Daily Wisdom for Teens 2020 Devotional Collection: The Power of God's Love

Daily Wisdom for Teens 2020 Devotional Collection: The Power of God's Love

by Barbour Publishing
Daily Wisdom for Teens 2020 Devotional Collection: The Power of God's Love

Daily Wisdom for Teens 2020 Devotional Collection: The Power of God's Love

by Barbour Publishing

Hardcover(Leather Bound)

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God's Love: The Power to Change the World!

This brand-new 2020 daily devotional focuses on the theme of the power of God's love. Every day for an entire year, you will be challenged by scriptures, devotional readings, and prayers that encourage you to deepen your faith in a loving Father God who calls us to love Him and love each other (Mark 12:30-31). From the Golden Rule to love's transforming power and the Bible's definition of real love, you will be inspired to choose God's path of love—a powerful love that can change the world!

In these pages you'll find challenge, inspiration, and spiritual encouragement as you grow in your faith all 365 days of the year.

"'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.”
Mark 12:30-31 NIV

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781643520766
Publisher: Barbour Publishing, Incorporated
Publication date: 10/01/2019
Pages: 384
Sales rank: 1,128,390
Product dimensions: 5.30(w) x 6.70(h) x 1.10(d)
Age Range: 13 - 18 Years

About the Author

Barbour Publishing is a leading Christian book publisher offering bestselling books featuring exceptional value, biblical encouragement, and the highest quality. Barbour is the home of New York Times Bestselling author Wanda E. Brunstetter along with well-known fiction authors Gilbert Morris, Olivia Newport, Michelle Griep and many others. If your interest is Christian Living or Bible Reference, you’ll find excellent titles by bestselling authors Josh McDowell, Jonathan McKee, Debora Coty, and Stephen M. Miller’s The Complete Guide to the Bible.   Barbour also publishes the top classic devotionals God Calling by A.J. Russell, and Come Away My Beloved by Frances J. Roberts. With inspirational Christian books available in all genres—fiction for adults and children, Bible Promise books, devotionals, Bibles, Bible reference, puzzle books, and gift books there's something for everyone to enjoy.

Read an Excerpt


Wednesday, January 1 New Year's Day


That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither — whatever they do prospers.

Psalm 1:3 NIV

Where are you planted, and what is influencing you at the start of this new year? Everyone is planted somewhere and is impacted by something. Are you planted by the streams of fresh, life-giving water or by toxic, draining influences that leave you brittle and barren?

Perhaps begin your new year by asking yourself where you were planted over the past year. What influenced you the most? What was your typical day like? Are there ways that you would like to be more present for God in the coming year?

The psalms teach that you can't engineer your own transformation by God's love, but you can put yourself near to God, wait patiently, and avoid the negative influences that would drown out God's voice or undermine His work in your life. Keep God's teachings before your eyes each day, and consider how you can make more space to be aware and present for God, trusting that God can bring about new life and His good fruits in your life.

Lord, help me to recognize the obstacles that keep me from You, and help me to make space for Your loving presence throughout this year.


Thursday, January 2


But the LORD God called to the man and said to him, "Where are you?" And he said, "I heard the sound of you in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked, and I hid myself."

Genesis 3:9–10 ESV

* * *

Have you ever wanted to hide from God? Have you done something that made you feel unworthy or even unloved by God? Such a predicament is as old as humanity, so you're certainly not alone. A single act of disobedience can create a sense of unworthiness before God, and feelings of shame and guilt can spark acts of self-preservation and a desire to hide from God.

What is your next step in such a situation? Is there hope for someone who has violated God's commands? What does God expect in such situations?

Today's reading from Genesis reveals God's heart. When His people violate His commands and hide in shame, He goes out looking for them. He seeks His people when they are at their worst.

That promise of a God who comes searching to heal and restore His beloved people is echoed throughout the pages of scripture, right through the ministry of Jesus. Whatever you have done, God is searching for you, asking a simple heartbroken question, "Where are you?"

Father, You came to seek and to save those who were lost. May I leave guilt and shame behind to be restored by You.


Friday, January 3


Prove by the way you live that you have repented of your sins and turned to God.

Matthew 3:8 NLT

* * *

John the Baptist had a message of repentance that had a real cost for his original audience. They could not claim to be remorseful over their sins while also exploiting others. Whether misusing their finances, influence, or position for their own gain, their willingness to be made right with God would be revealed in how they treated their neighbors.

While you may not be cheating someone out of their taxes or forcing someone to carry your backpack for a mile, you may have opportunities today to show mercy and kindness to those who need it the most. You may not have a lot of influence and power compared to others, but you may have opportunities to use what you have in order to benefit someone else — especially someone overlooked or ignored by the crowd.

If you hope to demonstrate your commitment to God, John's suggestion is to begin where you can. Look at the place in your life where you most need to change your treatment of others. How can you show greater love and mercy to your neighbors? It's likely that you'll be most prepared to receive God's mercy when you are also extending it to someone else.

