Desarrolle los líderes que están alrededor de usted: Cómo ayudar a otros a alcanzar su potencial pleno

Desarrolle los líderes que están alrededor de usted: Cómo ayudar a otros a alcanzar su potencial pleno

by John C. Maxwell
Desarrolle los líderes que están alrededor de usted: Cómo ayudar a otros a alcanzar su potencial pleno

Desarrolle los líderes que están alrededor de usted: Cómo ayudar a otros a alcanzar su potencial pleno

by John C. Maxwell



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La mayor inversión en el mundo actual no es la más reciente y más grande compañía de la lista de Fortune 500, es la gente. Su sendero para lograr el éxito, al igual que el de su equipo, será determinado por la medida de eficacia en que esas personas son capacitadas y desarrolladas como líderes. Con Desarrolle los líderes que están alrededor de usted, John C. Maxwell le ayudará a identificar los líderes en potencia, a capacitarlos y a convertirse en su mentor. Si usted tiene personas alrededor suyo que desea desarrollar para que sean líderes o si usted ya dirige un grupo de líderes, esta capacitación es algo que usted no puede perderse.

John le ayudará a:

  • Identificar, capacitar y ser mentor de líderes dentro y fuera de su organización
  • Comprender por qué la reproducción de liderazgo es esencial para el éxito
  • Aprender a destacar las cualidades de liderazgo en los que están a su alrededor
  • Dominar el proceso de cinco pasos para convertir productores en reproductores
  • Crear una cultura de liderazgo en su organización que apoye el crecimiento
  • Unificar la mezcla correcta de líderes en su equipo
  • Discernir e incrementar los niveles de influencia
  • ¡Y mucho más!

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781418535452
Publisher: HarperEnfoque
Publication date: 08/12/1996
Sold by: HarperCollins Publishing
Format: eBook
Pages: 208
File size: 579 KB
Language: Spanish

About the Author

John C. Maxwell es autor, coach y conferencista número 1 en ventas según el New York Times con más de 34 millones de libros vendidos en más de cincuenta idiomas. Ha sido calificado como el líder número 1 en negocios y el experto en liderazgo más influyente del mundo. Sus organizaciones: John Maxwell Company, John Maxwell Team, EQUIP y John Maxwell Leadership Foundation han traducido sus enseñanzas a setenta idiomas y las han utilizado para formar a millones de líderes de todos los países del mundo. El doctor Maxwell, que ha sido galardonado con el Premio Horatio Alger y el Premio Madre Teresa por la Paz Global y el Liderazgo de Luminary Leadership Network, es de gran influencia para directores ejecutivos de Fortune 500, presidentes de naciones y empresarios de todo el mundo. Para obtener más información sobre él, visite

Read an Excerpt

Desarrolle Los Lideres Que Estan Alrededor de Usted / Developing the Leaders Around You

By John C. Maxwell Caribe/Betania Editores

Copyright © 1996 John C. Maxwell
All right reserved.

ISBN: 9780881132656

Chapter One


One night, after working quite late, I grabbed a copy of Sports Illustrated, hoping its pages would lull me to sleep. It had the opposite effect. On the back cover was an advertisement that caught my eye and got my emotional juices flowing. It featured a picture of John Wooden, the coach who led the UCLA Bruins for many years. The caption beneath his picture read, "The guy who puts the ball through the hoop has ten hands."

John Wooden was a great basketball coach. Called "the Wizard of Westwood," he brought ten national basketball championships to UCLA in a span of twelve years. Two back-to-back championships are almost unheard of in the world of competitive sports, but he led the Bruins to seven titles in a row. It took a consistent level of superior play, good coaching, and hard practice. But the key to the Bruins's success was Coach Wooden's unyielding dedication to his concept of teamwork.

He knew that if you oversee people and you wish to develop leaders, you are responsible to: (1) appreciate them for who they are; (2) believe that they will dotheir very best; (3) praise their accomplishments; and (4) accept your personal responsibility to them as their leader.

Coach Bear Bryant expressed this same sentiment when he said:

I'm just a plowhand from Arkansas, but I have learned how to hold a team together-how to lift some men up, how to calm others down, until finally they've got one heartbeat together as a team. There's always just three things I say: "If anything goes bad, I did it. If anything goes semi-good, then we did it. If anything goes real good, they did it." That's all it takes to get people to win.

Bear Bryant won people and games. Until a few years ago, he held the title of the winningest coach in the history of college football with 323 victories.

Great leaders-the truly successful ones who are in the top 1 percent-all have one thing in common. They know that acquiring and keeping good people is a leader's most important task. An organization cannot increase its productivity-but people can! The asset that truly appreciates within any organization is people. Systems become dated. Buildings deteriorate. Machinery wears. But people can grow, develop, and become more effective if they have a leader who understands their potential value.

The bottom line-and the essential message of this book-is that you can't do it alone. If you really want to be a successful leader, you must develop other leaders around you. You must establish a team. You must find a way to get your vision seen, implemented, and contributed to by others. The leader sees the big picture, but he needs other leaders to help make his mental picture a reality.

