Edward Elgar and His World

Edward Elgar and His World

by Byron Adams
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Princeton University Press
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Princeton University Press
Edward Elgar and His World

Edward Elgar and His World

by Byron Adams
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Edward Elgar (1857-1934) is undoubtedly one of the most fascinating, important, and influential figures in the history of British music. He rose from humble beginnings and achieved fame with music that to this day is beloved by audiences in England, and his work has secured an enduring legacy worldwide. Leading scholars examine the composer's life in Edward Elgar and His World, presenting a comprehensive portrait of both the man and the age in which he lived.

Elgar's achievement is remarkably varied and wide-ranging, from immensely popular works like the famous Pomp and Circumstance March no. 1—a standard feature of American graduations—to sweeping masterpieces like his great oratorio The Dream of Gerontius. The contributors explore Elgar's Catholicism, which put him at odds with the prejudices of Protestant Britain; his glorification of British colonialism; his populist tendencies; his inner life as an inspired autodidact; the aristocratic London drawing rooms where his reputation was made; the class prejudice with which he contended throughout his career; and his anguished reaction to World War I. Published in conjunction with the 2007 Bard Music Festival and the 150th anniversary of Elgar's birth, this elegant and thought-provoking volume illuminates the greatness of this accomplished English composer and brings vividly to life the rich panorama of Victorian and Edwardian Britain.

The contributors are Byron Adams, Leon Botstein, Rachel Cowgill, Sophie Fuller, Daniel M. Grimley, Nalini Ghuman Gwynne, Deborah Heckert, Charles Edward McGuire, Matthew Riley, Alison I. Shiel, and Aidan J. Thomson.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9780691134468
Publisher: Princeton University Press
Publication date: 08/19/2007
Series: The Bard Music Festival , #18
Edition description: New Edition
Pages: 312
Sales rank: 671,051
Product dimensions: 6.00(w) x 9.25(h) x (d)

About the Author

Byron Adams is professor of composition and musicology at the University of California, Riverside. He is the coeditor of Vaughan Williams Essays.

Read an Excerpt

Edward Elgar and His World

Princeton University Press
Copyright © 2007
Princeton University Press
All right reserved.

ISBN: 978-0-691-13446-8

Chapter One Measure of a Man: Catechizing Elgar's Catholic Avatars


In Memoriam (I): The Pan-Christian Avatar, or "What Is the Meaning of Prayers for the Dead?"

In the back of the nave of Worcester Cathedral is the Elgar Window, a memorial to the composer Edward Elgar. This window is an adornment the cathedral holds with pride: besides the requisite postcards, pamphlets, and Pitkin guides for sale in the gift shop, signs pointing the way to the window are attached to the walls of the cathedral itself, greeting visitors as they enter from the north door. The window, designed by Archibald Nicholson, was the result of an appeal by Ivor Atkins (friend of Elgar's and longtime organist of Worcester Cathedral) and the dean of the cathedral, William Moore-Ede. Its construction proceeded rapidly in the ancient building, and the dedication occurred on September 3, 1935 at the Worcester meeting of the Three Choirs Festival, a little over a year after Elgar's death. As was fitting for a fallen cultural hero, Viscount Cobham, then Lord Lieutenant of Worcester, unveiled the memorial.

The Elgar window is an idealized representation of several scenes from The Dream of Gerontius. It is constructed of three panels, capped by six smaller arched windows (figure 1). In the center, Gerontius appears in two manifestations. In the lowestpanel, he is the sick, dying old man from Part I of the oratorio. His attendants pray for him, underscored by the text "Go forth upon thy journey, Christian Soul" (Part I, rehearsal number 69). This prayer sends the viewer into the second segment of the window above, where Gerontius, transformed into the Soul, is borne aloft toward the throne of Christ by an obviously masculine Angel. Surrounding the throne, right, left, and above, are other angels hovering around a rainbow; they sing a hymn (from Part II of Gerontius, rehearsal number 60), "Praise to the Holiest in the height, and in the depths be praise." The window's side panels feature holy figures, including local saints with nationalistic connotations-Dunstan, Oswald, and Wulstan-the musical figures Saint Cecilia and Gregory the Great, plus a number of the persons mentioned in the Part I prayers of Gerontius, which are labeled for those not familiar with popular hagiographic iconography. Close by the window is a more specific memorial plaque (figure 2), with the inscription "Edward Elgar O.M., Master of the King's Musick, 1857-1934, Proficiscere Anima Christiana De Hoc Mundo." This Latin phrase, drawn from the liturgy, is sung by the Priest at the end of the first part of Gerontius (Part I, rehearsal number 68).