Jesus, help me to see the ways I can show Your love and mercy to others, and may I always remember my need for Your forgiveness and grace.


Saturday, January 4


Tremble and do not sin; when you are on your beds, search your hearts and be silent. Offer the sacrifices of the righteous and trust in the Lord.

Psalm 4:4–5 NIV

* * *

How often do you stop long enough to consider what's on your mind or what may be stirring up your anxiety or emotions? The psalms suggest that the ideal response to a merciful but all-powerful God is to carefully examine your heart at night and to remain silent on your bed.

Bedtime may be a time when worries or grudges come to light. Perhaps you may be tempted to stew over something that happened during the day. This moment of free-ranging thought can become a barrier between yourself and God. It is far more helpful for the health of your soul to remember God's great power and mercy that comes to those who repent of their sins and to search your heart for anything that could keep you from God. Find out what's at the root of your anger, fear, or concern about the following day.

Such a time of searching is an act of faith that puts your hope squarely in God. Whatever you uncover in the evening can be offered to God in faith that His mercies are new every morning.

Lord, You know what's in my heart, and yet You are merciful and just to forgive.


Sunday, January 5


Then they said, "Come, let us build ourselves a city and a tower with its top in the heavens, and let us make a name for ourselves, lest we be dispersed over the face of the whole earth."

Genesis 11:4 ESV

* * *

Whose name are you seeking to honor and build up in your life? Building up your reputation and name will take a lot from you, and it could make you miserable if you give too much of yourself to it.

Everyone needs affirmation, encouragement, and a sense of personal calling from God. God's people are His beloved children who have been called according to His purpose. The surrender of building up your reputation or status is not opposed to the core of your identity in Christ. The challenge here is that building up your reputation by your own power and wisdom can easily come into conflict with the work that God desires to do in your life. Building up your own reputation apart from God creates a fragile identity that is sure to be exhausting and deflating as you continue to invest more time and energy into it.

The opposite of the people of Babel is a trusting surrender to God in faith, seeking God's direction, whether that sends you to the ends of the earth or means you stay put.

Lord, help me to seek my identity and direction in You so that I can live in the security You provide.


Monday, January 6


"But I say, love your enemies! Pray for those who persecute you! ... If you love only those who love you, what reward is there for that? Even corrupt tax collectors do that much."

Matthew 5:44, 46 NLT

* * *

What is your natural, instinctive response to someone who talks badly about you or attacks you in some way? How do you think of the people who oppose you or even consider themselves your enemy?

No one could blame you for responding with anger or wishing that they suffer the consequences of their actions. However, Jesus calls you to dig deeper and to respond to enemies and hatred with love. Jesus wants you to respond beyond what is understandable and normal in society today. He wants you to pray for those who oppose you. Perhaps it's hard enough to remember to pray for loved ones, much less an enemy or opponent. However, this response of love and prayer can be truly transforming, saving you from fruitless cycles of giving offense or living in bondage to anger.

More importantly, responding with love and prayer is also a product of being secure in God's love and forgiveness for you. When you are secure in the love and acceptance of God, you can see others with the compassion and mercy that makes it possible to love enemies. The love and mercy of God that saves you is strong enough to help you love your enemies.

Jesus, help me to see my enemies the way You see them, and may I respond to them with the same love and mercy You've shown to me.


Tuesday, January 7


"But when you pray, go away by yourself, shut the door behind you, and pray to your Father in private. Then your Father, who sees everything, will reward you."

Matthew 6:6 NLT

Prayer isn't a performance, and it most certainly isn't a path to gain influence or rewards from others. That much may appear true, but Jesus knows fully well that in religious gatherings, it can be quite tempting to pray in such a way that you demonstrate the authenticity of your faith and the fire of your passion for God.

The foundation of prayer is the simplicity of solitude by yourself before God alone. This quiet, solitary prayer before God alone is where you can be certain to find God and to be rewarded for your devotion.

Generations of Christians have also viewed this passage as a metaphor for praying within your spirit, turning inwardly toward God and seeking His secret presence in your life. The kind of prayer that God desires is simple, solitary, and devoted to God alone. Praying by yourself in solitude doesn't require any particularly religious words or great gestures. You can come as you are and seek God in faith. How can you make space for this kind of solitary prayer today?

Jesus, You desire my presence, not my performance. May I experience Your loving presence in solitude today.


Wednesday, January 8


When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them?

Psalm 8:3–4 NIV

* * *

God is not so busy or too powerful to pay attention to the people who are His beloved creation, but the mighty works of God can serve as a reminder that God's attention shouldn't be taken for granted. There are many splendid things that God has created, and so God's mercy and attention for people is not based on their spectacular acts or creations but on grace alone.

You can't catch God's attention any more than what He has freely given to you as His beloved creation. You can't make yourself more worthy or unworthy in God's eyes.