Most leaders have followers around them. They believe the key to leadership is gaining more followers. Few leaders surround themselves with other leaders, but the ones who do bring great value to their organizations. And not only is their burden lightened, but their vision is also carried on and enlarged.


The key to surrounding yourself with other leaders is to find the best people you can, then develop them into the best leaders they can be. Great leaders produce other leaders. Let me tell you why:

Those Closest to the Leader Will Determine The Success Level of That Leader

The greatest leadership principle that I have learned in more than thirty years of leadership is that those closest to the leader will determine the success level of that leader. A negative reading of this statement is also true: Those closest to the leader will determine the level of failure for that leader. In other words, the people close to me "make me or break me." The determination of a positive or negative outcome in my leadership depends upon my ability as a leader to develop those closest to me. It also depends upon my ability to recognize the value that others bring to my organization. My goal is not to draw a following that results in a crowd. My goal is to develop leaders who become a movement.

Stop for a moment and think of the five or six people closest to you in your organization. Are you developing them? Do you have a game plan for them? Are they growing? Have they been able to lift your load?

Within my organizations leadership development is continually emphasized. In their first training session, I give new leaders this principle: As a potential leader you are either an asset or a liability to the organization. I illustrate this truth by saying, "When there's a problem, a 'fire' in the organization, you as a leader are often the first to arrive at the scene. You have in your hands two buckets. One contains water and the other contains gasoline. The 'spark' before you will either become a greater problem because you pour the gasoline on it, or it will be extinguished because you use the bucket of water."

Every person within your organization also carries two buckets. The question a leader needs to ask is, "Am I training them to use the gasoline or the water?"

An Organization's Growth Potential Is Directly Related To Its Personnel Potential

When conducting leadership conferences, I often make the statement, "Grow a leader-grow the organization." A company cannot grow without until its leaders grow within.

I am often amazed at the amount of money, energy, and marketing focus organizations spend on areas that will not produce growth. Why advertise that the customer is number one when the personnel have not been trained in customer service? When customers arrive, they will know the difference between an employee who has been trained to give service and one who hasn't. Slick brochures and catchy slogans will never overcome incompetent leadership.

In 1981 I became Senior Pastor of Skyline Wesleyan Church in San Diego, California. This congregation averaged 1,000 in attendance from 1969 to 1981, and it was on an obvious plateau. When I assumed leadership responsibilities, the first question I asked was, "Why has the growth stopped?" I needed to find an answer, so I called my first staff meeting and gave a lecture titled The Leadership Line. My thesis was, "Leaders determine the level of an organization." I drew a line across a marker board and wrote the number "1,000." I shared with the staff that for thirteen years the average attendance at Skyline was 1,000. I knew the staff could lead 1,000 people effectively. What I did not know was whether they could lead 2,000 people. So I drew a dotted line and wrote the number 2,000, and I placed a question mark between the two lines. I then drew an arrow from the bottom 1,000 to the top 2,000 line and wrote the word "change."

It would be my responsibility to train them and help them make the necessary changes to reach our new goal. When the leaders changed positively, I knew the growth would become automatic. Now, I had to help them change themselves, or I knew I would literally have to change them by hiring others to take their place.

From 1981 to 1995 I gave this lecture at Skyline on three occasions. The last time, the number 4,000 was placed on the top line. As I discovered, the numbers changed, but the lecture didn't. The strength of any organization is a direct result of the strength of its leaders. Weak leaders equal weak organizations. Strong leaders equal strong organizations. Everything rises and falls on leadership.

Potential Leaders Help Carry the Load

Businessman Rolland Young said, "I am a self-made man, but I think if I had it to do over again, I would call in someone else!" Usually leaders fail to develop other leaders either because they lack training or because they possess wrong attitudes about allowing and encouraging others to come alongside them. Often, leaders wrongly believe that they must compete with the people close to them instead of working with them. Great leaders have a different mind-set. In Profiles in Courage, President John F. Kennedy wrote, "The best way to go along is to get along with others." This kind of positive interaction can happen only if the leader has an attitude of interdependency with others and is committed to win-win relationships.

Take a look at differences between the two views leaders possess about people:

Winning Winning by Competitiveness by Cooperation

Look at others as enemies Look at others as friends Concentrate on yourself Concentrate on others Become suspicious of others Become supportive of others Win only if you are good Win if you or others are good Winning determined by your Winning determined by the skills skills of many Small victory Large victory Some joy Much joy There are winners and losers There are only winners

Peter Drucker was correct when he said, "No executive has ever suffered because his people were strong and effective." The leaders around me lift my load in many ways. Here are two of the most important ones:

1. They become a sounding board for me. As a leader, I sometimes hear counsel that I don't want to hear but need to hear. That's the advantage of having leaders around you-having people who know how to make decisions. Followers tell you what you want to hear. Leaders tell you what you need to hear.

I have always encouraged those closest to me to give me advice on the front end. In other words, an opinion before a decision has potential value. An opinion after the decision has been made is worthless. Alex Agase, a college football coach, once said, "If you really want to give me advice, do it on Saturday afternoon between one and four o'clock, when you've got twenty-five seconds to do it, between plays. Don't give me advice on Monday. I know the right thing to do on Monday."