For the window's dedication, "Nimrod" from the Variations on an Original Theme, op. 36 (the Enigma Variations) followed Ludwig van Beethoven's Drei Equale for trombones. An afternoon performance of The Dream of Gerontius (in the time slot traditionally reserved at the Three Choirs Festival for Felix Mendelssohn's Elijah) completed the day's events.

That these memorials were appropriate to Elgar is not in question. After all, at the time of his death on February 23, 1934, he was Britain's "official composer," a status publicly acknowledged by his being made a baronet and awarded the Order of Merit, and in his position as Master of the King's Musick. Even if his music was not at the time as revolutionary or relevant as that of a younger generation of British composers, the program to proclaim him as "essentially English" or even "quintessentially English"-and therefore a totem of nationalism-had already begun. Worcester was proud of its native son, and there was no place more appropriate to begin memorializing him than within the walls of its most famous building.

Yet both Elgar's memorial window and plaque would not have been deemed appropriate in Worcester Cathedral at the time of the premiere of Gerontius in 1900. After the English Reformation, the cathedral had become an Anglican building. Elgar at his own death was at least nominally a practicing Catholic and the texts chosen for both memorials were from "The Dream of Gerontius," a poem by the notorious nineteenthcentury Catholic convert, Cardinal John Henry Newman. Although Elgar softened some of the doctrinal edges of the poem, his oratorio remained a celebration of mystical, even fervent Catholicism-so much so that its performance was banned for nearly a decade in Gloucester Cathedral as "inappropriate," and performances in the Anglican cathedrals at Worcester and Hereford took place only after large segments of the text were bowdlerized, removing the more objectionable Catholic elements. In the space of three decades, then, Elgar's religion was deemphasized and defused enough by his fame that he could be seen not as Catholic but as a sort of pan-Christian.

The risk of such an interpretation of Elgar is that it both oversimplifies and undervalues his Catholic influences. To have been memorialized so easily within a church of a different faith calls into question the strength and importance of his faith. One conclusion could be that Elgar's faith was weak. Through numerous anecdotal examples, Jerrold Northrop Moore offers this opinion in his biography Edward Elgar: A Creative Life. Discussing the confirmation of Elgar's daughter, Carice, Moore presents Elgar as having a lack of regard for both religion and his daughter. Moore states that neither Edward nor Alice Elgar attended Carice's confirmation-the sacrament in which a Catholic publicly proclaims his or her religion. Instead, Moore maintains, the Elgars deputized Rosa Burley-not herself a Catholic-to take care of the effort on June 11, 1903, while Elgar stayed at home to work on The Apostles. The anecdote is an interesting one, and it does a great deal to solidify Moore's case; however, it is not true. Carice Elgar was confirmed on May 19, 1907 (Pentecost), long after Moore's date of 1903, as is made clear in Carice's letter of 24 May 1907 to the Leicester family and by the confirmation register at Belmont Abbey (figure 3). Rosa Burley had nothing to do with the matter. May Grafton, Elgar's niece who was a Catholic, acted as Carice's sponsor, and both Edward and Alice Elgar attended, along with Alfred Kalisch and Julia "Pippa" Worthington; according to Alice's diary, they had tea with the bishop after the ceremony.

Such anecdotes make for lasting impressions, however, and Moore and others use them continually to press an interpretation of Elgar's faith as weak. This has become the position of the popular Elgar press, maintained at the time of this writing on the Web site of the Elgar Society:

It is therefore perhaps inevitable that, when he produced The Dream of Gerontius, a setting of a poem by a Roman Catholic Cardinal which explores various tenets of the Catholic faith, people should jump to the conclusion that his Catholicism underlay his whole life. But his faith was never that strong.

