stopped, for a nervous second, before following him.

I can't believe this. I'm getting on a spaceship. A real live spaceship with a real live alien. So freaking cool.

"Please, have a seat, Mister Todd Landon." Mi'cin sat as well.

Todd examined the interior. His stomach flipped with excitement, or was it worry? He wasn't sure which. The inside of the shuttle was much like a private jet or what he thought one would be like. Various seats swiveled with retractable tables and workstations. He ran his hand along one of the windows.

"It's not glass?"

"No. We use a transparent metal. There is no human word for it," Mi'cin said.

Todd nodded as he continued his examination. On one side of the cabin was a couch and, across from that, a large screen displaying the Nentraee government seal. There was a smaller gray panel next to it. The cabin door in the back was emblazoned with the same seal as the large monitor. By the ship's front entry was what Todd thought must be the flight-deck door.

"This is the vice speaker's private shuttle. You and I, as well as the rest of his staff, will travel in this ship. It is equipped for diplomats to travel, and it is relatively comfortable. It can even be used for small meetings, should there be a need." Mi'cin pointed to the back. "There is a private compartment, which is for the vice speaker's use only. He and Vi-Narm are coded to open the cabin door."

Todd nodded.

"We will also use this shuttle for ship-to-ship travel," Mi'cin explained, starting to swipe information from his datapad to the terminal in front of him.

One of the security personnel entered the main entry port, placing his whole hand on a panel next to it, which closed the door. If they end up working with CRiNE, they wouldn't need to use their whole hand, just their finger, assuming the deal was approved.

I hope that all works out. It would be good for Varick.

"We leave shortly," the guard said, moving to the front of the ship. The flight-deck door closed behind him.

"How long will the flight take?" Todd ran his hand over the chair. The material was soft and cool to the touch — like leather, but silkier. They were cream with touches of dark blues throughout. The chairs and couches were embroidered with a Nentraee symbol.

"Not long. Two and half standard hours, perhaps less. Travel is longer in the atmosphere. Our ship's engines have to counter gravity, and the Federal Aviation Administration rules, but once we are in space and beyond the satellites, we will move faster. Much like the human space station and rockets, outside of gravity, travel becomes much easier and faster."

"I see."

This is how the uber-rich must travel when they fly.

Mi'cin focused on his datapad.

Todd stopped watching what Mi'cin was doing and gazed out the window in silence. He wasn't sure what to expect, but it amazed him when they lifted off and there was no noise. The airport grew smaller as they ascended. This was nothing like air travel. It was smooth and quiet, with no large engines and no pressurization, nothing clued him into their liftoff.

As Todd continued to check out the cabin, he thought Mi'cin observed him. Todd even thought he saw the alien smile.

When the shuttle transitioned to space just beyond Earth's atmosphere, there was a contrast between the dark of space and the blue of the planet below. The curve of the blue world had a hard edge with a few white clouds breaking it up.

Todd gasped and dug his fingers into the seat. "Dear God."

"Are you all right?" Mi'cin's voice was tight and loud.

"I've never ... I mean, we're in space. That's Earth. We're really in space. I wasn't expecting. I mean ... this ... wow."

"I assure you, we are perfectly safe," Mi'cin said. "I was never impressed with space travel, not even when we went to Mentra or one of the other satellites or stations around our world. It was routine. I do not even remember hearing of accidents."

"How can you not be impressed? This is absolutely incredible. I should have taken a shuttle ride before this. I need my phone to take some pictures." The lump in his stomach started to lessen. He felt his pockets, but, of course, he didn't find his phone. It would have to be modified to work with the Nentraee systems anyway.

"Why don't you enjoy the view? We will reach the fleet soon. I assure you, there will be plenty of opportunities for you to take photos." Mi'cin grinned at him. "It only gets more interesting from here."

"I wish Brad could see this."

"You, or is it your?"


Mi'cin tapped on his datapad. "Your brother?" Mi'cin questioned.

"Yep. Man, he would love this. He's very much chomping at the bit to see one of your ships. His trip to the cultural ship only made him want to see more. He's always been into the idea of space travel. I guess that's why he's working for NASA." Todd's cheeks were getting sore from the smile.

"Well, as soon as all the details are worked out, he and your" — he glanced over to Todd and Todd nodded — "friends will be able to come visit you as often as you would like." Mi'cin's eyes narrowed and his face became more serious as he checked the datapad. "Ah, the files on ghosts and American colloquialisms have loaded."

Todd ignored him as he enjoyed the view from the window. The rest of the trip was silent while Mi'cin reviewed his device and Todd took in the sights of Earth and all the Nentraee ships. The alien ships made the International Space Station look like a child's homemade space project using toilet paper rolls and tinfoil.

How backward we must seem to them.

Todd leaned forward to see out the window.

These ships are huge. No wonder some of them are visible from Earth. Man, look at all those smaller ships rushing about.

Todd wasn't sure what he had expected, even with the photos provided by NASA and the Nentraee. Perhaps boxy, clunky ships that had no style, built solely to evacuate as many people as possible. But these ships, much like the shuttle, had an organic appearance. They showed wear and tear, and various small pod-type vehicles attached to the larger craft, providing maintenance. Quick flashes of light sparked from the areas where repairs had to be made. Even so, everything about them appeared seamless, as if made of a single piece of metal.

"My God, the Ràdo," Todd mumbled, opening his padfolio and pulling out the photo of the battle cruiser.


Excerpted from "Conviction"
by .
Copyright © 2019 M.D. Neu.
Excerpted by permission of NineStar Press, LLC.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

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