2. They possess a leadership mind-set. Fellow leaders do more than work with the leader, they think like the leader. It gives them the power to lighten the load. This becomes invaluable in areas such as decision making, brainstorming, and providing security and direction to others.

A majority of my time is spent away from the office speaking at conferences and events. Therefore, it is essential that I have leaders in my organizations who can carry on effectively while I am gone. And they do. It happens because I have spent my life finding and developing potential leaders. The results are very gratifying.

This leadership mind-set of sharing the load is wonderfully demonstrated by, of all things, geese, as illustrated by Tom Worsham:

When you see geese heading south for the winter flying along in a "V" formation, you might be interested in knowing that science has discovered why they fly that way. Research has revealed that as each bird flaps its wings, it creates an uplift for the bird immediately behind it. By flying in a "V" formation, the whole flock adds at least 71 percent greater flying range than if each bird flew on its own. (People who share a common direction and sense of community get where they are going more quickly and easily because they are traveling on one another's thrust.)

Whenever a goose falls out of formation, it suddenly feels the drag and resistance of trying to go it alone. It quickly gets back into formation to take advantage of the lifting power of the bird immediately in front. (If we as people have as much sense as a goose, we will stay in formation and so will those who are headed the same way we are.) When the lead goose gets tired, he rotates back in the "V" and another goose flies the point. (It pays to take turns doing hard jobs.)

The geese honk from behind to encourage those up front to keep up their speed. (What do we say when we honk from behind?)

And finally, when a goose gets sick, or is wounded by gunfire and falls out, two other geese fall out of formation and follow it down to help and protect it. They stay with the goose until it is either able to fly again or dead, and then they launch out on their own or with another formation to catch up with their group. (If we have the sense of a goose, we will stand by each other like that.)

Whoever was the first to call another person a "silly goose" didn't know enough about geese!

Leaders Attract Potential Leaders

Birds of a feather really do flock together. I really believe that it takes a leader to know a leader, grow a leader, and show a leader. I have also found that it takes a leader to attract a leader.

Attraction is the obvious first step, yet I find many people in leadership positions who are unable to accomplish this task. True leaders are able to attract potential leaders because:

Leaders think like them.

Leaders express feelings that other leaders sense.

Leaders create an environment that attracts potential leaders.

Leaders are not threatened by people with great potential.

For example, a person in a leadership position who is a "5" on a scale of 1 to 10 will not attract a leader who is a "9." Why? Because leaders naturally size up any crowd and migrate to other leaders who are at the same or higher level.

Any leader who has only followers around him will be called upon to continually draw on his own resources to get things done. Without other leaders to carry the load, he will become fatigued and burnt out. Have you asked yourself lately, "Am I tired?" If the answer is yes, you may have a good reason for it, as this humorous story illustrates:

Somewhere in the world there is a country with a population of 220 million. Eighty-four million are over sixty years of age, which leaves 136 million to do the work. People under twenty years of age total 95 million, which leaves 41 million to do the work.

There are 22 million employed by the government, which leaves 19 million to do the work. Four million are in the Armed Forces, which leaves 15 million to do the work. Deduct 14,800,000, the number in state and city offices, and that leaves 200,000 to do the work. There are 188,000 in hospitals or insane asylums, so that leaves 12,000 to do the work.

It is of interest to note that in this country 11,998 people are in jail, so that leaves just two people to carry the load. That's you and me-and brother, I'm getting tired of doing everything myself!

Unless you want to carry the whole load yourself, you need to be developing leaders.

Leaders Who Mentor Potential Leaders Multiply Their Effectiveness

Not long ago, at a conference where management expert Peter Drucker was speaking, thirty of my leaders and I were continually challenged to produce and mentor other leaders. Peter asked us, "Who will take your place?" He kept emphasizing, "There is no success without a successor."

I left that meeting with one resolve: I was going to produce leaders who could produce other leaders. No longer was it enough to grow by adding leaders. Now, my focus was upon multiplying those leaders. To accomplish this, I began to train my leaders to learn the fine art of setting parameters and priorities. I wanted them to gain a deep understand of our goals and then go out into our organization and train others to someday replace them or help carry the load.

At that time, the board of my organization became my focus for developing leaders. In 1989 one-half of my board members were brand new, and the group faced major decisions on a $35 million relocation project. I was concerned. Could decisions of such magnitude be made by rookies? However, my fears subsided at the next board retreat when I discovered that every new board member had been mentored by former, experienced members. The old board had heard me and implemented my teachings, and the new board was now benefiting. The new members had come into their positions already running with the rest of us. It was then that I realized an important lesson: Leaders create and inspire new leaders by instilling faith in their leadership abilities and helping them develop and hone leadership skills they don't know they possess.


Excerpted from Desarrolle Los Lideres Que Estan Alrededor de Usted / Developing the Leaders Around You by John C. Maxwell Copyright © 1996 by John C. Maxwell. Excerpted by permission.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

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