Faith, of course (or lack of it), is not the point. Even if Elgar's faith was "never that strong" the experiences he had as a Catholic youth and a composer rising to fame affected his compositional output, his relationships with others, and, in short, his whole life. No matter what the state of his faith, Elgar was-and remained-culturally Catholic. His early Catholic roots influenced his view of the world around him and conditioned Britain's view of him. The popular presentation of faith "never that strong" is an anachronism. It takes a view from the late twentieth century, when ritual secularism largely replaced religion in Great Britain, and ascribes it to an age when all Christian religions, including Elgar's Catholicism, were steeped in ritualistic practices that were both spiritual and cultural.

The popular negating of Elgar's Catholicism both at his death and today serves an obvious end: it makes Elgar's music safer, more palatable for a British audience. In essence, it creates an avatar for Elgar as the "essentially English composer" beyond the reach of any of the complicating factors of partisan religion. An avatar is the embodiment of an archetype. As a manifestation of a symbol or a motif, it is akin to both an interpretation (when applied to an individual from an external person or source) and a disguise (when applied to an individual by him- or herself). The avatar might be built from certain elements of the individual, refracted and interpreted to point toward a specific meaning, or it might be an honest representation of that individual. The Elgar memorialized in Worcester Cathedral in 1935 was interpreted by those around him as "Pan-Christian," just as many today interpret a lack of faith in Elgar as another avatar, "Weak Faith." It is not surprising that both academic and popular scholars would attempt to transform Elgar in such a way. Doing so sheds responsibility for some of the more problematic compositions Elgar created, including The Apostles and The Kingdom, and allows us to concentrate more on his secular instrumental compositions. Creating a newer avatar for Elgar also seems wholly rational and reasonable, given that Elgar himself devised so many over the course of his own life, from the itinerant Victorian-era inventor to the English gentleman, uninterested in music. Contriving the Weak Faith and the Pan-Christian avatars satisfies the need to safely negate his Catholicism-what John Butt presciently called the "most 'foreign'" aspect of Elgar's background-while making the composer safely "English." Further, this strategy serves to validate the often banal and even boorish statements Elgar made to interviewers, anecdote-publishing friends, and the like.

The purpose of this essay is to trace Elgar's history of, and responses to, Catholicism against the backdrop of Catholic history in Great Britain throughout his life, from 1857 until 1934. This era witnessed profound changes for Catholicism in England, including an increased civil role for English Catholics within society as a whole, the growth to greater numbers through both conversion and Irish immigration, fundamental shifts in English-Catholic doctrine, and the struggles of Catholicism-like all religions of the time-against Liberalism and the application of scientific evidence and reasoning to questions of faith and perceived wisdom. Continual prejudice against Catholics and Catholicism was a simple fact within Elgar's world, and the composer's perception of this prejudice, along with such prejudice itself, colored his moods, reactions, and judgments. All of these elements were in flux throughout Elgar's lifetime, and their impact on his beliefs and his approach to Catholic culture and English culture were profound. His beliefs were fluid throughout his life, and thus he created a set of multiple avatars to facilitate self-representation. Criticism and biography, in turn, have accepted the later, more cynical Weak Faith avatar at face value without questioning the truth of it or its earlier manifestations. Consequently, throughout this investigation, I will catechize Elgar's Catholic avatars, those he created for himself and the varied embodiments he projected to his friends, family, and the public at three stages in his life.

The catechism is the Catholic profession of faith: a set of ritualistic questions posed to children during religion classes and sometimes within certain masses. When you "catechize" an individual, you probe his or her beliefs. Although the avatars to be examined include the posthumous one (Pan-Christian), already briefly examined, the bulk of this study will test the avatar present during Elgar's youth, the "Faithful Child." This will include a detailed examination of Catholic education during the era to locate the sources of Elgar's childhood systems of belief. Shorter discussions of avatars present during his marriage and the early years of his success (the "Publicly Faithful" avatar), as well as from 1905 until his death (the "Weak Faith" avatar) will be examined to ascertain his relationship to the religion of his birth and how cultural Catholic elements affected his life and compositions. Catechizing these avatars will show that despite making light of Catholicism and all religions throughout the last decades of his life, and even moving toward elements of a nature-loving secularism, Catholic tenets retained a strong hold upon Elgar.