However, you can miss out on God's mercy and love. You can seek to glorify yourself or to win the approval of people who will draw your attention away from God. The love of God is your inheritance, and God's creation is a daily reminder that this is a generous gift from God. Your own splendor and success should not rise to the top of your priority list. Enjoying the mindfulness of God is your great benefit.

Lord, help me to prize Your love and mercy, using creation to remain aware of the ways You have blessed me.


Thursday, January 9


So Abraham called the name of that place, "The Lord will provide"; as it is said to this day, "On the mount of the Lord it shall be provided."

Genesis 22:14 ESV

* * *

Abraham faced a choice that we can't imagine today, trusting that God had a plan for preserving the life of his son even when he faced the possibility of sacrificing him. Even though he didn't know how things would end, he stepped forward in faith right down to the last moment.

There are plenty of situations in life that may feel overwhelming, uncertain, or even hopeless. For those who are living by faith, these situations are an opportunity to grow and to place greater faith in God's provision and care.

In addition, when God comes through and provides for you, take a moment to record it or to make a reminder of God's care for you. Don't expect that you will remember. The people of Israel frequently set up memorials or named parts of the land with reminders of God's provision and care. From a journal entry to a picture to a work of art, you can place reminders of God's faithfulness throughout your life so that you will be prepared to trust God's love and provision when you face your next challenge.

Lord, I trust that You can provide for me even in the most hopeless situations. I believe that You love me and remain with me.


Friday, January 10


"Anyone who listens to my teaching and follows it is wise, like a person who builds a house on solid rock. Though the rain comes in torrents and the floodwaters rise and the winds beat against that house, it won't collapse because it is built on bedrock."

Matthew 7:24–25 NLT

* * *

Who or what are you relying on for security, direction, and stability in your life? The best way to discern your answer to this question is to think about what you do when a "storm" hits in your life. Once a crisis or a challenge comes up, you'll quickly figure out who or what you rely on. In a sense, adversity can be a blessing because it offers clarity you would otherwise not have.

Jesus wants you to rely on His teachings because His way of life, relying on obedience and the loving care of God, is the sure way to endure a storm. The teachings of Jesus can be challenging and disruptive, but by listening to them and applying them over time, you will find stability and security. This may not be apparent at first, but once you've weathered a few storms, the reliability of His message will be apparent. Is there an area of your life that you need to surrender to Him to enjoy the security He promises?

Jesus, You have promised stability and security for all who place their hope in You and obey Your commands. Help me to recognize the ways I can more fully rely on You.


Saturday, January 11


"I will multiply your offspring as the stars of heaven and will give to your offspring all these lands. And in your offspring all the nations of the earth shall be blessed, because Abraham obeyed my voice and kept my charge, my commandments, my statutes, and my laws."

Genesis 26:4–5 ESV

* * *

Who wouldn't crave a blessing from God? The patriarchs of Israel oriented their lives around the commands of God, and they paid dearly for their obedience. Abraham in particular left the homeland that he knew so well, including his friends and family. He moved away in the hope that obeying God's guidance would bring about the blessing he desired. It turned out that while he faced severe adversity at times, he also experienced the blessing of God and brought God's blessings to many people for generations to come.

How far ahead are you looking in your life today? Are you willing to give up something today for a blessing that you may not see for years to come? Are you hopeful enough that you can see God's blessings come to future generations because of your obedience today? What if you never see the blessing come or at least never see the blessing come to fruition?

This calls for a demanding faith, but it is hopeful because today's obedience is surely seen and rewarded by God.

Lord, help me to trust You with the blessings that will come through the obedience of today.


Sunday, January 12


Arise, Lord! Lift up your hand, O God. Do not forget the helpless. Why does the wicked man revile God? Why does he say to himself, "He won't call me to account"?

Psalm 10:12–13 NIV

* * *

Just because you haven't seen the consequences of your actions, that doesn't mean that they won't catch up to you eventually. Even if someone appears to be winning when breaking the rules, that doesn't mean that success will continue. Even the wealthy face the trap of their wealth as they change their perspective on money from viewing it as a blessing to seeing it as a weight dragging them down.

Whether you are living on the edge and living in disobedience or you're calling on God to deliver you from people who seem to always escape a reckoning for their actions, this psalm reminds you that today's circumstances won't last forever. There will come a time when God calls you to account. There will be a day when God lifts His arm against those who rebel against Him, and so today is the day to repent.

Jesus noted that the corrupt tax collector who acknowledged his sin before God returned home justified. God's mercy is yours if you seek it with all of your heart.

Lord, examine my heart and show me the ways I've turned away from You so that I can repent and experience Your mercy.


Excerpted from "Daily Wisdom for Teens"
by .
Copyright © 2019 Barbour Publishing, Inc..
Excerpted by permission of Barbour Publishing, Inc..
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