English Catholicism in the Mid-Nineteenth Century, or "How Do You Prove That the Pope or Bishop of Rome Is the Successor of St. Peter?"

Elgar, who was born in 1857, was alive during one of the most tumultuous times in English Catholic history. Until 1791, Catholicism was outlawed as a religion in England, with exceptions made for embassy chapels of foreign governments; prior to this Catholics often had to worship in secret, and a permanent Catholic infrastructure in England was impossible. The right to worship freely was given in 1791 and basic rights of franchise and political office were granted to Catholics under the Emancipation Act of 1829. After centuries of prohibition, the reestablishment of the Catholic hierarchy in England in 1850 turned what had been a "mission church" in England into a permanent one, with dioceses, parishes, and typical church organizational structures, including the presence of permanent bishops and cardinals. This event, along with the 1869-1870 doctrines of papal infallibility (the belief that when the Pope spoke ex cathedra he could not err on matters of Church doctrine) and the immaculate conception (the belief that the Virgin Mary was born free of the taint of original sin) caused a great deal of Protestant protest and even riots against Catholics, and remained a constant problem within England until the mid-1870s. But such factors, though engaging and damaging, paled in comparison to the attention given to internal questions that arose within nineteenth-century English Catholicism. During Elgar's life, the three major groups of English Catholics-the Old Catholics, including the family of his boyhood friend Hubert Leicester; the converts to Catholicism, including his first teacher, Caroline Walsh, and his own mother, Ann Elgar; and Irish-immigrant Catholics-held a constant, often rancorous conversation about the direction the English Catholic Church should take. Elgar experienced directly the first two of these three groups.

Each of these Catholic constituencies had different intellectual, political, and class bearings, and each has been studied in independent ways, often at odds with the other. Questions of doctrine and subsequent change have been examined but often focus solely on a perceived shift from the culture of Old English Catholicism to Ultramontanism. The Old English Catholics were mapped as reserved, intellectually naive, inclined to yield diplomatically to the Protestant majority in most things, and class-stratified. Most of the Old English Catholics were landed gentry, farmers, and agricultural laborers. Rather than agitating directly for political equality, as the immigrant Irish Catholics and converts did, the Old English Catholics were generally moderate if not conservative in their demands regarding political power and their place within English society. For much of the nineteenth century, the Old English Catholics had great difficulty responding to the needs of either the immigrant Irish or the converts because they had spent much of their lives isolated from other classes. Even aspects of aesthetics differed. The Old English Catholics favored Gothic designs. Immigrant Irish Catholics in general thought such neo-Gothic buildings were too expensive, particularly in new urban Catholic enclaves. Catholic converts, who tended to be Ultramontanists, feared that a Catholic Gothic revival would lead English Catholics to emphasize a national character of Catholicism instead of an international one.


Excerpted from Edward Elgar and His World
Copyright © 2007 by Princeton University Press. Excerpted by permission.
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Table of Contents

Acknowledgments     ix
Permissions     xi
Of Worcester and London: An Introduction   Byron Adams     xiii
Measure of a Man: Catechizing Elgar's Catholic Avatars   Charles Edward McGuire     3
Elgar the Escapist?   Matthew Riley     39
Elgar and the Persistence of Memory   Byron Adams     59
"The Spirit-Stirring Drum": Elgar and Populism   Daniel M. Grimley     97
Early Reviews of The Apostles in British Periodicals   Aidan J. Thomson     127
Charles Sanford Terry and Elgar's Violin Concerto   Alison I. Shiel     173
Elgar's Critical Critics   Aidan J. Thomson     193
Elgar and the Salons: The Significance of a Private Musical World   Sophie Fuller     223
Elgar and the British Raj: Can the Mughals March?   Nalini Ghuman     249
Working the Crowd: Elgar, Class, and Reformulations of Popular Culture at the Turn of the Twentieth Century   Deborah Heckert     287
Elgar's War Requiem   Rachel Cowgill     317
Transcending the Enigmas of Biography: The Cultural Context of Sir Edward Elgar's Career   Leon Botstein     365
Index     409
Notes on the Contributors     423
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